
Dems Blame Biden

"He shouldn't have run. This is no time to pull punches or be concerned about anyone's feelings. He and his staff have done an enormous amount of damage to this country." — Jim Manley, aide to (former) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., Politico, Nov 6, 2024.

Oh boy, how the screw has turned. Dems are blaming their disastrous defeat on poor old Uncle Joe, instead of admitting Kamala was an even worse candidate.

In a rare display of unhinged temper tantrums, Democrat's bowels are hemorrhaging over their botched decision to replace President Joe with his lackluster Vice President — an individual already performing way below her paygrade as VP.

The Dems uber-liberal wing and Hollywood elites, who seem to control policies and the mainstream press, witnessed their selection of Kamala Harris, and her subsequent implosion on Nov. 5, as causing nose bleeds, migraines, irregular heart rhythms and other uncomfortable feelings within upper echelons of the party.

"Joe's responsible for this mess" goes the rant, totally ignoring it was the same Democratic royalty who pulled Joe from the primary election process and inserted an unprepared, unqualified and unappealing replacement.

Now, after their efforts were trounced at the polls — losing the trifecta of the Presidency, Senate and House — Democrats are desperately seeking a scapegoat. Someone has to be blamed, other than themselves, for one of the most addlebrained political decisions in modern history.

Adding to their misery, Trump also won the Electoral College by a score of 312 to 226. Trump carried all seven "swing states," including Nevada, where it was considered the heavy Latino population and union membership would go Kam's way.

Weren't we told Joe was experiencing rapid cognitive decline and couldn't hold up under the strains of a campaign? If so, his condition must be contagious, infecting inner circles of the Democrat Party.

Their selection of Kamala's DEI inspired "She's a Black, Asian, Female, California liberal" checked all the boxes. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, how about at least two things: She isn't overly bright, and Trump outworked her on the campaign trail. For every speech, TV interview and rally Kamala performed, Trump appeared to do five times as many.

Additional Democratically inspired Trump distractions, including investigations, FBI raids, trying to keep him off the ballot, indictments, trials, convictions and assassination attempts only incentivized the former President to try harder.

In essence, the election was a contest between two polar opposites. Obviously — excepting a few areas of the country — voters believed it was time for a change. With a majority believing the country was heading in the wrong direction, a declining economy with rising prices and our borders in shambles, they didn't think Kam had the answers or wherewithal to turn things around.

Especially, after being in office nearly four years. If Joe and her knew how to fix the problems, then why didn't they? What was the point in waiting for an election to tell us they had solutions to issues that had been festering for years?

All we had to do was vote Blue — for President and down ballot candidates — and things would miraculously recover. Like a mythical Phoenix rising renewed from the ashes.

As it turned out, Joe and Kamala didn't know squat — only more excuses and accusations against a guy who hadn't been in the Oval Office since 2020. "Trump's to blame for everything gone wrong" mantra was falling on deaf ears. After eight years of this crap, folks were tired of being lied to and tired of hearing the Dems' nonsense.

Kamala's "All show and no go" campaign was a cluster of mistakes from the beginning, promoted by a desperate political machine trying to regain its popularity.

Finally, the sun set on the Dems and Kam's crusade when they reactivated a tried and failed tactic. Their "Trump is Hitler and his followers are Nazis" tirade was the last straw. Not even arrogant media talking-heads, Hollywood libs and respected Democrats could excuse that blunder.

To openly accuse millions of Americans, many of them Democrat military veterans who fought against the Nazis in World War II, as being associated with a dead dictator and his European war apparatus, was over the line.

Playing politics is one thing — calling a United States Presidential candidate and his supporters war criminals is another.

Dems should have learned this lesson from Hillary Clinton's equally stupid "basket of deplorables" comment during her 2016 campaign against Trump.

Apparently, they didn't — neither did Kamala or her coaches.

Maybe, the Nov. 5 election results reawakened Democrats to the realization there still has to be some civility in campaigns, regardless of the temptations to act otherwise.

Unfortunately, it remains to be seen if Dems can regain their once respected status. If a coalition of woke-socialist propagandists continues to inspire its leadership, the Democrat National Committee may have to enroll several of its top managers in some kind of rehab program if the party is to be salvaged.

Mike Bibb

Safford, AZ