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Silver City CLAY Festival 2018 :: Arts & Music
To find out more about events and activities go to https://www.clayfestival.com
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact https://www.clayfestival.com
Entrepreneurship for Creatives Workshops :: Arts & Music
Join us for CLAY’s first-ever workshop series designed to help artists from all disciplines make money from doing what they love. Workshops start Monday, July 16, and run throughout the week. Workshops are free, but pre-registration is required. For class descriptions ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact For more information or to register: https://www.clayfestival.com/store/c29/Entrepreneurship_for_Creatives
Hands-On Workshops at the CLAY Festival :: Arts & Music
Hands-on workshops begin Monday, July 16. Make a rattle or two with Silver City artist Zoe Wolfe, learn how to make clay tell your story with Silver City artist Romaine Begay, become part of the Silver City community with San ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact For more information or to register: https://www.clayfestival.com/store/c5/WORKSHOPS.html
"CLAY Matters" Buttons for Sale :: Social Events
Lecture buttons for $25.00. They cover admission for all nine lectures being offered throughout the week. Singly, lectures are $10.00. Those with a button will also be privy to a number of discounts and benefits at local businesses. Buttons may ...
Location Silver City Visitor Center
Contact To purchase online go to: https://www.clayfestival.com/store/c10/Lectures
Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation" (PG) 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
09:00am - 10:00am Goddess Energy :: Spiritual
A four-class series begins on July 9. Join Lynda Aiman-Smith for this class in which we will celebrate the Divine Feminine by moving our bodies, telling stories, making use of healing sound . . . and more. What a way ...
Location Lotus Center
Contact www,LotusCenterSC.org
12:00pm - 01:00pm Zumba Gold :: Health & Wellness
Fun exercise class, based on the successful Zumba ® formula and geared to older adults or those new to exercise. We use rock n roll, classic Latin rhythms and other international music styles to stretch, move and work your muscles. ...
Location Silver City Recreation Center
Contact 575-313-6883 or
12:05pm - 01:00pm New Hope Al-Anon Family Group :: Health & Wellness
Al Anon Family Groups are for family and friends of alcoholics. This is an Open Meeting of Al-Anon.
Location First Presbyterian Church
Contact 575-313-7891
01:00pm - 03:00pm Silver City Woman's Club Annual School Supply Drive :: Fundraiser
Someone will be at the Club every Monday afternoon to accept donations. Items such as pens, # 2 pencils, erasers, loose leaf binders, paper, spiral notebooks, backpacks, crayons, markers, 2 gigabyte, jump drives, children’s books and tissues.
Location Silver City Woman's Club
Contact 575-654-1001 or
04:00pm - 05:00pm "Rowland Hazard III and the La Luz Pottery Factory" :: Arts & Music
Anthropologist, historian, preservation planner, and teacher Pete Eidenbach will examine the history of the La Luz Pottery Factory. All the week’s lectures are $10, and prepaying for the week’s lectures is encouraged. In conjunction with the lecture, there will be an ...
Location Seedboat Center for the Arts
04:00pm Grant County Soil & Water Conservation District Meeting :: Legal Notices
The public is welcome to attend.
Location Natural Resources Conservation Service/Grant SWCD Office
Contact 575-388-1569 or
04:30pm Grant County Community Health Council :: Health & Wellness
The Grant County Community Health Council to meet in regular session Monday, July 16, 2018, at the Black Street office to discuss transition plans.
Contact 575-388-1198
05:30pm - 06:00pm Silver Schools Board Work Session :: Legal Notices
The purpose for the meeting will be to allow the Board opportunity for general discussion and review of pertinent matters that require their attention and direction. The Board may elect to go into executive session pursuant to 10-15-1, H-1 through ...
Location School Administration Building
06:00pm Silver City Schools Board Regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
Transaction of the following business: approval of minutes and agenda; information/presentations/reports; action items-approval of the consent agenda; future meetings and proposed agenda items; executive session; and such other items as may be included on the regular board meeting agenda.
Location School Administration Building
06:00pm “Contemporary Pottery Today” A Lecture by Julia Galloway :: Arts & Music
Gallowy will examine the role pottery plays in our everyday lives and how the art has evolved. Galloway is a utilitarian potter and Professor of Art at the University of Montana, Missoula.
Location WNMU Parotti Recital Hall
Contact www.clayfestival.com.
07:00pm Open Mic With Byron Trammell :: Arts & Music
Live music
Location Buckhorn Saloon
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