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Thursday, July 19, 2018, 09:00am |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance & Salute to State Flag
III. Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda
IV. Gila Regional Medical Center Reports – Taffy Arias
V. Public Input
During this portion of our meeting, we welcome your suggestions and want to hear your concerns. This is not a question and answer period; speakers will be limited to five (5) minutes. Any individual who would like to discuss an item in more depth may request to be placed on a future agenda. Request forms are available in the County Manager’s Office.
VI. Minutes
a. Approve/Disapprove June 12, 2018, Work Session/Regular Meeting Minutes
b. Approve/Disapprove June 28, 2018, Special Meeting Minutes
c. Approve/Disapprove July 10, 2018, Special Meeting Minutes
d. Pursuant to NMSA 10-15-1 J, the Minutes of the Present Open Meeting will Reflect that for the Following Special Meeting, the Matters Discussed were Limited Only to Those Specified in the Notice of that Closed Meeting:
June 7, 2018 – GRMC Executive Meeting
July 10, 2018
VII. Financial Reports
e. Approve/Disapprove July 13, 2018, Expenditure Report
VIII. New Business
f. Approve/Disapprove Letter of Support for the Village of Santa Clara to Annex the Old Fort Bayard Hospital Tract (Campus) – Mayor Bauch
g. Approve/Disapprove New Mexico Association of Counties Voluntary Employee Loan/Credit Counseling Benefit Program In Partnership with TrueConnect
h. Approve/Disapprove Letter to New Mexico Department of Transportation for UTV Use
i. Approve/Disapprove Out of State Travel to Washington D.C. for Charlene Webb, County Manager and Mischa Larisch, Planning Director to attend the White House Conference for NM Counties
j. Approve/Disapprove Revised 2017 PERA Volunteer Firefighter Annual Reporting Form for Cliff-Gila
IX. Agreements
k. Approve/Disapprove Agreement No. A-18-16; Work and Financial Plan between Grant County and United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services (APHIS-WS)
l. Approve/Disapprove Agreement No. A-18-17; Professional Services Agreement between Grant County Surveillance Program and Felix Ortega
m. Approve/Disapprove Agreement No. A-18-18; Professional Services Agreement between Grant County Surveillance Program and Luis Alvarado
n. Approve/Disapprove Agreement No. A-18-19; between Grant County and High Desert Humane Society for the Provision of Animal Control Services in the Unincorporated Portions of Grant County, New Mexico
o. Approve/Disapprove Agreement No. A-18-20; Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Sub-Recipient Grant Agreement for Operation Stone Garden 2017
p. Approve/Disapprove Agreement No. A-18-21; Bargaining Unit Contract 2018-2020
X. Resolutions
q. Approve/Disapprove Resolution No. R-18-19; A Resolution Determining that the Grant County, New Mexico State of New Mexico Department of Health Lease Appropriation Bonds (Ft. Bayard Project) Series 2008 Maturing on and after July 1, 2019 (The “Bonds”) be Called for Redemption, Based Upon the Department of Health’s Exercise of Its Option to Purchase the Fort Bayard Medical Center Facility; Declaring that the County is Exercising Its Option to Redeem The Bonds; Approving a Form of Agreement Between the County and The Department of Health Regarding Notice of Redemption of the Bonds and Providing for the Department of Health to Engage Consultants to Complete an Appraisal, Improvement Survey, Title Commitment and Phase 1 Environmental Report in Connection With the Exercise of the Option to Purchase the Facility; Delegating Authority in Connection With the Agreement; and Taking Related Action
r. Approve/Disapprove Resolution No. R-18-18; Resolution Authorizing Question to be Presented to the Qualified Electors of Grant County, New Mexico on the Ballot for the 2018 Regular General Election Concerning the Proposed Issuance of General Obligation Bonds and Otherwise Relating Thereto
s. Approve/Disapprove Resolution No. R-18-17; A Resolution Amending The Position Classification Schedule And Compensation Plan For Grant County, New Mexico
XI. Bids and Requests for Proposals (RFP)
t. Award/Reject Request for Proposals for Professional Services, RFP 18-05 and Contract Regarding 1) Engineering 2) Environmental 3) Archeological 4) Surveying Services
XII. Recess as the Grant County Board of Commissioners and Convene as the Grant County Health Care Claims Board
u. Approve/Disapprove June 2018, Health Plan Claims in the amount of $72,670.65
XIII. Adjourn as the Grant County Health Care Claims Board and Reconvene as the Grant County Board of Commissioners
XIV. Elected Officials’ Reports
XV. Commissioners’ Reports
XVI. Executive Session in Accordance with NMSA 1978 10-15-1 H
v. Discussion of Disposal of Grant County Property including Gila Regional Medical Center - NMSA 1978 10-15-1 H (8)
w. Any Action Necessary as a Result of Closed Executive Session
XVII. Adjournment
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