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Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"Thor: Ragnarok" (PG-13) 3:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
09:00am - 12:00pm Church Bazaar :: Fundraiser
Garage sale hours are 8 until noon.
Location Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
09:00am - 12:00pm Drive-Through Flu Vaccination Clinic :: Health & Wellness
Free flu vaccinations will be administered on a first come, first served basis to adults during this year’s Hidalgo Medical Services (HMS) community drive-through clinic. Vehicle entrance will be directly off of Pope Street
Location Hidalgo Community Health Center
Contact 888-271-3596
10:00am - 01:00pm Library Arcade :: Kids' Activity
Teens are invited to hang out with video games, board games, music. Ages 10+, free, no registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
10:00am - 03:00pm WNMU Admissions Office Open House for Prospective Students and Families :: Social Events
Includes a tour of the new student apartment facility in Mustang Village, an introductory walk around WNMU’s cornerstone buildings, and an academic showcase, where visitors will have the chance to meet professors and learn more about each department and discipline. ...
Location Western New Mexico University
Contact Register at admissions.wnmu.edu/openhouse.
01:00pm Walking Tour of Mattocks Ruin :: Tours
$3 donation is requested per guest. The Mimbres Museum is open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11 AM - 1 PM. The tour will teach about the history of the site; first a homestead, now a museum and protected archaeological ...
Location Mimbres Culture Heritage Site
Contact 307-640-3012
02:00pm - 04:00pm Reading and Book Signing: Beneath the Bleeding Tree by Nadia Skye Nolan :: Arts & Music
Top selling Amazon author, Nadia Skye Nolan returns to her hometown to read from her new novel, “Beneath the Bleeding Tree.”
Location Javalina Coffee Shop
Contact Ms Nolan at
03:00pm - 06:00pm Opening Reception for Art and Mimi Peterson :: Arts & Music
New works by Art and Mimi Peterson.
Location Seedboat Center for the Arts
06:00pm - 09:00pm Benefit Dance for SPIN :: Fundraiser
$5-$10 suggested donation. SPIN: Supporting People In Need, a new non-profit in Silver City that is working towards housing solutions for those most in need. Music and dancing with The Big Ditch Crickets: suitable for all ages, music and folk ...
Location Old Elk's Club
Contact 575-313-2426
06:30pm Robert Kuhn :: Arts & Music
Live music
Location Buckhorn Saloon
07:00pm Movies at the Light Hall Theater :: Arts & Music
"Amityville: The Awakening" (PG-13)
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact movies.wnmu.edu
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