Santa Clara seeks RFP for professional engineering and architectural support
RFP #2024-2 – State and Local Projects
Copies of the full RFP can be obtained in person at the office of the Village of Santa Clara at the address below or mailed or emaied upon request to Sheila Hudman at 575-537-2443 or
Proposal deadline is Jan. 19, 2023,11 a.m.
Village of Santa Clara
PO Box 316, 516 Fort Bayard Street
Santa Clara 88026
The Village of Santa Clara, located in Grant County, New Mexico, has an occasional need for the services of a professional engineer/architect consultant for municipally owned and operated water, wastewater, street/roadway, parks, recreation and facility projects associated with State of New Mexico and Village of Santa Clara funds.
General engineering and architectural tasks may include, but not limited to: project development, studies, preliminary engineering reports, environmental reports, grant administration, surveying services, preliminary and final design, bidding, construction management, construction testing, construction observation, project closeout and other additional professional services as required for successful completion of projects.
The General Engineering & Architectural Support contract will be for a period of one (1) year, which may be extended for up to three (3) additional one (1) year periods, not to exceed a total of four (4) years. The Village intends to issue separate Work Orders under the General Engineering & Architectural Support Contract for individual projects. Any Work Order(s) for professional services derived from this Request for Proposals will require approval by the Village of Santa Clara Board or designated official. Approval from the funding agency, which may include one or a combination of the agencies listed below, may also be required.
Financial assistance for the Village of Santa Clara water, wastewater, streets/roadway, recreational/parks, cemetery, and facility projects listed below may be provided by any or all of the following state agencies, including but not limited to, New Mexico Finance Authority (NMFA), New Mexico State Legislature, New Mexico Colonias Infrastructure Fund (CIF), New Mexico Water Project Fund (WPF), the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT), the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration (DFA), the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED), the Office of Natural Resources Trustee (ONRT), as well as the Village of Santa Clara.
Projects may include but not limited to:
1. Water System Improvements - well field, transmission, booster station, chlorination, water treatment, SCADA,  distribution and storage
2. Regional Water System Improvements – assist with the planning, design and construction of Water System Improvements for the Regional Water System within Grant County, NM
3. Wastewater System Improvements - gravity and force main, lift station, and wastewater treatment facility
4. Street/Roadway Improvements - resurfacing, drainage, curb and gutter, drive pads, ADA, sidewalks, and lighting improvements of various streets/roadways within the Village limits
5. Recreational/Park Improvements
6. Cemetery Improvements
Proposal deadline is Jan. 19, 2023,11 a.m.
Copies of the full RFP can be obtained in person at the office of the Village of Santa Clara at the address below or mailed or email upon request to Sheila Hudman at 575-537-2443 or