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Tri-City police department blotters – Sept. 30 through Oct. 3, 2024

October 04, 2024 Local News Releases Mary Alice Murphy
Bayard Police Department Monday, Sept. 30 Criminal trespassPark StreetAdvised someone damaged the storage shed and tipped it over and defecated in the sandbox. Officer set up frequent patrol next couple of months. Wednesday, Oct. 2 LarcenyCentral AvenueWalk-in. Report, no narrative.

NMSU researchers appointed editors of scientific journals

October 04, 2024 Other NM universities announcements Lynn Janes
More than 60 researchers from New Mexico State University's colleges have been appointed to serve on scientific journal editorial boards, according to a list compiled by the NMSU Office of Research, Creativity and Economic Development. The list includes 12 editors from the College of Agricultural,…

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July 07, 2024 - July 13, 2024
July 07, 2024 - July 13, 2024
  • 01:00pm - 02:00pm  Ambercare and Silver City Womans Club starting bereavement group   ::  Health & Wellness

    This group will be free and open to the public, no prior relationship with Ambercare is necessary to participate.  Our first meeting will be March 11th with consecutive meetings the second Monday of every month. See flyer:   

    Location  Silver City Women's Club

  • 04:30pm  Bayard City Council Regular Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    The Bayard City Council will conduct a Regular Meeting at the Bayard City Hall. Attendance of City Council members will be in person.  Items on the agenda relate to old and new business matters. The agenda may be altered up ...   

    Location  Bayard City Hall

  • 09:00am  Grant County Board of Commissioners Work Session Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    The Grant County Board of Commissioners will convene in a Work Session Meeting  The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM 88061. The agenda for ...   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center

  • 09:00am - 09:50am  Tai Chi (Modified) class   ::  Health & Wellness

    Liz Mikols teaches a simplified form of Tai Chi, as modified by Dr. Fuzhong Li. This evidence-based exercise improves balance, flexibility, strength and resistance to falls. Chairs provided for those who need to rest during class. Some exercises done seated. All welcome; no ...   

    Location  WNMU Alumni Garden

  • 10:00am  SC Public Library - Baby time  ::  Kids' Activity

    Stories, songs, rhymes and movement for infants 0-24 months and their caregivers   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  Karen Beckenbach of the Community Concert Association to speak to Rotary  ::  Public Meetings

    The Grant County Community Concert Association aims to enrich the cultural life of southwestern New Mexico by 1) making live concerts by nationally and internationally recognized artists accessible to a diverse audience and 2) enhancing music appreciation for the school ...   

    Location  WNMU Student Memorial Building

  • 05:00pm  Town of Hurley will hold a Regular Meeting   ::  Legal Notices

    The Council of the Town of Hurley will hold a Regular Meeting at the Hurley Community Center at 302 Carrasco Avenue in Hurley, New Mexico. This meeting is open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend or stream ...   

    Location  Hurley Community Center

  • 06:00pm  NM State Representative Luis Terrazas to host community wildfire conversation  ::  Public Meetings

    New Mexico State Representative Luis Terrazas will host a community wildfire preparedness meeting in coordination with local, state, and federal partners in wildfire management and preventionFull new release:   

    Location  Grant County Veteran's Memorial Business & Conference Center

  • 06:00pm  Town of Silver City Council Regular Council Meeting   ::  Legal Notices

    The Town of Silver City Council will hold their Regular Council Meeting at the Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Hwy. 180 East, Silver City, New Mexico. The public is invited to attend. The agenda will include:Full legal notice:   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center

  • 10:00am  Silver City Public Library Story Time  ::  Kids' Activity

    Stories, songs, and rhymes for children up to five years of age and their caregivers.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • 12:00pm - 01:30pm  The Crooked Forest Institute  ::  Public Meetings

    Affordable housing is hard to find.  The Crooked Forest Institute, a local 501(c)3, is focused on becoming a Community Development Housing Organization in order to build multiple affordable housing neighborhoods on shared-equity land like a Community Land Trust.Full press release:   

    Location  WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center

  • 01:00pm  Gin Rummy  ::  Social Events

    Improve your brain. Play Gin Rummy. We will be happy to teach you.   

    Location  Little Toad Creek Brewery

  • 03:45pm - 05:00pm  Classic Gentle Yoga Class with Colleen Stinar  ::  Health & Wellness

    This class consists of yoga poses for posture improvement, flexibility and mental and physical relaxation.  Suitable for all ages. Bring your mat and any props you use. Led by Colleen Stinar, a yoga instructorfor decades with training from many traditions. ...   

    Location  Church of Harmony

    Contact  Colleen Stinar 575 574 5451

  • 06:00am  Village of Santa Clara  ::  Legal Notices

    See agenda   

    Location  Santa Clara Village Hall

  • 09:00am  Grant County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    The Grant County Board of Commissioners will convene in a Regular Meeting. The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM 88061. The agenda for the ...   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center

  • 09:00am - 09:50am  Tai Chi (Modified) class  ::  Health & Wellness

    Liz Mikols teaches a simplified form of Tai Chi, as modified by Dr. Fuzhong Li. This evidence-based exercise improves balance, flexibility, strength and resistance to falls. Chairs provided for those who need to rest during class. Some exercises done seated. All welcome; no ...   

    Location  WNMU Alumni Garden

  • 01:30pm - 02:30pm  Lotus Center hosting a weekly Caregivers Support Group  ::  Public Meetings

    As the Baby Boomer generation continues to age, the number of caregivers experiencing these challenges will continue to rise. Most of these caregivers are daughters or sons who live near their parents; these adult children provide, on average, 24 hours ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • 03:00pm  Grant County Water Commission - Canceled  ::  Legal Notices

    The Grant County Water Commission will hold a regular meeting atTown of Silver City, City Annex – 2nd Floor Conference Room located at 1203 N. Hudson St., Silver City, NM.  Copies of the Agenda will be available at the City ...   

    Location  City Annex Building

  • 04:00pm  Silver Consolidated School Board of Education Finance Committee Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    (Will not be recorded live) - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Silver Consolidated School Board of Education Finance Committee Meeting in the Conference Room of SCS Admin Building 2810 N. Swan St., Silver City, NM 88061, for the transaction ...   

    Location  Silver Consolidated Schools Administration Building

  • 10:00am  San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District  ::  Public Meetings

    See full agenda   

    Location  Fire Training Center, Reserve, NM

  • 02:00pm - 03:00pm  The Southwest NM Seed Library  ::  Health & Wellness

    Learn when and how to plant seeds for cool weather crops and how to care for your fall garden, so you can harvest until it's time to plant again in the spring. The class will focus on growing in the ...   

    Location  Bayard Community Center

  • 10:00am - 12:00pm  Mimbres Farmers Market  ::  Arts & Music

    new 4-acre Mimbres Marketplace, 2743 Hwy 35, to also include a small grocery store. See Flyer for market:         

    Location  Mimbres Marketplace, 2743 Hwy 35

  • 07:00pm  Whiskey Creek Zócalo Emily Nenni Country Soul & Rock ‘n’ Roll  ::  Arts & Music

    Emily Nenni has emerged as one of the freshest and most electrifying voices in Nashville, with a sound rooted in classic honky-tonk and spiked with serious country, soul and rock 'n' roll fire, and sweet-and-sassy lyrics that chronicle hard living, heartbreak and ...   

    Location  Whiskey Creek Z+?calo

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