From the Minutes by BJ Agnew

The Gila Basin Irrigation Commission Chair David Ogilvie called to order  the October 16, 2024, meeting at 6:00 pm  in the Conference Room at Amplified Therapy, Cliff, New Mexico.

Present: Harley Allsup, Wendel Hann, Zac Runyon, Rose Shoemaker, Charlene Webb, David Ogilvie, Debbie Ivins, Lester Ivins, Autumn Bruton, Destre Shelley, BJ Agnew.

A quorum of the Gila Basin Irrigation Commission (GBIC) was determined to be present by the representation of the Upper Gila Irrigation Association, the Fort West Irrigation Association, and the Gila Farms Irrigation Association. And, by proxy, the Gila Hot Springs Irrigation Association, the Riverside Irrigation Association, and the Grandpa Harper Irrigation Association.

The minutes of the September 16, 2024, meeting of the GBIC were approved.

Financial Report

The GBIC bank balance of $435.67 was approved.


AWSA Committee

There are currently 5 GBIC/National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) projects in the Cliff-Gila Valley. The NRCS funds 75% with 25% coming from other sources. It may be possible to use the left over GBIC AWSA funding as a match for the NRCS. Two issues that have come up are NRCS deadlines and New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (ISC) deadlines. The GBIC should follow up regarding the Bear Creek Revetment fence on the Fort West Ditch. One of the questions asked of Maya Clifford of the ISC was "what if we can't get all projects done due to cost?"

There is a risk in bringing all five projects forward, but Ms. Clifford suggested moving forward with all five projects. She, as well as Charlene Webb, Grant County Manager, will be putting pressure on the NRCS.

Grant County will put out a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Project Manager as the County has funding to hire a Project Manager. To move forward landowner easements need to be acquired within 30 days.

Grant County will ask the NRCS to extend the deadline. The NRCS will be asked to attend the next GBIC meeting. A motion was passed to make Destre Shelley the GBIC project representative. If the GBIC does move forward, Destre Shelley will present a letter to the ISC on October 25, 2024.

Capital Improvement Grant agreements update:

Autumn Bruton, Gila Farms Ditch, will follow up with Priscilla Lucero, Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments executive director, to finish the document.

The Upper Gila Ditch has no dollars.

It is unknown the status of the funding for the Fort West Ditch.

Destre Shelley will be the GBIC delegate to attend the Congreso de las Acequias in Las Vegas on Nov. 15-16, 2024

Action Items for Consideration

Revised Letter of Intention AWSA monies:

A motion to Revise the Letter of Intention for AWSA monies was passed.

Resolution: AWSA monies

A Resolution for the amended use of AWSA monies was presented. A motion to accept the Resolution was passed.

Old Business


A motion was made and passed to postpone elections.

New Business


Next Meeting

The next meeting of the GBIC will be held on November 20, 2024.
Time and place to be announced.


7:38 pm