San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District
Meeting Agenda
March 14, 2025, 10:00 AM (DST)
Fire Training Center, Reserve, NM

San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District
Mar 14, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (America/Denver)
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
Access Code: 590-777-869
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122

Call Meeting to Order Chairman

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

Minutes 02/14/2024 Secretary/Treasurer

Financial Report Secretary/Treasurer

Accounts Payable & Travel Vouchers Board
1. Outstanding Debts and Travel Vouchers


Reports by Supervisors: Board

Old Business:
1. Update on Willow Creek Projects:
2. Application submittals for watershed studies and restoration projects:
3. CAP Entity Report:
4. ISC Loan Applications
5. Consider Candidates for appointment to the board

New Business:
1 NMACD Award Nominations
2 Review and select materials for Soil Stewardship
3 Review Annual Work Plan for following year
4 Prepare budget request/county commissioners
5 Budget Adjustment
6 Review Mileage and Per Diam Policy
7 Update on Seeking Assistance with Air Burner Purchase
8 Adopting Policy Handbook for the San Francisco SWCD
9 Considering taking on an Employee of the District
10 Update on development of a Resource Management Plan to be Incorporated into the District's Land Plan.
11 Adoption of Resolution authorizing the submission of an application for a New Mexico Unit Fund grant
12 Design for Pumping Replacement of Spurgeon Ditch Irrigation.
13 Tour of Tularosa Creek Project Area

SWCD Representative Report: Katie Mechenbier-NMDA Field Representative

Natural Resources Conservation Report: Matt Wiseman-District Conservationist


Announcements: Next meeting _____________ 2025
Recommendations for appointed supervisors
Prepare preliminary budget
NACD Conservation Education Award entries due to the state judging committee
Prepare SWCD Accomplishments for presentation at Region meeting
Attend Region III Annual Meeting
Submit travel claims
3rd Quarter budget report due to NMDA
Make Fair Booth Reservations
Finalize nominations for NMACD Annual Awards
Finalize Annual Work Plan for following year
Participate in Ranch Days
Consider Resolutions to submit to Regional Chair
Consider Project Proposals
Present Proposals