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Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"Blade Runner 2049" (R) 3:00 & 7:00 pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
08:30am - 12:00pm Silver City Farmer's Market :: Social Events
Fresh food, crafts, music and fun.
Location Silver City Farmers' Market
08:30am Sixth Annual Alumni Scholarship Golf Tournament :: Fundraiser
Monies raised benefit student scholarships, assisting students with campus jobs, and the general scholarship fund. Interested golfers can register for $125 individually or as a foursome at $400. Fees include greens, tee prize, golf car, range balls, refreshments, complimentary breakfast, and ...
Location Scott Park Golf Course
Contact 575-538-6675 or alumni.wnmu.edu
09:00am - 06:00pm Shroud of Turin Presentation :: Education
Hosted by the Silver City Shroud of Turin Society. The exhibit features a 14-ft. life-size photograph of the Shroud of Turin, plus several 3-D pictures, The exhibit will be free and open to the public all day. At 6:00 pm Barrie Schwortz will ...
09:00am - 05:00pm Silver City Art Association Open Studios :: Arts & Music
Silver City Art Association Studios Artists will open their studios and invite the public to tour the studios, visit the artists and let them show you how they create their artwork! There will be an artists reception at the Visitor ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact www.silvercityart.com
10:00am - 02:00pm First Annual Harvest Festival :: Social Events
Highlights of this festival will include hammermill processing of mesquite beans, apple cider processing, seedsharing and a community potluck lunch. Visitors are encouraged to bring their favorite dishes to share at thisevent, which promises to be mouth-watering. During the festival, TVC ...
Location The Volunteer Center
Contact tvcgrantcounty.org or on Facebook @TheVolunteerCenterofGrantCounty
10:00am - 03:00pm Mimbres Culture Heritage Site Open House :: Tours
Celebrating International Archaeology Day. At 11 AM Marilyn Markel and Bill Hudson will give a tour of the Mattocks Ruin Archaeological Site. Visitors can see the model of the Mattocks Ruin prehistoric community built by William Hudson before taking the trail ...
Location Mimbres Culture Heritage Site
Contact 307-640-3012 or 575-536-9337
10:00am - 02:00pm Silver City Friends of the Library Booksale :: Fundraiser
This sale will be held inside the bookstore only; there will be no parking lot sales. Hardback and trade paperback books are priced at $1.00 each and paperbacks at $0.50 each. In some individual cases, books may be priced higher. You ...
Location FOL Bookstore
10:00am The Jacob Bennett Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Meeting :: Social Events
Visiting DAR members are invited to attend. Regent Lucy Whitmarsh will present a program about a project Silver City MainStreet is working on to develop a walking tour of Bullard Street in downtown Silver City. If you think you might be ...
Location Silver City Visitor Center
Contact 575-574-8394 or
12:00pm - 12:45pm Fiddling Friends :: Arts & Music
Live music
Location The HUB
02:00pm - 04:00pm Monsoon Puppets for Kids 2 :: Kids' Activity
Please Preregister. Donation $5. This workshop is for kids to make small puppets and/or masks that can be used to participate in the Dia de los Muertos Parade on October 29th. The first class will be cardboard construction for those ...
Location Leyba and Ingalls Arts
Contact 575-388-5725
05:30pm "Make America Great Again Dinner" :: Political
Grant County Republicans and Grant County Federated Republican Women will host the dinner. Attractions include meeting many 2018 candidates, buffet dinner, cash bar, silent auction, and selfies with the President. Tickets are $35 now or $40 at the door. Tickets ...
Location WNMU Cafeteria
Contact 575-313-7997 or 575-313-0567 or 575-538-1623
06:30pm Ray Cressler :: Arts & Music
Live music
Location Buckhorn Saloon
07:00pm Movies at the Light Hall Theater :: Arts & Music
"Annabelle: Creation" (R)
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact movies.wnmu.edu
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