Dear Editor:

This article:  is almost more confusing than the bond results were.

For example, "Its failure will save the taxpayer in property taxes about ½ of what the passage of the other bond will increase." This means, (I think) that a 4 million dollar increase, is offset by the 2 million dollar reduction? This implies that the net result is 2 million dollar increase? That appears incorrect, even though the article says the failure of the long bond and the passage of the short bond will net out at "about half of what the other bond will increase.".Half is 2 Million. and using the numbers in the article, it appears to be a $2,580,000 increase.

All this for a school system that appears to be downsizing and hence should not need more money to do less.

Finally, it seems the school district promoted the necessity for this bond utilizing false and misleading information. Im interested in Mr. Wheelers comment regarding a remedy. Who is "The Committee to Keep Grant County Affordable" and are they raising funds to retain counsel and seek an injunction?

Kas Nelson

Grant County NM