Don't you find it odd that we are being told by multiple states that we will not know the results of the election for several weeks. The midterm elections we knew very quickly because things are automated. Doesn't it seem like giving somebody weeks to count the ballots increases the chances that there will be irregularities?

The Democrats have tried to pass laws this year both federally and at the state level that would make it a criminal infraction to question the outcome of the election or even to challenge the outcome of an election based upon claims of voter fraud. Why would they need to preemptively prevent people from investigating something that should be investigated?

Let's look at some current facts and situations that might give you the answer. In February of this year 78,421 people registered to vote in the state of Missouri. The registrations were reviewed to ensure that these people are eligible to vote in Missouri. They found out that about 1/3 we're actually dead people.

Depending on where you look, the population of Michigan is currently somewhere between 9.98 million and 10.04 million people. The number of registered voters in the state sits at 8.73 million. As of a couple of months ago state records say that 2.15 million people of that population are under the age of 18 so they would not be eligible voters. There are other estimates that say of the adults in the state somewhere between 300 and 700,000 are non-citizens. In other words, they're there on work visas or college visas etcetera. Even if we don't count those people the math says there are approximately 840,000 registered voters more than there should be in this state. You can go to Wisconsin Pennsylvania Arizona and get similar numbers.

Voters in Georgia, Texas, and Tennessee are already reporting significant irregularities in the voting process. In Dallas many of the electronic voting machines could not pass the certification test that confirms if you push a button for a certain candidate, it will be recorded for that candidate. However the clerk decided they will continue to use those machines.

In White Church Township, Voters reported that the printed ballot did not reflect the buttons they pushed on the computer screen to record their vote. Amazingly almost every one of them said they voted for Donald Trump but their paper ballot showed it was recorded for Kamala Harris. There are multiple videos showing voters in many of these locations telling people standing in line to be sure to check the paper ballot that is printed after you use the computer to ensure it accurately recorded your vote.

In Whitfield Georgia similar complaints as well as electronic tabulating machines rejecting ballots that appeared to be free of errors. That means these ballots have to go through a verification process and then hand counted.

In Pennsylvania a woman was arrested after she was observed harvesting absentee ballots. There was also an allegation that another woman was going to private mailboxes and pull up absentee ballots. She allegedly had two postal service boxes full of ballots when she was arrested.

Quite simply this is the tip of the iceberg. There is very little trust by the American people in the election process. With good reason. As I voted Thursday morning, when I was choosing the candidates for president, US representative, US senator, I had the feeling that this election is the most significant in the history of this country. I also felt strongly that I did not trust the process and that the announced results would not accurately reflect the voice of the American people.

If you think your vote does not count, you couldn't be more wrong. We must turn out in numbers that make it highly unlikely manipulation of the outcome would be successful. The choice this time is between an irreversible march towards tyranny which is being disguised as socialism or returning our country to the freedom that we have enjoyed for most of our lives.