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Tri-City police department blotters – Sept. 30 through Oct. 3, 2024

October 04, 2024 Local News Releases Mary Alice Murphy
Bayard Police Department Monday, Sept. 30 Criminal trespassPark StreetAdvised someone damaged the storage shed and tipped it over and defecated in the sandbox. Officer set up frequent patrol next couple of months. Wednesday, Oct. 2 LarcenyCentral AvenueWalk-in. Report, no narrative.

NMSU researchers appointed editors of scientific journals

October 04, 2024 Other NM universities announcements Lynn Janes
More than 60 researchers from New Mexico State University's colleges have been appointed to serve on scientific journal editorial boards, according to a list compiled by the NMSU Office of Research, Creativity and Economic Development. The list includes 12 editors from the College of Agricultural,…

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May 14, 2023 - May 20, 2023
May 14, 2023 - May 20, 2023
  • 10:00am  "A Day I Ain't Never Seen Before," at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship   ::  Public Meetings

    Local author Joe (Jody) Bateman tells the story of the struggle for equality and dignity through the words of the largely unknown men and women and the civil rights workers who joined them. Their accounts reflect on the lives of ...   

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • 01:00pm  Standing Women at Whitewater Mesa Labyriths  ::  Social Events

    Bring your bell, your family and friends before 1pm to Whitewater Mesa Labyrinths and participate in STANDING WOMEN. At 1pm MDT on Sunday, May 14 we will walk a labyrinth and ring our bells to signify the beginning of 5 ...   

    Location  Whitewater Mesa Labyrinths

  • 02:30pm - 03:30pm  Silver City Scenius (community writing group)   ::  Arts & Music

    Collaborative community writing group hosted by Francesca Regina. Beginners and all ages welcome (young children must be chaperoned).This is an open group that meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 2:30-3:30pm and then is followed by the open mic at ...   

    Location  SWAG Thrift Shp

  • 03:00pm  Hi Lo Silvers Concert  ::  Arts & Music

    Hi Lo Silvers present our Spring Concert on Friday, May 12 at 7 pm, and Sunday May 14, at 3 pm, at First United Methodist Church, 314 W. College Avenue in Silver City. Nada Dates will direct the chorus who ...   

    Location  First United Methodist Church

    Contact  388-8771

  • 04:00pm  Silver City Scenius (open mic)  ::  Arts & Music

    Open mic for all ages (young children must be chaperoned). Writers, musicians, orators, actors, and other performance artists welcome. No microphone or electric plug-ins. Artists are responsible for their own instruments and setup within time allowed. Groups and bands are ...   

    Location  SWAG Thrift Shp

  • 11:00am - 01:00pm  San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    Meeting AgendaMay 15, 2023, 11:00 AM (DST)Fire Training Center, Reserve, NMSan Francisco Soil & Water Conservation DistrictMay 15, 2023, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (America/Denver)Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your ...   

  • 05:00pm  Silver Consolidated School Board of Education Work Session and Regular Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    Meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 15, 2023 beginning at 5:00 p.m. and will be followed by the Regular Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Silver High School - Little Theatre, 3200 N. Silver St., Silver City, NM 88061, and ...   

    Location  Silver High School

  • 05:00pm  Silver Schools Board of Education work session and regular meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    Silver Consolidated School Board of Education Work Session Meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 15, 2023 beginning at 5:00 p.m. and will be followed by the Regular Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of SCS Admin Building ...   

    Location  Silver Consolidated Schools Administration Building

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  Mitchell Konopnicki to speak at Rotary Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    Mitchell Konopnicki will speak to Rotary on May 16, 2023. The topic of his talk will be Eagle Scout-- “What is required to earn the Badge”. Konopnicki is 18, and a senior in high school, graduating fourth in his class. ...   

    Location  Silver Bowling Center

  • 06:00pm - 08:00pm  Townhall on homelessness  ::  Health & Wellness

    PUBLIC NOTICEThere will be a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 to discuss Homelessness in Grant County. The meeting will be from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Grant County Veterans and Business Center. The meeting will ...   

    Location  Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center

    Contact  575-654-0148

  • 07:00pm - 08:30pm  Skywarn Spotter Class  ::  Public Meetings

    The National Weather Service will be holding a Skywarn Spotter class on Tuesday, May 16 from 7-8:30 PM in Silver City on the campus of WNMU in the Student Memorial Building 3rd floor seminar room. The class is free, and all interested individuals are welcomed.   

