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Tri-City police department blotters – Sept. 30 through Oct. 3, 2024

October 04, 2024 Local News Releases Mary Alice Murphy
Bayard Police Department Monday, Sept. 30 Criminal trespassPark StreetAdvised someone damaged the storage shed and tipped it over and defecated in the sandbox. Officer set up frequent patrol next couple of months. Wednesday, Oct. 2 LarcenyCentral AvenueWalk-in. Report, no narrative.

NMSU researchers appointed editors of scientific journals

October 04, 2024 Other NM universities announcements Lynn Janes
More than 60 researchers from New Mexico State University's colleges have been appointed to serve on scientific journal editorial boards, according to a list compiled by the NMSU Office of Research, Creativity and Economic Development. The list includes 12 editors from the College of Agricultural,…

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January 31, 2021 - February 06, 2021
January 31, 2021 - February 06, 2021
  • 03:00pm  Fundraiser to Benefit Humane Society and Rotary Club Foundation  ::  Fundraiser

    Humane Society members and supporters and other non-Rotarians are invited to join in.The Zoom event will be a “Fact or Fiction” game, in which some of the participants tell three brief stories, with only one story being true. Participants and ...   

  • 10:00am  NM CAP Entity Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    This will be a Virtual/Telephonic Meeting and will be available to the public on:Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone.United States: +1 (646) 749-3122Access Code: 295-729-701    

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  Rotary meeting featuring topic: "The effect Covid-19 and legislative decisions are having on our schools"  ::  Public Meetings

    On February 2, Wayne Sherwood, direction of Aldo Leopold Charter School, will speak to Rotary about the effect Covid-19 and legislative decisions are having on our schools. Rotary meetings are held at noon on Tuesdays and members of the public ...   

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 06:00pm  Town of Silver City Planning and Zoning Commission meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    The meeting will be held remotely via Go To Meeting and in compliance with the NM Open Meetings Act. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Silver City Planning and Zoning Meeting on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 ...   

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Virtual Grant County Day at Legislature  ::  Political

    Although this year's Grant County Day will be virtual on Feb. 3, 2021, the public can still learn about it and participate in it virtually by visiting this link:   

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 02:00pm  Town of Silver City Historic Design Review Committee meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    The Town of Silver City Historic Design Review Committee will hold a regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, Online at: Meeting ID – 81395580733Password – 753862Phone- 1-346-248-7799The public is invited to attend.   

  • 09:00am  WNMU Board of Regents virtual meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    What: The Western New Mexico University Board of Regents meeting during which the board will review the 2020-2021 President’s Evaluation Form and Performance Goals, also voting on the proposed sabbatical leave, the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Audit Report, the Fiscal Year ...   

  • Virtual Urban Challenge and Fun Run   ::  Health & Wellness

    This year the 5K downtown run can be done on a treadmill or out on a trail between February 5 and 11, 2021. Submit a photo of yourself on your run via facebook messenger or email. The entry fee is ...   

  • Virus Theater presents Theater Grottesco in PIE  ::  Arts & Music

    The pandemic has given us time and space to reach out into the wide world of theater in new ways, and we've made a couple of friends! We have a few exciting partnership projects to share with you this year, ...   

  • Virus Theater presents Theater Grottesco in PIE  ::  Arts & Music

    The pandemic has given us time and space to reach out into the wide world of theater in new ways, and we've made a couple of friends! We have a few exciting partnership projects to share with you this year, ...   

  • 09:00am - 12:00pm  Silver City Farmers' Market  ::  Health & Wellness

    Seasonal local produce, baked goods, fresh tortillas and tamales, grass feed meat, honey, pecans, native plants, and more!Cash, debit, and EBT accepted. Use your EBT card at the market and double your benefits with Double Up Food Bucks!For up-to-date information ...   

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  WILL Lunch and Learn: COVID-19 Vaccination: What it is? And Why I Got MIne  ::  Education

    Listen in with Silver City’s Dr. Fred Fox, MD as he expertly explains: COVID-19 Vaccination: What it is? And Why I Got MIneZoom: For complete session overviews of these two timely Lunch & Learns and links to the free registration for ...   

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