I recently wrote to Senator Heinrich, as he says, about Mexico's decree to ban glyphosate and genetically modified corn. Senator Heinrich doesn't address my issues but seems to be in favor of the USMCA rules that
support trade no matter how much harm abiding by those rules might come to the people and the environment. Mexico is making an effort to protect their citizens from toxic glyphosate and genetically modified products. He
seems to think that even though it is a sovereign nation, why should the Mexicans get a break from the bad practices of the USDA? Full speed ahead on American citizens, however.

For brevity, I have removed the first paragraph of his letter in which he makes self-aggrandizing comments that he has funded a massive expansion of the Santa Theresa Port of Entry. I am not sure that would be a good thing given the porous nature of the borders.

He is up for re-election in November. I do not think he truly appreciates my thoughts, etc. etc.

Sue Noel

September 19, 2024

Dear Ms. Noel,

You wrote to me about Mexico's decree on genetically modified (GMO) corn. In 2020, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador issued a decree that would phase out the use of the pesticide glyphosate and ban the import of GMO corn by 2024. Then, in February 2023, Mexico issued a revised decree prohibiting GMO corn in dough and tortillas. Additionally, this decree phases out GMO corn for animal feed and industrial use.

In response, the United States requested the creation of a panel under USMCA to examine Mexico’s biotechnology measures on GMO corn and determine whether Mexico is violating its USMCA obligations. An initial report from this panel is expected this month. It is my hope that the USMCA will continue to provide a level of stability and certainty to New Mexico's agricultural producers, businesses, and workers, all of whom benefit greatly from our strong trading partnerships with Mexico and Canada.

Thank you for reaching out to me. Your experiences, ideas, thoughts, and concerns inform my work and decisions. I hope you will keep writing me about this and other issues that are important to you.

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Martin Heinrich
