
Kamala's Border Blunders

VP Kamala Harris' border prank late last month was nothing more than a contrived — "pragmatic" — photo rehearsal. It's probably safe to say she didn't fool anyone. Except maybe, a fawning press.

Her purpose in traveling to the Arizona-Mexico line in Douglas, Arizona was all hat and no cattle. She had nothing to say or offer to explain her three and a-half year absence from the disaster that has become the hallmark of our nation's most pressing security issues.

Other than to pander for increased Border Patrol presence and drug security measures. The very things she has ignored or actively disagreed with during the Biden Administration.

Estimates of over twelve million undocumented immigrants have flooded into our country under her and Joe's watch, many disappearing without a trace.

Of course, the Democrats perpetual Trump blame-game for everything gone wrong is an obvious giant load of crap. He's been out of office the same amount of time Joe and Kamala have been in office screwing things up.

Including the border.

Only a leftist liberal of extreme ideological leanings could possibly endorse such a radical concept. The health and safety of our cities and smaller communities have witnessed a dramatic upturn in crime and social unrest.

Former President Donald Trump recognized the threat years ago when he warned foreign countries were sending many of their own criminals, street gangs and lower socio-economic citizens into the United States under the guise of seeking "political sanctuary."

For the most part a ruse, as anyone can see if they aren't wearing blinders or totally ignorant of what's going on around them.

Never in the modern history of civilization has a country's government permitted the uninterrupted entry of millions of foreign individuals into their heartland, while at the same time providing taxpayer services to many of these people.

Usually, invading forces are composed of organized armies, navies and air forces. Or in the case of the 9-11 attacks over 20 years ago, hijacked commercial airplanes were crashed into tall buildings in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.

In our current situation, it seems apparent semi-skilled troops are surreptitiously entering through open borders, as evidenced by large numbers of under-30 single men.

I sincerely doubt these people are seeking political asylum, yard work or pizza delivery jobs.

This whole scenario remarkably resembles the Trojan Horse mythical tactic used by the ancient Greeks in the 12th-13th century BCE. 30-40 soldiers were concealed within a large wooden horse constructed by the Greeks and presented as a gift to the city of Troy (in modern Turkey) as a tribute of the Greeks respect for Troy's victory.

The horse was moved inside Troy's city gates as the Greeks retreated and, supposedly, left the area.

Later that night, a signal was sent to the Greek naval fleet offshore to return to Troy. Troops previously stowed within the horse opened the wall's gates, allowing Greek soldiers to enter and pillage the sleeping city.

The similarity between Troy and Washington's apparent slumber as millions of foreigners from all parts of the globe randomly cross our borders, is more than coincidental. Aided by the obvious fact malevolent soldiers at our gates are not covertly hiding inside a giant horse-like facsimile but are in plain view strolling the halls and offices of our nation's capital.

The stratagem, assisted by a sympathetic educational system and media, has for decades gradually convinced us of the need to alter our current form of government to one more tolerant of concepts and philosophies not common to a society predicated upon a citizen's Bill of Rights.

The "Anything goes and spend as much as you want" mantra is now a popular theme throughout many state and federal institutions.

As a result, our federal government is in debt over $35 trillion with the loan interest on this bill amounting to one of the largest expenditures in the annual budget --- leaving less money to appropriate to other concerns.

In the meantime, Joe and Kamala have been absent from our border. Actually, they've actively participated in eroding previous efforts to control and enforce security along the 2,000-mile southern boundary with Mexico.

To such an extent, many foreign immigrants are being transported by bus and plane into cities and towns throughout the interior of the U.S. Joe and Kamala's reasoning, I guess, is why mess with the border and Border Patrol when migrants can simply be flown over it into the city of their choice?

Again, sort of a Trojan Horse trick.

In spite of Dems repeated denials, the chaos along our border is — for the most part — a direct result of their intentional meddling.

Now, with a month remaining in the 2024 election campaign, Kam suddenly had an epiphany of the myriads of problems going on along the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California borders.

"I must immediately get to the Arizona-Mexico border to see for myself what all the commotion is about" Kamala must have thought after 43 months in office as Joe's Border Czar. "People might be getting the wrong idea why I haven't paid more attention or resolved its root causes."

Well Kam, I have some sad news — folks are well aware of your dereliction on border issues. They've lived with your incompetency for almost four years and no amount of phony lip service or impromptu trips to Douglas will change their minds.

It's too late. . . That train has left the station.

Your and Joe's abysmal tenure on not only the border, but other affairs as well, is winding down. You can return to the Senate and do whatever it is you do, and Joe can legitimately vacation full time.

You'll be happy, Joe will think it's swell, and most of America will breathe a sigh of relief. The anguish of the Biden Administration is -- hopefully -- coming to a merciful end.

Mike Bibb