Gila Basin Irrigation Commission
January 27, 2025

The January 27, 2025, meeting of the Gila Basin Irrigation Commission was called to order by Chair David Ogilvie at 6:00 pm in the Conference Room of Amplified Therapy, Cliff, New Mexico.
Present: Charlene Webb, Dusty Hunt, Wendel Hann, Leah Villarreal, Martha Cooper, Destre Shelley, Rose Shoemaker, Zac Runyon, David Ogilvie, Debbie Ivins, Lester Ivins, Peter Russell, BJ Agnew, and, by phone, Steve Caddiz.

A quorum of the Gila Basin Irrigation Commission (GBIC) was determined to be present by the representation of the Upper Gila Irrigation Association, the Fort West Irrigation Association and the Gila Farms Irrigation Association. And, by proxy, the Gila Hot Springs Irrigation Association, the Riverside Irrigation Association, and the Grandpa Harper Irrigation Association.

The minutes of the December 18, 2024, meeting of the GBIC were approved.

Financial Report
The GBIC bank balance of $435.67 was approved.

Shoemaker/NRCS update
The NRCS Shoemaker project plans for flood remediation are acceptable to Rose Shoemaker. ISC will need supporting documentation that Rose has authority to sign on behalf of Bear Paw Ranch for the NRCS easement. She will get that to Destre who will forward it to the ISC.
Further discussion ensued regarding the rights of landowners whose land was eroded by flooding of the river, where waters had receded and were no longer running, to use heavy equipment on this land to protect/repair lost farmland. It was suggested this question be posed to the US Army Corp of Engineers.

Grant County Update
Grant County Manager Charlene Webb updated the GBIC.
• The Interstate Stream Commission (ISC) grant agreement has not been finalized at this time.
• The NRCS, no-cost construction deadline extension, was granted.
• The Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Project Manager for all of the NRCS projects, both in the Mimbres and the Gila Valley, was awarded to High Water Mark. The County is waiting for waiting for approval of the Project Manager contract from their legal counsel.
• It was decided the NRCS projects would go under two RFPs. The priority, and first RFP, will be the Bear Creek Siphon Project, as it is critical for irrigating this upcoming irrigating season. The second RFP will include the other three projects: The Shoemaker, Gila Oak Trust and the Woodrow.
• Grant County will have a review committee, with GBIC representation to review the bids and hire a contractor.

Steve Caddiz, NRCS, reported that all projects on the Gila River will need an Endangered Species Survey. Actual construction may begin after October 1, 2025.
It was noted that for the RFP and construction process to begin, the following constraints must be resolved:
• Finalize the Grant Agreement with the ISC
• Have the NRCS complete project plans
• Finalize and execute the project management agreement with High Water Mark.

The NRCS will inspect projects during and after completion.

Unanswered questions included: "Will the landowner 'own' the project on completion?" "Who assumes maintenance of the project?" Because the projects are for flood remediation, maintenance by landowners may be waived, but this needs to be confirmed with NRCS.

Old Business
Capital Improvement Dollars Awarded
It was noted that the Upper Gila Ditch, the Fort West Ditch and the Gila Farms Ditch have not received their capital outlay funds of $50K each, awarded at the 2023 legislative session, because they haven't finalized their grant agreements nor submitted project plans to Priscilla Lucero at the Council of Governments as to how they plan to utilize the capital outlay dollars awarded. At some point the funds awarded by Representative Terrazas and Senator Hemphil will revert back to the state but the deadline for use is unknown. Respective representatives from these ditches, BJ Agnew, Leah Villerreal and Wendel Han, agreed to set up meetings with Priscilla to shore up use of these funds so the dollars aren't lost.

New Business
Peter Russell mentioned that the ISC and the Water Trust Board are ramping up for the planning and design stage of the Arizona Water Settlements Act (AWSA) monies. It might be possible to create a process for getting projects identified and started.

The next stage is for construction funds.

Next Meeting
February 17, 2025
6:00 pm
Amplified Therapy Conference Room
Cliff, New Mexico
