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02:30pm "Guarding Against Identity Theft" Presentation :: Education
Oct. 24 & 25. FREE presentation by Joe Wlosinski, sponsored by AARP.Topics will include credit card and debit card theft, medical identity theft, taxpayer identity theft, safeguarding personal information, monitoring and freezing credit reports, child identity theft, death of a ...
Contact 538-3672
06:00pm - 08:00pm Fridays' Welding Workshop :: Education
Welding processes will mainly focus on MIG (wire feed) welding with some torch & grinder work. These sessions will give interested folks some hands-on experience with metalwork, while we convert unused bicycles and parts into art and utilitarian objects.
Contact 388-1444
06:30pm ACLU Singer/Songwriter Competition & Annual Meeting :: Public Meetings
The event will include addresses by three knowledgeable speakers on the subject of Privacy Rights; as well as the finals of the Singer/Songwriter Competition. The performances will alternate with presentations on the topic of Privacy Rights by an informed group of ...
07:30pm Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra in Concert :: Arts & Music
The Mimbres Region Arts Council presents the "symphony blossoming in the desert": Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra.Returning in another virtuoso tour, the orchestra will focus on classic by Brahms and Tchaikovsky, featuring solo violinist Philippe Quint.
Contact 538-2505
07:30pm Sean Ashby :: Arts & Music
Singer/Songwriter and Guitarist for Sarah McLaughlan from Canada.
Contact 538-9911
08:00pm - 11:59pm Dance Night at VFW Post 3347 :: Arts & Music
Entertainment, Entertainment, Entertainment!Every Friday Dance Night to the Music of Hector Carrillo: Pop, Light, Rock, Country Western and Spanish, all to your liking!!!All proceeds help our Veterans and their families.
Contact 574-8109
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