Silver Consolidated Schools

 2810 N. Swan Street

 Silver City, New Mexico 88061

(575) 956-2030

 Fax (575) 956-2030 

Bid# 2023-2024-11 Milk for the District


 Notice is hereby given that the Chief Procurement Officer for Silver Consolidated Schools District No. 1, will receive in her office at 2810 North Swan Street, Silver City, New Mexico 88061, up to but no later than 11:00 AM, MDT.  Monday, April 8, 2024 sealed bids for: 

Milk for the District 

All bids shall be clearly and distinctly printed or typed without erasures or interlineation and unit cost and total amount of each numbered item(s) and the grand total carried out. All bids are to be submitted on the forms provided by this office; otherwise, they will not be considered. 

Quantity ordered may vary from that bid, therefore, unit price must be indicated. Delivery is to be FOB, Silver Consolidated Schools, Silver City, New Mexico, or as indicated in the general specifications.

 Envelopes containing bids must be marked plainly," Milk for the District Bid 2023-2024-11". 

 To all offerors: Receipt of proposals may be received via email through pdf. document titled "Milk for the District 2023-2024-11" to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Bids must be signed by a representative so authorized. Bidders name shall be typed or printed on each bid sheet. 

The Board of Education of the Silver Consolidated School District No. 1 reserves the right to accept or reject any or all items upon which prices are quoted and to waive any irregularities contained in the bid.

 Dated this 21th day of April 2024. 


Andrea Martin, Chief Procurement Officer 

Silver Consolidated Schools