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Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE! Help for non-profits or those considering one. Every Wednesday, by appointment only.
Location College Plaza Suite #16
Contact 575-597-0035 or email
Now Showing at the Silco Theater :: Arts & Music
"Toy Story 4" (G) 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theater
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
09:00am - 12:00pm Wednesday Farmers' Market :: Social Events
All kinds of fresh produce available.
Location Ace Hardware
10:00am - 11:15am Ballet for Adults: Body and Spirit :: Health & Wellness
For more information on the class, please visit:http://www.lotuscentersc.org/classes-moving-arts/
Location Lotus Center
10:00am NM CAP Entity Workshop and Meeting :: Legal Notices
I. Pledge of AllegianceII. Roll Calla. NM CAP Entity Partiesb. Telephone GuestsIII. Approval of the AgendaIV. Old Businessa. Decision to Approve or Disapprove the Business Plan Developed by StantecEngineering. Discussion; Action or No Action.V. New Businessa. Draft Letter to be ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
10:30am Storytime :: Kids' Activity
Join us for stories, songs and rhymes, movement, and simple crafts. Storytimes are designed for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. Free, no registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
01:00pm Babytime, Sing and Play :: Kids' Activity
Join us for stories, songs and rhymes, and movement for infants 0-24 months and their caregivers. Free, no registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
01:00pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Beginners welcome, experts challenged.
Location Tranquil Buzz Coffee House
Contact 575-534-9355
04:00pm - 05:00pm Future Engineers :: Kids' Activity
Creative construction fun with LEGO® bricks, K'NEX®, and Strawbees as well as STEAM activities to experiment with! This activity is geared toward children ages 6-12. Free, no registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
04:00pm Silver City Public Library Community Advisory Group Meeting :: Legal Notices
The public is invited to attend. The complete agenda is available on the Town's website at www.townofsilvercity.org and at City Hall, 101 W. Broadway. If you are an individual with a disability who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language ...
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact www.townofsilvercity.org
05:30pm - 06:45pm Belly Dancing with Zoe Wolfe :: Health & Wellness
Offered four Wednesdays in August. Attend one, some, or all four classes. No prior experience is necessary; everyone is welcome! $10 Drop-in, $8 w/ a Lotus class card.
Location Lotus Center
Contact www.LotusCenterSC.org/Events
06:00pm - 07:00pm Al-Anon Family Group :: Health & Wellness
This is an open meeting.
Location Arenas Valley Church of Christ
Contact 575-313-7891
06:00pm Gila Chapter of the Back Country Horsemen of New Mexico Meeting :: Social Events
All are welcome - member or not. Each meeting features guest speakers on subjects of interest to all those who use the Gila wilderness. The meeting room is at East end of hallway, 2nd floor. Parking is at the back ...
Location WNMU Watts Hall
06:00pm Spaghetti Night With Byron Trammell :: Arts & Music
Live music
Location Buckhorn Saloon
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Disclaimer: If you find errors in articles not written by the Beat team but sent to us from other content providers, please contact the writer, not the Beat. For example, obituaries are always provided by the funeral home or a family member. We can fix errors, but please give details on where the error is so we can find it. News releases from government and non-profit entities are posted generally without change, except for legal notices, which incur a small charge.
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