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Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"Manchester by the Sea" (R) 2:00 & 5:00pm; "Moonlight" (R) 8:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
Great Backyard Bird Count :: Education
Bird watchers count the birds they see for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the count, then enter their checklists at birdcount.org. All the data contribute to a snapshot of bird distribution and help scientists see ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact birdcount.org
09:00am - 12:00pm "Young Orchard" Pruning Workshop :: Education
This orchard is an example of Grant County’s collaborative powers illustrated with the “Community Orchard” project, Silver City’s Office of Sustainabiliy, Gary Stailey’s JPO groups and many others! It was planted last year on Earth Day, and will be dedicated ...
Location Town of Silver City Office of Sustainability
Contact 575-388-1559
09:30am Silver City Territorial Charter Day Celebration :: Social Events
Dress Like 1878 - Territorial Charter Day Celebration - 9:30 Biscocho Bake Sale - Traditional New Mexico State Cookies baked from traditional family recipes. Javalina Coffee House - 117 West Market Street; 10:30 Presentation of the Territorial Charter at the ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact 575-534-1700 or silvercitymainstreet.com
10:00am - 03:00pm Botanical Drawing and Watercolor With Lisa Coddington :: Arts & Music
Fee: $235.00 (includes resource list and supportive handouts.) Materials are separate. It is important to pre-register. Early Spring subjects inspire you to get started whether you are novice or refining your skills. You will receive encouraging step-by-step instruction in drawing ...
Location Leyba and Ingalls Arts
Contact To register call 575-388-5725
10:00am Southwest Fire Fighters Work Capacity Test Schedule Update :: Legal Notices
Individuals must have previously attended the annual recruitment meeting to participate. Recruits should dress in appropriate exercise clothing and footwear.
Location Fox Field
Contact http://www.fs.usda.gov/gila/
11:00am - 02:00pm Sampling Saturday at the Silver City Food Co-op :: Health & Wellness
Come by and taste this very special single source olive oil for yourself. Doug Smith the Food Co-op’s grocery buyer has ordered this wonderful olive oil and we only have 8 cases out of the 300 produced this year. This ...
Location Silver City Food Co-op
01:00pm - 03:00pm Permaculture Silver City :: Education
Come join us and chat about regenerative practices. Skill share: Composting, with Doug Smith of Townside Farm. Plant of the Month: Pecan. Please share your knowledge, experiences, and enthusiasm about this amazing tree.
Location Market Cafe Community Room
04:30pm - 06:00pm Community Drumming Circle :: Spiritual
Host: Robert Donnelly. Bring a drum, a rattle, a flute, a didgeridoo, bells... bring a friend... and an open heart. Open to the public; donations accepted.
Location Lotus Center
Contact 575-388-4647
06:00pm Danny & Joe :: Arts & Music
Latin and Jazz duo.
Location Buckhorn Saloon
07:00pm Movies at the Light Hall Theater :: Arts & Music
"Allied" (R)
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact movies.wnmu.edu
07:00pm The $1.98 Show 2017 :: Arts & Music
NM Rated R, appropriate for those ages 18 and up, no minors allowed. Tickets are $10-$25 Buy your tickets in advance, by credit card at Yada Yada Yarn at 621 N. Bullard Street, and by cash at Little Toad Creek ...
Location WNMU Fine Arts Center
07:30pm MRAC Folk Series - The Harmaleighs :: Arts & Music
MRAC members can purchase tickets for $15, non-member tickets are $20, available online at mimbresarts.org and at the MRAC office in the Wells Fargo Bank building. The Harmaleighs, from Nashville, TN is composed of Haley Grant (guitar/vocals) and Kaylee Jasperson ...
Location Buckhorn Opera House
Contact 575-538-2505 or mimbresarts.org or
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