    Location  WNMU Student Memorial Seminar Room

  • 01:00pm  Gin Rummy at Little Toad  ::  Social Events

    Come play Gin Rummy at Little Toad Creek Brewer and Distillery, 200 N. Bullard St.Silver City, NMImprove your brain, play gin rummy. Beginners welcome, and we would be happy to teach you the game.Call 575-534-9355 for more information   

    Location  Little Toad Creek Brewery

    Contact  575-534-9355

  • 03:00pm - 05:00pm  Basic Computer Classes  ::  Education

    The Silver City Public Library will hold basic computer classes on Wednesdays, May 3 and 17, 3:00-5:00pm. These will be very basic classes covering the most essential parts of computer usage for beginners such as mouse usage, keyboard usage, file ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • 05:00pm  Hurley Town Council budget workshop  ::  Public Meetings

    The Council of the Town of Hurley will hold a Workshop on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. to discuss Fiscal Year 2024 Budget at 302 Carrasco Avenue in Hurley, New Mexico.  This meeting is open to the public and ...   

    Location  Hurley Community Center

  • 05:00pm - 06:15pm  Silver City TOPS #0288 Meeting  ::  Health & Wellness

    SILVER CITY TOPS #0288 Meets on Thursday at the American Legion, 409 W. College. Weigh in from 5 to 5:30 and Meeting/Program at 5:30-6:15. We are a support group during your weight loss journey. For more information call Judith Stanfield ...   

    Location  American Legion Post 18

    Contact  Judith Stanfield 505-934-1339

  • 04:00pm  Baile Encanto Dance Workshop at Gough Park  ::  Arts & Music

    Silver City – Baile Encanto will lead a free dance workshop for children and teens on May 19th, 4:00pm at Gough Park, an event hosted by the Silver City Public Library. Participants will learn traditional dances from Lora Sanchez’s ballet ...   

    Location  Gough Park

  • 07:00pm - 08:30pm  Gila Native Plant Society Program: Presentation on alpine flora by Dr. Hannah Marx  ::  Public Meetings

    As the snow melts on New Mexico’s highest peaks, alpine wildflowers begin to emerge. For its May program the Gila Native Plant Society will sponsor a presentation on alpine flora by Dr. Hannah Marx, Assistant Professor and Herbarium Curator of ...   

    Location  WNMU Harlan Hall

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 08:00am - 11:00am  Grant County Cloud Busters weekly meeting  ::  Social Events

    Grant County Cloud Busters meets weekly at Fort Bayard Radio Control Airfield each Saturday, weather permitting at 8:30am. Radio Control Aircraft, Heli and Quads welcome. Academy of Model Aeronautics sanctioned club.    

    Contact  John Capshaw at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 575.590.1804

  • 09:00am - 12:00pm  Pick It Up – Toss No Mas to hold Dash for Trash- “Plogging” Event  ::  Health & Wellness

    Plogging is a combination of jogging and picking up litter. It began several years ago as an organized activity in Sweden due to growing concerns about plastic pollution. Since then more than 3 million people around the world have participated ...   

    Location  Big Ditch Park

  • 09:00am - 02:00pm  Yard and Art Sale at the Silver City Museum  ::  Arts & Music

    Join us an enjoy the wide variety of goods for sale, along with refreshments including lemonade, popcorn, and pretzel necklacesDonations accepted and appreciated until May 18 (no books or clothing please). Contact Mary Beth at 503-317-1182The Silver City Museum is ...   

    Location  Silver City Museum

  • 11:00am - 12:30pm  Media Influence on Local Identity, Past and Present  ::  Arts & Music

    Silver City Museum Curator Javier Marrufo will present the spring season's final community conversation this Saturday, May 20, from 11 am to 12:30 pm at the Silco Theater in historic, downtown Silver City, 311 N. Bullard Street.  Marrufo, a frequent ...   

    Location  Silco Theater

  • 02:00pm  Hachita Community Center Celebration and Potluck  ::  Social Events

    Potluck - Mexican cuisine!!Help Hachita celebrate the Continental Divide Trail Hikers and Bikers and their contribution to our community!!In cooperation with the Continental Divide Trail Coalition’s 25th Anniversary!!Everyone is Welcome!!   

    Location  Hachita Community Center

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It has come to this editor's attention that people are sending information to the Grant County Beat Facebook page. Please be aware that the editor does not regularly monitor the page. If you have items you want to send to the editor, please send them to Thanks!

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