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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}SILVER CITY, NM - A report released in May 2024 by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions found that there were 6,017 unfilled registered nurse positions statewide this spring. Shortages in nursing staff have been linked to a higher level of error in patient care, adverse patient outcomes, and increased mortality.
WNMU is positioned to help expand the state's nursing workforce through its School of Nursing and Kinesiology. Since WNMU graduated its first class of nursing students in 1993, the university's programs in nursing have changed and grown, but the school's role in meeting community needs has remained a common thread.
Five area students have been awarded 2024 HMS Scholarships in their pursuit of careers or degrees in the healthcare field. The HMS Scholarship Program is open to eligible high school students in both Hidalgo and Grant Counties.
Natali Caldera is a graduate of Lordsburg High School and plans to pursue a career as a Pharmacist.
Featured in this email:
Give Grandly 2024
Surpasses Expectations
Silver City -- Major upgrades and improvements to 32nd Street are nearly complete, following construction delays that were due primarily to utility cables that weren't buried deep enough. Contractors were at last able to complete lane striping and final details on this east-west thoroughfare from Swan Street east, and the final section from just east of Gila Regional Medical Center to Pinos Altos Road is expected to be finished by mid-June. Improvements include new curb and gutter, significant drainage improvements, new sidewalks, drive pads, ADA-accessible intersections, lane striping to include bike lanes, and new signage.
The project was funded by two grants totaling nearly $4.35 million; $2.176 million from the Colonias Infrastructure Fund plus $2.183 million from the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT), which together cover nearly the entire cost of the project. Approximately $332,500 will come from town revenues. The survey and design process was also funded by NMDOT grant funds.
The 2024 Nancy Chaplin P.E.O. Foundation Scholarship recipients of $1500 each are Lacey Lewis and Adrianna Mondello.
As a graduating senior on the "A" honor roll at Calvary Christian Academy, Lewis has served as her school's Student Council President the past two years and as volleyball team captain. She has been instrumental in worship and mentoring leadership there, as well as playing bass guitar and drums in the church's worship band. She will be attending New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology where she plans to pursue a degree in Civil Engineering.
An academically achieving student as well, Mondello has served as the National Honor Society President, class Vice President, and has placed third both regionally and at the state level in National History Day competition. She too has been active in her church. Athletically she has excelled in soccer. Following graduation from Silver High School, Mondello will attend Ft Lewis College where she will pursue a bachelor's degree in Business Administration.
SILVER CITY, NM— WNMU dedicated its new John Arthur and Janette Smith Educational Center at a public ceremony May 24 in Deming. The 8,697 square foot center will house the university's Deming health sciences offerings, including its Nursing, Phlebotomy, Pharmacy Technician, and Certified Nursing Assistant programs.
Construction of the center began in November 2022 and cost $10,765,000. Funding came from the New Mexico Legislature in 2019 and 2020, Severance Tax Bonds in 2020, 2021, and 2022, as well as from General Obligation Bond 3 in 2022. These resources covered land acquisition, architecture and engineering, site preparation, utilities and construction.
The Grant County Copper CowBelles are pleased to announce they have awarded a Trade School program scholarship to Walter Woodward.
Walter is a lifelong resident of Grant County, NM, and the grandson of local CowBelle member Joan Woodward. He will be attending the Southeast Lineman Training Center (SLTC) to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for this critical profession. He plans to return to Grant County to work as a lineman, bridging the gap in our community and ensuring the continued prosperity of our agricultural sector.
Walter had this to say on his scholarship application, "My grandmother, who was a proud member of the Copper CowBelles for many years until her passing, instilled in me the values of service, dedication, and community involvement. Her legacy continues to inspire me to pursue opportunities to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around me."
The Copper CowBelles wish Walter much success on his vocational journey.
CowBelles is a non-profit organization whose purpose is providing educational information about the beef industry and preserving the heritage of the West. We offer these scholarships to encourage the continuation of our western heritage in all areas of agriculture and rural life.
The New Mexico Connections Academy, a tuition-free online public school serving students in grades 4-12 across the state, celebrated the graduation of more than 200 high school seniors during an in-person commencement ceremony on May 23rd.
Among the Class of 2024 are local graduates from Arenas Valley including:
Maggie Crisp
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