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Pickamania! :: Arts & Music
FREE Festival!Mimbres Region Arts Council presents the 6th Annual Pickamania, featuring:Sarah JaroszSteve Riley & the Mamou PlayboysFishtank EnsemblehONEyhoUSeRun Boy RunLittlest BirdsSteep RavineLost Howlin' CoyotesMountainaire Folk MusicHigher Ground Bluegrass
Location Gough Park
Contact 538-2505
02:00pm - 04:00pm Basic Computer Skills Series :: Education
FREE. Wednesdays & Fridays, August 27 through September 19.Presented by WNMU Adult Education Services.Covers computer hardware basics, computer operation basics, internet and emailing, and Microsoft Office basics.Register at the first class on 8/27 or call 574-5101. Limit 14 students.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
04:30pm - 07:00pm Artist's Reception: "The Notion of Landscape" :: Arts & Music
This opening reception introduces the solo survey exhibition of paintings by Michael Cook titled "Michael Cook: The Notion of Landscape" featuring his work from 1981-2009.The exhibition runs from September 12 through October 17.
Location WNMU Francis McCray Gallery of Contemporarly Art
Contact 538-6517
05:30pm Taizé Service :: Spiritual
FREE. 2nd Fridays.Taizé-style worship consists of sung prayer, alternating with spoken scripture readings, spoken prayer and silence. The service is non–denominational, and all are welcome.Doors of the church are open at 5:00 pm for silent contemplation.
Location Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
06:30pm - 09:00pm Street Dance! :: Arts & Music
The Silver City Food Co-op is proud to sponsor The Out of Kilters of Tucson, traditional Irish music from rousing ballads to toe-tapping jigs and reels that make you want to get up and dance!
Location Silver City Food Co-op Parking Lot
Contact 388-2343
08:30pm String Beans :: Arts & Music
Hoppin' Americana Blue Grass
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 956-6144
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