Gila Basin Irrigation Commission

September 16, 2024

By B.J. Agnew

[Editor's Note: The "we" and "us" in the minutes refer to the GBIC .]

Gila Basin Irrigation Chair David Ogilvie Commission called the September 16, 2024, meeting to order at 6:05 pm at the conference Room at Amplified Therapy, Cliff, New Mexico.

Present: Destre Shelley, Wendel Hann, Martha Cooper, Jubal Williamson, Neil Kaspar, David Ogilvie, Lindy Williamson, Don Stailey, Linda Stailey, Jennifer Kaspar, Peter Russell, Gregor Hamilton, Lester Ivins, Rose Shoemaker, BJ Agnew. And, via Zoom, Priscilla Lucero, Maya Clifford, and Autumn Bruton.

A quorum of the Gila Basin Irrigation Commission (GBIC) was determined to be present by the representation of the Upper Gila Irrigation Association, the Fort West Irrigation Association, the Gila Farms Irrigation Association, and the Riverside Irrigation Association. And, by proxy, the Gila Hot Springs Irrigation Association, and the Grandpa Harper Irrigation Association.

Financial Report

The Bank Balance of the GBIC is $435.67.


Each Ditch Status

The Gila Farms reported nothing new, sufficient water on turns and a beaver dam at the diversion headgate.
The Upper Gila is the same as in August. Not on turns.
Fort West is on turns.
There seems to be an adequate amount of water for all three ditches. Thanks to Lester Ivins for monitoring, and adjusting as necessary, the flow rates of each ditch.

Capital Improvement grant agreements/update.

Priscilla Lucero, New Mexico Council of Governments (NMCOG), reported that the grants were late being sent out. We should have received them last year. Each ditch association needs to make sure that all the information on the grant is correct. The budget form needs to be filled out. The document can be filled out electronically with Adobe. She would appreciate being cc'd when the form is sent back. Each ditch needs to keep up with being audit compliant. Once submitted, the Interstate Stream Commission (ISC) will send it back to the GBIC, through Priscilla. These are reimbursement funds. The ditches need to have a good comprehensive plan. Maya Clifford with the ISC stated that the ISC has specific things to look at on the invoices. GBIC needs to send the invoices to the ISC, and they will pay the contractor directly. Procurement codes will need to be followed.

Upper Gila Ditch Association proposed diversion ad-hoc sub-committee recommendations

The ad-hoc committee met and developed a preliminary "sticky note" plan. Maya Clifford gave a recap of funds available. There are regional water planning groups with laterals. Southwest New Mexico has a lateral with Arizona Water Settlements Act (AWSA) money. The GBIC has $928,000 remaining from the defunct Upper Gila Irrigation Diversion Project. The ISC would like to see us use these funds on irrigation-related projects. The ISC would like to fully fund us at the January 25, 2025, meeting. Scopes of Work (SOW's) will be needed.

In May, the GBIC sent the ISC a letter of intent to use these funds. Ms. Clifford has templates that we will be able to fill out with the information that the ISC needs.

The ad-hoc committee has as a Proposed GBIC Project to assess all potential stakeholder water utilization projects that meet water supply demands. The proposed deliverables are a GBIC water project master plan identifying and prioritizing future projects that is flexible and changeable and can be reassessed as needed. The proposed plan will be a phased approach with a full-time Project Manager to help expand the capacity of the GBIC and find a Fiscal Agent as Phase One. There was discussion, and confusion, over the Fiscal Agent. The SWCOG could function as Fiscal Agent, however there are some sticking points. The GBIC would work with the SWCOG, in any case, for knowledge at that level. The GBIC does not want the Fiscal Agent to be the Project Manager.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) could use these dollars for professional services if the request is in the Master Plan. The RFP should include Planning and Design as well. The GBIC needs to move fast to complete this Master Plan so that it can be presented January 25, 2025. The ISC will help the GBIC. Other funds are available, i.e. Water Trust Board. The ISC will share Project Management to some degree. The GBIC may need to ask for a time extension. We might be able to use the University or hire a consultant to develop a Master Plan.
A motion to proceed with the GBIC Water Project Master Plan was passed.

NRCS updates

The National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) has approved the Gila Farms Headgate and the Upper Gila projects. However, there are no designs currently. There will be a meeting to discuss alternatives to the Upper Gila deigns.

Action Items for Consideration

Open Meetings Act

A motion to adopt the Open Meetings Act Resolution was passed.

Old Business


A motion to postpone elections to the next meeting was passed.

New Business


Next meeting

The next meeting of the GBIC will be held on October 16, 2024, at 6:00 pm at the Amplified Therapy Conference Room in Cliff, New Mexico.


8:06 pm