Dear Editor: These are comments about two articles in the Friday GCB. The
US Air Force now wants permission to extend its flight area over
Southwestern New Mexico to increase training areas. This permission would
include the release of chaff. The US Air Force has been releasing chaff
for years if not decades over desert areas in California. In addition to
the materials released from planes or drones higher in the atmosphere,
this would increase the burden of atmospheric toxins. Chaff is composed of
this: Chaff, originally called Window or Düppel, is a radar
countermeasure involving the dispersal of thin strips of aluminium,
metallized glass fiber, or plastic. Dispersed chaff produces a large radar
cross section intended to blind or disrupt radar systems. It is a
well-known medical fact that aluminum and plastic contamination in our
organs should be increased. Breathe deeply. That's sarcasm.
The second article regarding Heinrich's unsurprising support of sending
long-range missiles into Russia should perhaps influence how people vote
in November. Remember that Heinrich is strongly supported by Los Alamos
National Lab, the home of the atom bomb. What a boon to a weapons lab! I
can only hope I am unnecessarily concerned that these actions of NATO
aided by US politicians will start a nuclear holocaust.
Sue Noel
Española, NM