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Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"The Ghost in the Shell" (TBC) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
09:00am - 03:00pm Comcast Cares Day at the Big Ditch Park :: Social Events
Bring your grandkids, bring your grandparents, it’s not just for kids, but for the whole community! Be a part of this mural and support the Mimbres Region Arts Council arts programming. For each volunteer who works on the mural, Comcast ...
Location Big Ditch Park
Contact 575-538-2505 or
09:00am Senior Olympics Opening Ceremonies :: Social Events
Location Fox Field
09:30am Walking Tours of Historic Ft. Bayard :: Tours
The Fort Bayard Museum, located in Officer's Quarters #26, on the west side of the parade ground at Fort Bayard National Historic Landmark, will be open on every Saturday from 9:15 - 12:30 and Monday from 10 - 2. Special tours ...
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-956-3294, 575-574-8779 or 970-222-2433.
10:00am - 02:00pm Earth Day Celebration at Gough Park :: Social Events
We are planning entertainment throughout the day in the Gazebo. A document shredding, electronic waste collection and recycling drive will also take place again this year in the parking lot south of the Park.
Location Gough Park
10:00am - 12:00pm Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs 8th Annual Kids Bicycle Safety Rodeo :: Kids' Activity
Kids should bring their own bikes and ride the monitored safety course, can be fitted with a free helmet while supplies last, and receive free bike safety inspections and minor repairs from the staff of the BikeWorks. There will also ...
Location Bikeworks Branch
Contact 575-574-2543
10:00am - 02:00pm Silver City Food Co-op Earth Day Booth :: Kids' Activity
Get creative and recycle and make bottle cap magnets. Families are encouraged to stop by and make magnets. All ages enjoy picking colors and decorating the magnets.
Location Gough Park
10:00am - 12:00pm Willow Tank Restoration Restoration Open House :: Rural Roads
(9:00-11:00am AZ Time) Willow Tank, renowned as an internationally-recognized hot spot for viewing rare bird species, has been restored to support species using the flyway between the Chiricahua and Peloncillo Mountains. The approximately one-acre pond, owned by rancher Larry Rivers and managed ...
Location Cave Creek Canyon
Contact 650-207-9304 or 520-558-2334
11:00am - 02:00pm Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Event :: Education
There will be free activities for kids provided by local agencies. CASA will be giving out free food and drinks. There will also be a raffle for prizes. The public is welcome to attend and speak with the Advocates to ...
Location Penny Park
12:00pm - 02:00pm Freedom From Pain Workshop :: Health & Wellness
Join Corri Broner for this 3-session workshop which. Learn practical, effective mind-body therapies that empower people to find greater comfort and well-being in daily life. Attend one, two, or all three sessions. $24 per session or $60 for all three.
Location Lotus Center
Contact www.LotusCenterSC.org/events or 575-388-4647
04:30pm - 06:00pm Community Drumming Circle :: Spiritual
Come and drum, shake, dance, trance. We welcome all levels of percussive persuasion.
Location Lotus Center
Contact 575-388-4647 or www.LotusCenterSC.com
06:00pm "Bunkhouse Bash" :: Fundraiser
Annual Copper CowBelles Shindig fundraiser. Dance to the Yarbrough Band, brisket dinner, silent auction. Get tickets at Aunt Judy’s Attic, Western Bank, Sumrall Farm Bureau Ins and CowBelle members. $30 in advance and $35 at door.
Location The Flame Convention Center
Contact www.coppercowbelles.com
06:00pm "Hooray For Hollywood" Scholarship Gala :: Fundraiser
Reservations are $150 per person or $1000 for a table of eight. WNMU alumni can make single reservations for $125. Guests are encouraged to dress as their favorite movie star or character, glamorous Hollywood style or black tie. The evening ...
Location WNMU Graham Gym
Contact Reservations: 575-538-6310
07:00pm A Tribute to Steve Reynolds & Michael Kern :: Arts & Music
With Steve Bennett, Tom Dukes & Tom Privett.
Location Buckhorn Saloon
07:00pm Movies at the Light Hall Theater :: Arts & Music
"The LEGO Batman Movie" (PG)
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact movies.wnmu.edu
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