During the pandemic the phrase "trust the science" became popular. The truth behind that phrase was that we needed to trust the 'science' that was promoted by the federal bureaucracy in order to justify the actions they were taking. They had to silence qualified professionals that disagreed with the claims made about science. That philosophy has been extended into other parts of our society specifically gender identity, sexual identity, and so on.

I was watching a video in which Erica Komisar, a psychoanalyst, author, and parent coach, was discussing a study conducted in the United Kingdom. The scientists conducting the study were concerned or interested in why men and women react differently in certain situations. They studied a number of parents and how the mother and the father would react to different stimuli.

For example, a crying baby in the middle of the night will prompt the mother to immediately get out of bed and respond while the father typically sleeps through the incident. However, should there be a strange noise coming from outside the house, the father is the one that will respond immediately.

What the scientists found is that certain hormones drive this behavior. Men have a higher level of vasopressin, which drives their protective instincts. That hormone triggers an instinctive response to the outside stimulus. In the crying baby scenario, according to the authors of the study, the father differentiates between a cry of discomfort and a cry of fear as does the mother. When it is a cry of discomfort the mother's nurturing instinct becomes prevalent causing her to respond, while the husband tries to go back to sleep. If it were a cry of fear, he would react instinctually and rush to the baby's defense.

This study confirmed what has been known and proven before. What many people don't like about this study is that it doesn't confirm their emotional reaction to biological differences between the male and the female of our species. They somehow equate the statements as being a value judgment. That somehow a woman is incapable of being a defender of her family or a man is incapable of being a nurturer. They are drawing inferences where none were made. All the studies says is that there is a scientific reason for the general difference in reaction to our side stimuli between the two genders.

Certainly not everyone reacts the same way because we are not all the same. Some men have higher levels of the hormone that causes us to be protectors while others have a lower level. The same can be said for women. An undeniable truth of life and science is that there are exceptions to almost every 'rule'. Those that don't like the science will try and use the exception to disprove the science. Sadly, many people have adopted this view in order to make themselves feel better or morally superior to others.

The result is we have a couple of generations of young people who have no idea what they are or who they are. Thus, they are confused, they are conflicted when they have feelings that are natural but have been told are the results of things like toxic masculinity. It is a destruction of guiding principles. How many times have we been told that people are born a certain way and must be allowed to live their life in that manner? Yet if a young man acts like a young man, he is told he is toxic even though he was born that way. He is told he must overcome his natural tendencies. Is it any wonder that mental illness is on the rise in young people?