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Silver City Public Library Will be Closed for the Labor Day Holiday :: Legal Notices
Regular hours will resume Tuesday, September 3. Mondays - Thursdays, 9:00am to 6:00pm; Fridays, 10:00am to 5:00pm; Saturdays, 10:00am to 2:00pm
Location Silver City Public Library
Cosmic Campground Weekend :: Social Events
Bring a friend, red filtered flashlight, very warm clothes, a lawn chair, and telescope and binoculars if you have them. Make new friends and enjoy the wonders of the night sky.
Location Cosmic Campground
Contact www.cosmiccampground.org/
Pop-Up Fiber Gallery :: Arts & Music
Fiber art featured will be hand knits, including garments and wonderfully creative creatures by Tina Salmon, Kathy Cole's contemporary quilted pieces, Vicki Sanow's wearable knits, Vicki Gadberry's fine hand dyed garments and fiber art cards worthy of framing, and Suzanne ...
Location 400 N. Bullard St.
Contact www.fiberartscollective.org.
Labor Day Super Blitz and Saturation Saturday DWI Checkpoints :: Health & Wellness
There will be multiple sobriety checkpoints and DWI saturation patrols throughout the state.
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Now Showing at the Silco Theater :: Arts & Music
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" (R) 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theater
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
08:00am - 01:00pm Glenwood Street Market :: Social Events
A variety of food – home-baked items, canned goods, fresh produce, plants, handcrafted jewelry, leather goods, outdoor decorative items and much more.
Location Glenwood, New Mexico
08:30am - 12:00pm Silver City Downtown Farmers' Market :: Social Events
The Saturday Farmers' Market will be relocating to 901 N. Pope Street on the corner of College Ave. at the old LIfequest Building due to construction of Main Street Plaza, There will still be produce, food, artists, vendors, music and ...
Location Temporary Farmers Market
Contact silvercityfarmersmarket.com
08:30am Weight Watchers :: Health & Wellness
Weigh-in will begin at 8:00am and the meeting begins at 8:30.
Location First Presbyterian Church
09:00am - 05:00pm 2019 Gem & Mineral Show :: Social Events
Free Admission to this great family event! Large assortment of vendors, Wheel of Fortune, Silent Auction, daily field trips for collecting and educational speakers.
Location Grant County Veterans Memorial Conference Center
10:00am - 12:00pm "On the Road with Jack and Jill" Book Signing :: Arts & Music
Travelin’ Jack was scheduled to join Jill on this trip, however, he passed away on August 10. He was New Mexico’s Adventure Dog and pre-eminent dog-expert on Pet Travel. Adopted from a Colorado Shelter in 2009, he was immediately put to the ...
Location Silver City Visitor Center
Contact www.silvercitymainstreet.com
11:30am - 02:30pm Taste Of Downtown And Love Local :: Social Events
Come and enjoy great food and drinks while supporting MainStreet with our fundraiser, Taste of Downtown. 15 taste locations for just $20/ticket. Savor and sweet to delight your tastebuds! Get great deals downtown during Love Local with more than 30 ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact www.silvercitymainstreet.com
12:00pm Carnitas, Musica y Mas :: Social Events
$5 per day; $10 for all three days. Beer Garden, Food vendors, dance contests, car show, games and more. And lots of local music acts.
Location Gough Park
12:30pm - 02:30pm "On the Road with Jack and Jill" Book Signing :: Arts & Music
Travelin’ Jack was scheduled to join Jill on this trip, however, he passed away on August 10. He was New Mexico’s Adventure Dog and pre-eminent dog-expert on Pet Travel. Adopted from a Colorado Shelter in 2009, he was immediately put to the ...
Location The Rock Center
Contact www.silvercitymainstreet.com
01:30pm - 03:30pm Family Fun: Repujado Workshop :: Kids' Activity
Kids can make their own repujados, a traditional form of metal embossing. Participants can take home their very own repujado. Stencils will be provided but artists are welcome to use whatever designs they want. Workshop and materials are provided free ...
Location Silver City Museum
06:30pm Sam Mandan :: Arts & Music
Live music.
Location Buckhorn Opera House
07:00pm Movies at the Light Hall Theater :: Arts & Music
"Shaft" (R)
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact movies.wnmu.edu
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