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Saturday, March 11, 2017
Saturday, March 11, 2017
  • 09:00am - 12:00pm  Reduced Fee Pet Vaccination Clinic  ::  Health & Wellness

    Rabies-$10, Licences- $2.50-$20.00, Dog Combo-$20, Cat Combo-$18,Microchipping $25, deworming by weight, Bordetella-$20   

    Location  High Desert Humane Society

    Contact  575-538-9261

  • 10:00am - 03:00pm  Artisan Market - Silver City Food Co-op  ::  Arts & Music

    Support local artisans! Beautiful hand-crafted mesquite bowls, quilted bags, jewelry, rag rugs, handmade soap and more are just a few of the great gifts you will find. Come down and check out all of the unique gifts and support your ...   

    Location  Market Cafe Portico

    Contact  www.silvercityfoodcoop.com

  • 10:00am  Daughters of the American Revolution Meeting  ::  Social Events

    The DAR is an international service organization open to all women who have an ancestor who contributed to or served in the military during the War of Independence. If you think that you might have a Revolutionary War ancestor but ...   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

    Contact  575-574-8394

  • 10:00am - 02:00pm  Friends of the Silver City Public Library Spring Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Everyone is invited to come wander amongst the full shelves of quality books and to purchase as many volumes as they want at incredibly low prices. Inside the Bookstore, hardback and trade paperback books are priced at $1.00 each and paperbacks ...   

    Location  FOL Bookstore

    Contact  folsilvercitynm@gmail.com

  • 11:00am - 12:00pm  Ask The Dietitian: Protein Without Powders  ::  Health & Wellness

    Registered Dietitian Bret Sarnquist offers regular tours of the store to educate the community about a different health issue each month. This tour is Protein without Powders. Protein is a key nutrient for maintaining muscle mass, in vegan and vegetarian ...   

    Location  Silver City Food Co-op

    Contact  www.silvercityfoodcoop.com

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  "Minnie Guenther- Young Midwestern Woman Makes Her Home With the Wild Apaches"  ::  Arts & Music

    This lecture is in support of Women’s History Month. Carol Sletten, the author of "Three Strong Western Women" will do a performance of Minnie Guenther, the wife of a missionary who lived on the Fort Apache Reservation for 61 years   

    Location  Silver City Museum Annex

    Contact  575-538-5921 or www.silvercitymuseum.org or education@silvercitymuseum.org

  • 02:30pm  Livestream of National ACLU Resistance Training Workshop  ::  Education

    Learn tools for building a community ready to resist an agenda that threatens human and constitutional rights. Discussion will follow the livestream event.   

    Location  Democratic Party Meeting Hall

    Contact  575-590-4809 or pabob@earthlink.com

  • 06:30pm  Scott van Linge  ::  Arts & Music

    Blues, folk, country and rock 'n' roll oldies.   

    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

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