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January 15, 2012 - January 21, 2012
January 15, 2012 - January 21, 2012
  • 09:30am - 11:30am  Soft Sunday Breakfast & Music  ::  Arts & Music


  • 12:00pm  LGBT Brunch  ::  Social Events


  • 01:00pm  Silver City Astronomical Society Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    Local amateur astronomers present “How to Set Up an Observatory on a Shoestring”, sharing tips on building home-based observatories. New CELESTRON Telescope given as door prize! Free to public.    

  • 04:00pm  The Oversouls  ::  Arts & Music

    Every Sunday in January.    

    Contact  538-8722

  • 10:00am - 12:00pm  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Event  ::  Public Meetings

    FREE panel of speakers and lunch, sponsored by Grant County Senior Volunteer Services, Brewer Hill baptist Church, and Grant County Democratic Party And LULAC Council #8003.   

  • 06:00pm  Hurley City Council Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    1st and 3rd Mondays.   

  • 11:00am - 01:00pm  SOUPER Tuesday  ::  Fundraiser

    Every Tuesday. Fundraiser for Faith Community, planned senior living community for southwest New Mexico. Each week features a meat-based soup and a vegetarian soup, all homemade, with bread and beverage for $6.   

    Contact  574-2724

  • Registration: Expanding Your Horizons Conference  ::  Public Meetings

    The American Assoc. of University Women is hosting the conference on February 25th for 5th through 8th grade girls in Grant, Catron, Luna, and Hidalgo counties.  Registration forms received from science or math teachers, and registration begins on 1/17/12 and ends on 1/26/12.  Registration required ...   

    Contact  Adrienne Dare at 388-2013

  • 05:30pm  WILL Sign Up Social  ::  Social Events

    Public invited to become members. Members sign up for unlimited classes.    

    Contact  538-6835

  • 06:30pm  Prostate Cancer Support Group  ::  Health & Wellness

    3rd Wednesdays.   

    Contact  388-1198, ext. 10

  • 08:30am - 05:00pm  Meeting Mastery Workshop  ::  Public Meetings

    Presenters Sunny Yates and Wally Lawder teach the practices that ensure project success, breakthrough results in meetings, and time well spent.  Snacks and coffee provided.   

  • 10:30am  Grant County Newcomers Club  ::  Public Meetings

    3rd Thursdays. Lois Duffy will speak on "Silver City Art -- Yesterday & Today."   

    Contact  534-1738

  • 06:00pm  Corazones Unidos Cardiac Support Group  ::  Health & Wellness

    3rd Thursdays.   

  • 09:00am  Apache Red Paint POWWOW!  ::  Arts & Music

    January 20, 21, & 22.  8th Chiricahua Apache PowWow, Indian Market & Native Arts Concert. Daily dancing, cultural exhibits, music, and vendors.   

    Contact  534-1379

  • 01:00pm  Grow the Entrepreneurial Spirit  ::  Health & Wellness

    January 20 & 21. FREE 2-day workshop by Burt Chojnowski to help create new businesses and jobs in Grant County. Registration required at Silver City MainStreet, 534-1700.    

    Contact  574-8394

  • 06:30pm - 08:30pm  Music at the Coffee House  ::  Arts & Music

    Esther Jamison plays classical to country, flamenco to rock.   

  • 06:30pm  WINTER NIGHT'S COUNT - We Remember the Stories  ::  Arts & Music

    In conjunction with the Apache Red Paint POWWOW, a concert of native arts, featuring Gabe Ayala, classical guitar; Freddie Kaydahizinne, Apache singer; Lauren Russell, Native storyteller; Orlando Secfero, flute player; Big Boy, Apache singer; Andrew Lacapa, comedian; and others.   

  • 07:00pm  Gila Native Plant Society  ::  Public Meetings

    Patrice Mutchnick, Biology Lab Director at WNMU will present “Plant Collecting in the Tropics,” focusing on the ethnobotanically useful trees of Mesoamerica.   

  • 07:30pm  Steve Reynolds  ::  Arts & Music


    Contact  538-9911

  • 06:30am - 12:00pm  Construction Cuties Rummage Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Benefit High Desert Humane Society's "Halt a Litter Today" spay and neuter program.  Includes bake sale, burritos, and coffee.   

  • 08:00am - 03:00pm  Kitchen Creations Class  ::  Health & Wellness

    FREE hands-on Nutrition Cooking Class for healthy living.  FREE cookbooks at end of class.   

    Contact  388-1559

  • 09:00am  Apache Red Paint POWWOW!  ::  Arts & Music

    January 20, 21, & 22.  8th Chiricahua Apache PowWow, Indian Market & Native Arts Concert. Daily dancing, cultural exhibits, music, and vendors.   

    Contact  534-1379

  • 01:00pm  Grow the Entrepreneurial Spirit  ::  Health & Wellness

    January 20 & 21. FREE 2-day workshop by Burt Chojnowski to help create new businesses and jobs in Grant County. Registration required at Silver City MainStreet, 534-1700.    

    Contact  574-8394

  • 02:00pm  Presentation & Book Signing  ::  Education

    Colorado Moon by Jim Jones.   

  • 07:30pm  "Intersection" Community Concert  ::  Arts & Music

    Grant County Community Concert Assoc. presents the trio Intersection in concert, with a varied program from all parts of the music world, from Brahms to Gypsy to popular American film and theater.   

  • 07:30pm  Steve Reynolds  ::  Arts & Music


    Contact  538-9911

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