
Yeah, the Republican's big convention last week in Milwaukee was entertaining, providing moments of history, comedy, and a featured speaker who actually survived an assassination attempt.

Then, about ten days later, President Biden's Director of the Secret Service resigned, admitting her agency had committed intolerable screwups. She still doesn't understand how the shooting was allowed to happen, but everyone else does.

Can Democrats top this next month?

Oh, I don't know – maybe they'll introduce all their presidential wannabes, singing a soulful rendition of "Thanks For The Memories, Joe."

At the time of this writing, the Democrat Party appears in complete disarray. A disapproving group of prominent Dems pushed Joe out, insisting he was no longer capable of leading them to victory in November.

Apparently, Sunday morning, July 21, 2024, he was still the Democrat's "Man with a plan" to lead them to victory in November.

Around noon of the same day, the entire story changed: Joe announced he was not seeking reelection.

Whoa, what caused him to suddenly change his mind in only a few hours?

Probably, his recent performances during the CNN Presidental Debate in June, and subsequent campaign appearances demonstrated he was sinking further and further into a cognitive sinkhole. Frequently experiencing difficulty in completing statements, finishing sentences and remembering subject material.

Nothing really new to anyone who's been paying attention to Joe's steady decline in mental acuity.

Intentionally or not, for the past several years the mainstream media didn't adequately report upon Joe's situation. Certainly, not as well as they should have.

Nevertheless, a little over three months before the November election -- with poll numbers and campaign donations tumbling – Joe remained the presumptive Presidential nominee to be confirmed at August's Democrat National Convention.

However, nearing panic mode, Democrat campaign planners realized time was quickly slipping by to throw up roadblocks preventing Joe's acceptance speech.

On July 22, Vice President Kamala Harris was proclaimed the Dems new presidential candidate – replacing Joe, who was abruptly kicked to the curb.

Wait a minute, you mean the Democrats didn't wait until their own convention before tossing Joe and substituting him with his own VP?

This is supposed to be an improvement?

That's right. Apparently, the rules can change any time the Dems want. Just because Kamala was #2 of the failing Biden-Harris team doesn't disqualify her from moving up to the #1 position.

Dumping an incompetent President in favor promoting an even less competent Vice President presumably makes perfect sense to the Dems.

As a result, it remains to be seen if something called an "Open Convention" – meaning if Kamala is not selected by voting delegates on the first nominating ballot, then additional contestants can be considered.

There have only been four "Open" conventions. Democrats have had three – 1860, 1924, 1968. Republicans, one – 1964.

The longest lasting open convention took place in New York City in 1924. 103 separate ballot nominations were held over 17 days. Many delegates grew tired of the madness and eventually went home, citing a lack of patience, time and money to remain.

If this happens in August, pandemonium is sure to erupt. VP Kamala is the likely successor, but there is no telling how many names could be considered and voted upon. Behind the scenes deals will play an important part promoting certain candidates.

In reality, Kamala seems a long shot, considering her popularity is tracking behind Joe's. Political poise and skills were never in her resume. A tenure as Vice President has been noticeably uneventful. But, as they say, with enough cosmetics, costumes and coaching even a mule can be made to look like Secretariat – until she leaves the starting gate.

Essentially, Joe's previous state primary wins will no longer count. Which translates into meaning the ballots of millions of people who voted for Joe will also not count. Kamala may be the Dems new choice for President without ever winning a single state primary.

Ironic, considering Democratic leaders are big on promoting Democracy, except when they believe it may cause an inconvenience to them.

Removing Joe because they think he can't beat Trump, and then in the next breath praising him as "The greatest President in modern history" is a bit convoluted.

With all the conniving going on, this whole mess is starting to reek of corruption from top to bottom. An open convention hasn't happened since the chaos of the Democrat Convention in 1968 – 56 years ago.

Now that Joe's no longer in the picture – acquiescing to Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's requests to go home "For the good of the Party" -- Kamala is next in line for the job.

Unless she isn't. An open convention could change all that. Plus, it will inevitably draw attention from Trump's assassination attempt, with the press more focused on the Dems wacky goings-on.

I'm sure there are many details to work out. Joe's unexpected change of heart didn't come without strings attached. We may never learn all the particulars contained within the agreement, but you can bet Joe, as well as the Party have haggled a mutually amicable exit strategy.

Putting it politely, to preserve power it's looking like Democrats will eat their own and call it a dietary supplement.

Accepting the fact Joe's Department of Justice acknowledge months ago he's an "elderly man with a poor memory," at 81 years of age he needs his DOJ – or something similar – to shield him from potential future legal entanglements.

He may still face court issues if he steps down, but that's a different story. Simply, with Joe not running in November, he's a "Lame Duck" President until he leaves office on Jan. 20, 2025. Then, he becomes a "former President" – like Trump – and could be liable for prosecution – like Trump.

Only this time, the shoe will be on the other foot: Trump may be President and have his own Department of Justice. Sometimes, Karma kicks in when you least expect it.

I'm not certain if having a "poor memory" is an acceptable excuse for committing crimes Joe has allegedly been involved in, according to an investigation by the U.S. House of Representatives.

It may depend upon how clever his defense attorney is. Joe's been around Washington for half a century, so he knows a few lawyers that might help him out.

Not sure they will take his case "pro bono," but he could ask. After all, he has a couple of expensive homes and beach retreats to maintain. As a result, retirement on an ex-President's pension will have to be carefully monitored in order to make certain there's enough money at the end of the month to pay staff and utilities.

Likewise, his "foreign investments" will probably dry up once he's no longer in the White House. It's doubtful the guaranteed "rate of return" he promised his clients will be able to be sustained.

To avoid hassles, he could simply reserve the Presidential Suite at Leavenworth, and do lunch with the smartest man he knows, his son Hunter.

Later, they could write their memoirs, negotiate movie deals, paint landscapes of the prison yard and sell signed originals for $85,000 each. That should help Dr. Jill balance the household budget.

Meanwhile, Kamala is a long way from changing curtains in the White House. She still has to get past Trump on Nov. 5.

Between now and then, I imagine we're all going to learn another side of Kamala we never knew. Most likely, it won't be reported by the Left media or White House Press Secretary.

The fix is in, much the same way it was regarding Joe's declining mental issues. The Dems used him until they didn't need him anymore. Then, he was put out to pasture – without a party convention, public vote or consent of Congress.

Just by a few people with a "D" after their name.

America, what a county! Which is another way of saying "You can't make up this crap!"

Mike Bibb

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