As I have said before, every media report is biased in some way. Sometimes that bias is legitimate and at other times it is the worst kind of "reporting" that is designed to accomplish a goal rather than report the facts. The propaganda media sees that their favorite politicians are losing control and power. They have kicked their misinformation and lying campaigns into high gear to try and combat the will of the people.

I have an acquaintance who works in the health care industry. She went on a very emotional rant recently about Donald Trump banning access to abortion from a federal level. I did a little research and found several articles that made that claim. KFF Health News reported that Trump had already gone back on his promise to leave the abortion issue to the states. Judith Rovner backed up her claim by saying Donald Trump had dropped a lawsuit filed by the Joe Biden administration against the state of Idaho. Idaho has the most restrictive bans on abortion and the lawsuit was designed to overturn some provisions of the law. Dropping the lawsuit is the exact opposite of what Ms. Rovner claims it is. Trump's action is actually leaving the decision up to the States and getting the federal government out of the issue. Further claim that his enforcement of the Hyde amendment, which bans some spending, to promote abortion or pay for abortions in certain cases is also further evidence that he is going back on his promise. But again, he's enforcing the law that keeps the federal government out of the issue.

The media is suppressing or lying about another accomplishment of this administration. Governor Newsom and FEMA representatives had said phase one of the cleanup of the Los Angeles fires would take 18 months. Under Trump's direction, the EPA worked with the Army Corps of engineers and the Department of Homeland Security to develop and execute a plan that accomplished the goal of phase one in 29 days. Rather than celebrate this accomplishment, Reuters, the AP, CNN, and others focused on complaints of residents about the location of the processing areas that sorted through the debris determining what would go to a landfill and what needed further processing for potential toxic materials. Quite simply phase one completion means people can get back in their homes much more quickly.

We are constantly told that conservatives not only hate members of the LGBQT plus community but that we are committing open acts of violence and discrimination against them. But when you ask them for examples of violence against members of that community, especially the transgender community, they cannot come up with specific examples. Have you heard the name Sam Nordquist? I doubt it. Sam lives as a transgender male. Just before Christmas he traveled to New York City to meet someone he had met online and had a romantic interest in. Over the next month he was tortured and made to do unspeakable things. Simply because of what he was. The reason you have not heard about his case is because the seven people involved in his torture are also members of the alphabet mafia. The media cannot have this type of story in the public realm because it goes against their narrative.

During the Biden administration's four years in office, the New York Times refused to fact check their actions. Now that Donald Trump is back in office, they are regularly fact checking the actions coming out of the White House. I thought they claimed to be an unbiased organization that was the icon of reporting.

We can go on with the examples ad nauseam. But I think you get the idea. It's interesting to note that every time I ask the members of the meme brigade for a specific example of what they claim to be happening, they cannot. Instead, they turned to name calling and slander, which proves, as a wise philosopher once said, that they have lost the argument on the fact.