Nuacht Aoir

Leprechaun International Convention
Near Gila

double rainbow over gila casitas de gila guesthouses 25A double rainbow over Gila encouraged leaders of the leprechaun community to meet again in Southwest New Mexico. (The photograph was provided courtesy of Casitas de Gila Guesthouses.)

"You're welcome."

That was the response from Donnchadha the Leprechaun during an interview – an exclusive interview – with Nuacht Aoir on Sunday.

This leprechaun was responding to a question about the role of the leprechaun community in recent activities in Washington. It appears that Nuacht Aoir has uncovered – exclusively – the significant role being played by leprechauns in our nation's capital as well as in a seemingly secure location in Kentucky.

More on that in a moment.

Nuacht Aoir has learned – exclusively – that the Leprechaun International Convention is taking place today, Saint Patrick's Day, near Gila. This is the fourth year that the leprechauns have convened in the region. In 2022, the leprechauns met in Silver City; in 2023, the convention took place in Catron County; and in 2024, this international symposium occurred near Lordsburg.

Donnchadha the Leprechaun, agreed to a short, in-person interview mid-afternoon on Sunday at an undisclosed location near Gila.

(Leprechauns only have one name; a few prominent leprechauns are allowed to add "the Leprechaun" to their name. Donnchadha is one of the more prominent Irish leprechauns.)

It appears some of the leprechauns may be staying at Casitas de Gila Guesthouses, but the innkeepers there – Becky and Michael O'Connor – declined to confirm to Nuacht Aoir the names of any specific guests staying there.

Citing the privacy of their guests, the O'Connors said "We welcome guests from throughout the world to visit with us."

The husband and wife stated "We have not seen any leprechauns ourselves, but we have had requests for the best time to see rainbows from our casitas."

They did add that "One guest from Ireland indicated that they have seen leprechauns before and that the leprechauns are known to seek out rainbows. The Irish gentleman said that leprechauns have an affinity for Southwest New Mexico."

Donnchadha the Leprechaun confirmed that affinity in the interview – an exclusive interview – with Nuacht Aoir.

In previous interviews, Donnchadha relayed that the concentration of rainbows in Southwest New Mexico was a major reason the leprechauns first came to the region a few years ago. The number of rainbows that have appeared here continue to intrigue the leprechauns.

"We still don't know why the rainbows occur more frequently in Southwest New Mexico as compared to Cork or Limerick in our native Ireland," stated Donnchadha yesterday near Gila. "We know there were large amounts of kilos of gold mined here in past years. We are determined to find the pots where that gold has been placed."

Donnchadha was asked how the leprechauns entered the United States of America since the borders have been sealed in recent months, Donnchadha – uncharacteristically – smiled.

"Tell me, you stupid humanoid, how do you think we leprechauns have achieved our fame at ingenuity," asked Donnchadha. "While you stupid humanoids watch other stupid humanoids get evicted from your borders, we leprechauns were given free access to come and go as we please. Controlling Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows us freedom that you stupid humanoids would only drool over."

When asked about rumors – okay, gossip started by Nuacht Aoir – that the leprechauns have been active in Washington, Donnchadha took credit for many of the recent activities in Washington and even beyond.

"It was Aindréas the Leprechaun that laid the foundation for DOGE," said Donnchadha (referencing the acronym for the "Department of Government Efficiency"). "You stupid humanoids changed the name from the one initially approved by Aindréas. He had originally used 'DOG-EFSH' – the 'Department of Government Efficiency for Stupid Humanoids' for the structure to allow AI to better control you stupid humanoids."

"The stupid humanoids in charge decided that they did not like being referenced as a canine-like creature," continued Donnchadha. "We leprechauns determined that it was the canines that are actually the ones who are offended by any comparisons to you stupid humanoids."

An example of the potential influence of the leprechaun community on the American government involves coinage.

In 2024, in an exclusive interview near Lordsburg during that year's Leprechaun International Convention, Donnchadha cited the actions of "stupid humanoids" when it came to the coinage of the U S.

In reporting – exclusive reporting – by Nuacht Aoir in 2024, information was included from the "2022 Biennial Report to Congress as Required by the Coin Modernization, Oversight, and Continuity Act of 2010" issued by the United States Mint, U S Department of the Treasury. According to that report, the unit costs for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 were 2.72 cents for a penny coin and 10.41 cents for a nickel coin.

More recent statistics from the U S Mint reflect even greater problems.

According to the 2024 Annual Report of the U S Mint, "The unit cost for pennies (3.69 cents) and nickels (13.78 cents) remained above face value for the 19th consecutive fiscal year."

In other words, it costs almost 4 times the value of a penny to produce a penny and it costs more than 2 times the value of a nickel to produce a nickel.

Donnchadha would not confirm if leprechauns brought this matter to the attention of DOGE, but leaders in Washington have called for the elimination of the penny.

It appears that the leprechaun community may have negotiated an "arrangement" with DOGE to provide a less expensive metal so that the U S Mint could continue producing pennies.

Nuacht Aoir has come to this finding based on determining that the site of the key activity of interest to the leprechauns is not actually in Washington, but is, instead, in Kentucky.

Further, Nuacht Aoir has learned – exclusively – that a leprechaun community has been growing in the region south of Louisville, Kentucky, for more than a year.

Donnchadha was asked if the leprechauns were attempting to gain access to a specific facility in that area – perhaps Fort Knox – known to be the home of many, many pots of gold.

As that question was posed, Donnchadha grew even more annoyed than the annoyance typically associated with elite leprechauns.

"We leprechauns will reclaim our property at a time of our choosing," said Donnchadha as he stormed out of the interview. "DOG-EFSH is working with Aindréas to coordinate the transfer of our property back to our control."

Please note that "property" is another word for "gold" in the leprechaun language.

The Leprechaun International Convention continues today near Gila.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

For further information, please click here.

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