What: Chemtrails, contrails, geoengineering, the environment, health

bluetograyFind out what those stripes are and why our blue skies are too often gray and cloudy

Where: Global


When: For the past 60 years and intensified 6 years ago

How: Spraying chemicals from jet planes to create clouds and/or dim the sun with mix of Sulfur dioxide, Aluminum and Plastic Nano Particles, Barium, Strontium, Propane Gas, and other unknown substances
Why: To mitigate global climate change. As bioweapons.

In the summer of 2022, I was amazed at the number of jet trails I saw. I live in a semi-rural area of New Mexico without much overhead jet traffic. The trails were describing lines, circles, grids, and xs, which stoked my curiosity. Nevertheless, I did not find out about chemical trails until January of 2023. Like many others I did not take the time to question what I was seeing.

What I was seeing is called geoengineering, that is the large-scale manipulation of processes to control the Earth's climate for the purpose of obtaining specific results, one of which purportedly is the slowing of global climate change, with another being military advantage or bioweapons. Global climate is controlled by the amount of solar radiation received by Earth. It is also controlled by how much is absorbed by the Earth and how much is reflected. NASA engineer Tom Moser debunks the climate change narrative that CO2 is the cause of climate change.


Geoengineering proposals were first developed in the middle of the 20th century. Relying on technologies developed during World War II, such proposals were designed to alter weather systems in order to obtain more favorable climate conditions on a regional scale.

Geoengineering was used in Vietnam to intensify the monsoons and hamper any traffic with muddy, impassable roads. Bill Gates made public proposals for "sun dimming" in 2017.


The United Nations, among others, debated the wisdom of using the proposed techniques given the risks to people and ecosystems. Sweden originally signed up for the Gates sun-dimming proposal, then reneged. However, in spite of denials and the pretense that cloud seeding is what is being implemented, it is evident these chemical processes are presently in use all over the world.

As far as can be determined, the jets delivering the toxins are military jets as well as specially contracted jets. New Mexico has an unelected weather modification committee whose members are in charge of hiring pilots to spray. https://www.ose.nm.gov/ISC/isc_weather.php 

However, in an interview with Robert Kennedy, Jr., Dane Wigington states that commercial jets are fitted with chemical dispensers as well. Meteorologist Jim Lee also says commercial jets are used. In this interview from minute 40 on they get down to the specifics of geoengineering.


The media will often refer to the spraying as "cloud seeding." Cloud seeding is a process used since the late 1800s to produce rain in arid areas. For cloud seeding to work, it needs clouds. Traditionally, there are not many clouds over arid desert areas at certain times of the year. What the chemical trails do is create clouds from the toxins sprayed from the jets with the radioactive materials excited by electric impulses, possibly from HAARP or locally from cell towers. Those toxins, which have been identified and analyzed, are aluminum and plastic nano particles, along with barium, strontium, sulfur dioxide, and some other substances. Here is a copy of the cloud seeding bill introduced at the 2024 New Mexico legislative session. Climate manipulation under the guise of cloud seeding is already being done. This bill was introduced to appropriate more money and legitimize the practice. As you can see there are no restrictions on what toxins can be used in this program.


One requirement for cloud seeding is the existence of clouds. Days will start with a beautiful blue sky. Soon the planes will begin their spraying, and you will see stripes that are passed off as contrails. The stripes will spread into a haze that sometimes covers the sun. Milky skies, gray skies, and storms often result. Occasionally, Mother Nature and the high desert climate do not cooperate. The weather pattern in 2023 consisted of rain nearly every day from May 18 to June 9; that's 23 rain days in Northern New Mexico in May and June! During the few hours that we did not have plane-induced cloud cover, you could look directly at the sun without eye protection. The cast shadows are similar to those when we have huge forest fires with the smoke dimming the sun.

There was snowpack in the lower altitudes in the mountains in late June. This was almost completely unheard of in this area this late. We had our annual monsoons and then some in April, May, and June although they traditionally occurred in July and August. This is New Mexico that once had 281 days of sunshine annually in my area. With climate modification, the sun shines in the early morning. This then is probably counted as a "sun" day even though the rest of the day is cloudy, gloomy, and rainy.

The White House has been "looking at" implementing solar radiation mitigation (SRM) and stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), while pretending they aren't already doing it.

https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/13/what-is-solar-geoengineering-sunlight-reflection-risks-and-benefits.html#:~:text=The%20White%20House%20is%20coordinating%20a%20five-year%20research,process%20sometimes%20called%20solar%20geoengineering%20or%20sunlight%20reflection .

Aluminum is one of the nano particles being sprayed. It also results from acid rain which is caused by the aerosol injection of SO2 into the atmosphere, as well as industrial sources. SO2 is sulfur dioxide that is used to reflect the sun in the sun-dimming effort. In addition to the destruction of ecosystems by chemical spraying (trees are obviously dying for miles around my vicinity), we are being poisoned with every breath we take. This is from the NIH:

The concern about aluminum (Al) toxicity has been proven in various cases. Some cases are associated with the fact that Al is a neurotoxic substance that has been found in high levels in the brain tissues of Alzheimer's disease (AD), epilepsy, and autism patients. Other cases are related to infants, especially premature infants and ones with renal failure, who are at the risk of developing the central nervous system (CNS) and bone toxicity. This risk is a result of infants' exposure to Al from milk formulas, intravenous-feeding solutions, and possibly from aluminum-containing vaccinations. Furthermore, most antiperspirants contain aluminum compounds that raise human exposure to toxic Al. This review paper is intended to discuss in detail the above concerns associated with aluminum, and hence urges the need for more studies exploring the effects of overexposure to Al and recommending mitigation actions.

I believe in global climate extremes, and I support several environmental groups. Climate extremes cannot and should not be discussed without acknowledging and including geoengineering. At least some of the crises are results of global climate manipulation.

In an effort to get more information, I called the EPA and other government agencies. The EPA said they "don't deal with air."!!! The other agencies simply didn't return my calls. There have been articles about a gag order put on NOAA and the National Weather Service in 2019. NOAA officially claims that the "streaks in the skies are contrails." For some reason the link to the article that discusses the gag order no longer works. The environmental groups I support claim not to know anything about geoengineering. How can you "save the environment" and the world if you know nothing about the spewing of chemical and radioactive agents from jet planes?

If you look up chemtrails on Google, you will find references to it being conspiracy theory. There are more sources of climate damage, but geoengineering is pervasive and is affecting the entire world.

By Sue Noel

Espanola, NM