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Silver City CLAY Festival 2018 :: Arts & Music
To find out more about events and activities go to https://www.clayfestival.com
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact https://www.clayfestival.com
Entrepreneurship for Creatives Workshops :: Arts & Music
Join us for CLAY’s first-ever workshop series designed to help artists from all disciplines make money from doing what they love. Workshops start Monday, July 16, and run throughout the week. Workshops are free, but pre-registration is required. For class descriptions ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact For more information or to register: https://www.clayfestival.com/store/c29/Entrepreneurship_for_Creatives
Hands-On Workshops at the CLAY Festival :: Arts & Music
Hands-on workshops begin Monday, July 16. Make a rattle or two with Silver City artist Zoe Wolfe, learn how to make clay tell your story with Silver City artist Romaine Begay, become part of the Silver City community with San ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact For more information or to register: https://www.clayfestival.com/store/c5/WORKSHOPS.html
"CLAY Matters" Buttons for Sale :: Social Events
Lecture buttons for $25.00. They cover admission for all nine lectures being offered throughout the week. Singly, lectures are $10.00. Those with a button will also be privy to a number of discounts and benefits at local businesses. Buttons may ...
Location Silver City Visitor Center
Contact To purchase online go to: https://www.clayfestival.com/store/c10/Lectures
Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation" (PG) 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
09:00am Grant County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
I. Call to OrderII. Pledge of Allegiance & Salute to State FlagIII. Approval of Regular Meeting AgendaIV. Gila Regional Medical Center Reports – Taffy AriasV. Public InputDuring this portion of our meeting, we welcome your suggestions and want to hear ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
Contact http://www.grantcountynm.com
09:00am WildEarth Guardians :: Public Meetings
Tell the Grant County Commission that Wildlife Services is a waste of our tax dollars and a threat to public safety! Dangerous traps, snares and poisons have no place on our public lands. Attend the meeting and make your voice ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
Contact 505-795-8096 or
01:00pm Grant County Lodgers Tax Advisory Board Quarterly Meeting :: Legal Notices
Regular meeting
Location Grant County Administration Center
Contact http://www.grantcountynm.com
05:00pm - 08:00pm 7th Annual Juried Exhibition Reception :: Arts & Music
"Only a Vessel" featuring a talk by Marko Fields, winner of the 2017 Tad Van der Weele Memorial Award. $25.00, Preregistration required. Catering by The Duck Stop, wine and beer by La Esperanza Vineyards & Winery. To register: https://www.clayfestival.com/store/p164/JURIED_EXHIBITION%3A_ONLY_A_VESSEL.html
Location Seedboat Center for the Arts
Contact https://www.clayfestival.com/store/p164/JURIED_EXHIBITION%3A_ONLY_A_VESSEL.html
05:30pm Aldo Leopold Charter School Governing Council Meeting :: Legal Notices
If you have a disability requiring special assistance, notify the school at 575-538-2547 as soon as possible and arrangements will be made.
Location Aldo Leopold Charter School
Contact 575-538-2547
05:30pm Zumba Fitness in Hurley :: Health & Wellness
Zumba Fitness is a moderate-high intensity aerobic fitness class moving to Zumba choreography and inspired Latin music. All classes cost $3/class.
Location Hurley Community Center
06:30pm Grant County Search and Rescue :: Public Meetings
We are a professional, all-volunteer team welcoming new members with outdoors skills to assist lost or injured individuals in SW New Mexico.
Contact 575-538-5706 or http://gcsar-nm.org/
07:00pm Fort Bayard Summer Film Series: "Lozen's Story" :: Arts & Music
Theme - "The Spirit of the Human Being: Indigenous Peoples' Survival through Humor and Tragedy." This film series features the struggles of the Native Indigenous People, seen through their own eyes. Doors open at 6:30. Free.
Location Santa Clara Armory
Contact 575-388-4862 or 575-388-4477 or 575-534-1379
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