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Rolling Stones Gem & Mineral Society Field Trip :: Social Events
3rd Saturdays. Must be a member or member's guest.
Contact 388-2010
Gila River Festival: The Wild River Speaks! :: Arts & Music
The 8th annual Gila River Festival – planned in and around Silver City – will celebrate through storytelling the natural and cultural heritage of the Gila River, New Mexico’s last free-flowing river.Field trips, lectures, workshops, tours, a Monsoon Puppet Parade, ...
Contact 538-8078
08:30am - 12:00pm Farm2Chef Challenge! :: Health & Wellness
Participants in the Farm2Chef Challenge must use at least five ingredients from Grant County or farms within 100 miles of Silver City. A three judge panel with score dishes based on taste, plating, creativity, and use of local ingredients. The ...
Contact 388-1198
08:30am - 02:00pm Silver City Art Market :: Arts & Music
Every Saturday. Local handmade arts and crafts.
Contact 313-6468
08:30am - 12:00pm Silver City Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Every Saturday
Contact Contact
10:00am - 11:00am Celebrate Constitution Day! :: Education
This is a celebration of Constitution Day with each other and as many people across the United States who will also be reading the Constitution in its entirety. It is part of a larger national event.You can participate by reading a portion of ...
Contact 313-1448
10:00am Making & Using Adobe :: Education
FREE. Gather to hear the history of adobe making while Susan Jerome of Mulecreek Adobe Inc. creates mini adobe blocks.Families welcome. Bring a pound of your soil, and Susan will test it to see if you can create adobe blocks ...
10:00am - 02:00pm Red Hot Children's Fiesta :: Kids' Activity
Great activities for children of all ages!
Contact 388-1198, ext. 10
10:00am - 05:00pm Weekend at the Hearst Church Gallery :: Arts & Music
The featured artist is Ann Taylor.
11:00am District 4 VFW & Women's Auxiliary Meetings :: Social Events
Doors open at 11 am, followed by lunch at noon. The meetings begin after lunch.
Contact 574-8109
11:00am - 06:00pm Gila River Festival Gallery Tour :: Arts & Music
Featuring artists who capture the Festival's theme, "The Wild River Speaks."*10 am to 4 pm - Silver City Museum: Gila Wide, Panoramic Photographs of the Gila Valley by Dennis Weller.*11:30 am - Laird Gallery: Gila River & NM Landscape Art. Dulce ...
01:00pm - 03:00pm Nelson Martinez and Mariachi in Concert :: Arts & Music
Nelson Martinez, the much-loved singer from Albuquerque, will be accompanied by Mariachi Raices de America from El Paso, Texas.
Contact 538-6517
06:00pm - 08:00pm Greg & Charlie :: Arts & Music
07:00pm - 10:00pm "Electro Gila" Juried Art Exhibition :: Arts & Music
The McCray Gallery hosts an opening reception for the juried exhibition entitled: "Electro Gila - The Power of Water: Rio Grande, Gila, Mimbres-Vecinos." It is a visual multi-media electronic art exhibition, using new technologies including digital sound and movement elements. ...
Contact 538-6517
07:30pm Trevor Reichman :: Arts & Music
Singer/songwriter from Big Bend.
Contact 538-9911
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