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Artisan and Vendor Applications for Dias de los Muertos Accepted :: Arts & Music
Food vendors must comply with the New Mexico Department of Health standards and have their temporary license. Artisans will only be permitted to sell Dias de los Muertos themed arts and crafts. See Silver City Dias de los Muertos facebook ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact 575-388-5725 or
Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"Pete's Dragon" (PG) 4:00pm; "Sausage Party" (R) 7:00pm; "The Fifth Element" (PG-13) 10:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
07:00am - 08:30pm 12th Annual Gila River Festival :: Social Events
Credit card payment and online registration available at www.gilaconservation.org/wp/?page_id=245 Water Is Life 7:00 a.m.–3:00 pm; Floodplain Diversity of the Gila River 8:00–11:30 am; Continental Divide Trail Stewardship 8:00 am–5:00 pm; Icons and Symbols of Our Regional Heritage 9:00–10:00 am; 100 ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
08:00am - 11:59pm 2016 Grant County Fair :: Social Events
8:00 AM Pancake Breakfast; 8:00 AM Poultry Judging – Poultry Barn; 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Tractor Show; 10:00 AM Enter Dave Brown Team Roping - BUSTER SHELLEY ARENA, GOAT ROPING IMMEDIATELY AFTER DAVE BROWN ROPING; 8:30 AM Junior Goat ...
Location Grant County Fair Grounds
Contact www.grantcountyfairnm.com
09:00am - 07:00pm Popcorn Fridays at Silver City Food Co-Op :: Social Events
Sample freshly popped organic corn, along with a selection of other delicious food samples. Come by and see what new food there is to try. You might have a delightful surprise for your tastebuds!
Location Silver City Food Co-op
09:00am - 03:00pm Town and Country Garden Club Fall Sale :: Fundraiser
All summer clothing will be offered at super special prices. Winter clothing sales will begin September 28. The thrift store has been at its current location for more than 40 years. Donations from interested people, and Town and Country Garden ...
Location Town and Country Garden Thrift Store
09:00am - 04:00pm Trauma Informed Care Training :: Health & Wellness
Presented by Silvia Madrid, MA, CEUs approved by NM Counseling Therapy Board. Seating is limited call to register. $40 for 6 CEUs; $25 for no CEUs. Treat the whole individual and not merely react to the behaviors of diagnosis.
Location New Mexico Health Options
Contact Paula Anderson 575-388-4497
10:00am - 05:00am Grant County Art Guild 31st Annual Purchase Prize Award Exhibit :: Arts & Music
The theme of the show is "Realism Unleashed" and the “Best of Show” winning entry will be purchased for $1,500. Other significant cash prizes for the show help make this an enticing competition for New Mexico artists. It is always ...
Location Pinos Altos Art Gallery
11:30am - 12:30pm Yoga For Beginners with Brooke Cressler :: Health & Wellness
This class for those with little to no yoga experience. Cost: $5.
Location Lotus Center
Contact 575-388-4647
02:00pm - 04:00pm Baking Contest at Grant County Fair :: Social Events
Two age groups, youths (18 years and younger) and adults (older than 18 years of age); No cream, custard, or meat pies; no whipped cream or cream cheese. No highly perishable food items. Bring your best pie or cake to ...
Location Grant County Fair Grounds
Contact www.grantcountyfairnm.com
02:00pm - 04:00pm Technology Workshop - Email :: Education
Free workshop on how to use email professionally, attach files/pictures, and how to manage email. Presented by Adult Education Services. Job-seekers, entrepreneurs, and those seeking to boost their work skills are especially encouraged to attend. No registration necessary. There are ...
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
04:30pm - 05:45pm Bhakti Yoga/Magical Healing Mantras :: Health & Wellness
Heart Required / Voice Optional / Money Refused / Recorded Music / Sing Along / Free of Charge
Location Market Cafe Community Room
05:00pm - 07:00pm SVA Gila River Landscape and Western Wildlife Art Shows Grand Opening :: Arts & Music
Location Artist Lair Gallery in the Old Elk's Club Ballroom
05:30pm - 06:30pm Women's Al-Anon Meeting: Women Embracing Recovery :: Public Meetings
Limited to female Al-Anon members and prospective members.
Location La Clinica Health & Birth Center
Contact Karen 575-313-7094 or Hosana 575-313-1032
07:00pm Movies at the Light Hall Theater :: Arts & Music
"The Secret Life of Pets" (PG)
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact movies.wnmu.edu
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