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Saturday, December 08, 2018
Saturday, December 08, 2018
  • Canyon View of the Dwellings  ::  Tours

    This program is limited to 30 participants and reservations are required. Hike through Gila Wilderness to get spectacular cross-canyon views of the cliff dwellings below. Participants must wear sturdy outdoor clothing and hiking boots, bring water and a snack for ...   

    Location  Gila Cliff Dwellings

    Contact  Reservations call 575-536-9461

  • "Arte Chicano de San Vicente 2018" Exhibition  ::  Arts & Music

    Artwork in a variety of media and styles highlight the range and talent of Chicano artists working in Silver City. The works of Fred Barraza, Patty Countryman, Krissy Ramirez and Grecia Rivas are featured in this year's exhibition. The artworks ...   

    Location  Silver City Museum

    Contact  575-538-5921 or or

  • Cosmic Campground Weekend  ::  Social Events

    Bring a friend, a red filtered flashlight, shade, lawn chair, and telescope and binoculars if you have them. Enjoy the wonders of the night sky. For more information, go to The campground is located on Highway 180 about eight ...   

    Location  Cosmic Campground


  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Widows" (R) 4:00 & 7:00pm   

    Location  Silco Theater

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 08:00am - 02:00pm  Glenwood Street Market  ::  Social Events

    The Glenwood Street Market, still going strong with a variety of unique arts and crafts, and baked goods, produce and snacks. Vendors have created lots of holiday-themed items as well as special handcrafted ones that make great gifts.   

    Location  Glenwood, New Mexico

  • 10:00am  "God's Umbrella: Southwest New Mexico World War II Survivors" Book Signing  ::  Arts & Music

    Local author Mary Alice Murphy will be signing copies of her book, "God's Umbrella: Southwest New Mexico World War II Survivors," a compilation of 81 interviews done over the past 10 years of veterans and those training for or otherwise involved ...   


    Location  Silver City Museum

  • 10:00am - 02:00pm  Glenwood Community Library Book & Bake Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    For sale will be books of all kinds for all ages, plus audio books, DVDs and CDs. Also featured are baked goods and homemade goodies galore! Everything is by donation. There will also be a 50/50 raffle and refreshments. To add ...   

    book bake 3040mc .jpg

    Location  Glenwood Community Center

  • 10:00am - 01:00pm  Library Arcade  ::  Kids' Activity

    Teens are invited to hang out with video games, board games, music. Ages 10+, free, no registration necessary.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or

  • 02:00pm  "Deathtrap" A Comedic Thriller  ::  Arts & Music

    Tickets for “Deathtrap” a play by Ira Levin, and produced by Silver City Community Theatre, are on sale now at Vickie’s Eatery and Morning Star. $10 at door. “This comedic thriller, full twists and gasps and laughs, will form the ...   

  • 06:30pm  Sleepwalker's Station  ::  Arts & Music

    Berlin based Indie/folk music.   

    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

  • 07:00pm  Movies at the Light Hall Theater  ::  Arts & Music

    "Smallfoot" (PG)   

    Location  Light Hall Theatre


  • 07:30pm  "Deathtrap" A Comedic Thrilller  ::  Arts & Music

    Tickets for “Deathtrap” a play by Ira Levin, and produced by Silver City Community Theatre, are on sale now at Vickie’s Eatery and Morning Star. $10 at door. “This comedic thriller, full twists and gasps and laughs, will form the ...   

    Location  Silver High School

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