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January 22, 2012 - January 28, 2012
January 22, 2012 - January 28, 2012
  • 09:00am  Apache Red Paint POWWOW!  ::  Arts & Music

    January 20, 21, & 22.  8th Chiricahua Apache PowWow, Indian Market & Native Arts Concert. Daily dancing, cultural exhibits, music, and vendors.   

    Contact  534-1379

  • 10:00am  "A Spiritual Approach to the Occupy Movement"  ::  Spiritual

    Rev. Azima Lila Forest will speak regarding spiritual support of this important dimension of our national and global life.  Coffee and conversation after the service.   

  • 12:00pm  LGBT Brunch  ::  Social Events


  • 03:30pm  Reading & Book Signing  ::  Education

    Too Personal for Words:  The Invisible Path of Aging by Bonnie Buckley Maldonado.  Light refreshments following.   

  • 04:00pm  The Oversouls  ::  Arts & Music

    Every Sunday in January.    

    Contact  538-8722

  • 07:00pm  BROTHEL Staged Play Reading  ::  Arts & Music

    Sixth in Victoria Tester's fifteen-act New Mexico Ghost Play Cycle.  FREE, for mature audiences.   

  • 05:30am  Town of Hurley Special Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    Open to the public.   

  • 10:00am  Historic Mining District Tour  ::  Tours

    Bus tour to learn about the mining history in and around Bayard. Call for reservations.   

    Contact  537-3327

  • 11:00am - 01:00pm  SOUPER Tuesday  ::  Fundraiser

    Every Tuesday. Fundraiser for Faith Community, planned senior living community for southwest New Mexico. Each week features a meat-based soup and a vegetarian soup, all homemade, with bread and beverage for $6.   

    Contact  574-2724

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  WILL Lunch & Learn  ::  Education

    The topic of this session is "Navajo Weaving: Then, Now, and in the Future."   

    Contact  538-6835

  • 06:30pm - 08:00pm  Compassionate Friends Meeting  ::  Health & Wellness

    4th Tuesdays. Our mission is to provide support and assist families toward positive resolution of grief following the death of a child of any age.   

    Contact  534-1134

  • Registration ENDS: Expanding Your Horizons Conference  ::  Education

    The American Assoc. of University Women is hosting the conference on February 25th for 5th through 8th grade girls in Grant, Catron, Luna, and Hidalgo counties.  Registration forms received from science or math teachers, and registration begins on 1/17/12 and ends on 1/26/12.  Registration required ...   

    Contact  Adrienne Dare at 388-2013

  • 03:30pm - 04:30pm  FANC: "Remain or Not?"  ::  Public Meetings

    Discussion regarding whether FANC remains as the community Fitness and Nutrition organization.    

    Contact  388-1198, ext. 14

  • 05:00pm  FOL Reading/Discussion Series  ::  Education

    First in a series of Friends of the Library moderated panel discussions.  This first topic is CRIME as presented in fiction and non-fiction.  The panel will include Mary Hotvedt and Jane Vanvig, a local author, and will be moderated by ...   

    Contact  534-4091

  • 05:15pm  Silver City Museum Board Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    Public invited.   

  • 06:00pm  "Alice in Wonderland" Audition Meeting  ::  Arts & Music

    "Get acquainted" meeting for auditions for Alice in Wonderland production by the Theatre Group New Mexico.  The show is scheduled for April 27 through 29.   

    Contact  313-2373

  • 10:00am  WNMU Board of Regents  ::  Public Meetings

    Telephone conference from Santa Fe meeting.   

    Contact  538-6238

  • 04:30pm - 07:30pm  "NOSTOPHOBIA" Opening Reception  ::  Arts & Music

    Sound installation by Suk-Jun Kim with event and performance at 5:30 pm.  Korean refreshments served.  Exhibition through March 2nd.   

    Contact  538-6517

  • 05:30pm  Faith Stories Event  ::  Spiritual

    January 27, 28, & 29.  Open to All.  A time of coming together and hearing real life stories of faith, led by Tom Riley.  Dinner at the Church, songs, and sharing.   

    Contact  538-3404

  • 06:30pm - 08:30pm  Music at the Coffee House  ::  Arts & Music

    Dane Dexter and Edie Steed perform sophisticated and polished renditions of standards and surprises.   

  • 07:30pm  Kevin Pakulis  ::  Arts & Music


    Contact  538-9911

  • 08:00pm  Dylan Charles & the Border Crossers  ::  Arts & Music

    Appearing with the Silver City String Beans and the Latchkey Kids.   

  • 09:30pm  Little Joe y La Familia  ::  Arts & Music


  • Rolling Stones Gem & Mineral Society Field Trip  ::  Social Events

    Date change to 4th Saturday.  Must be a member or member's guest.   

    Contact  388-2010

  • 09:00am  Faith Stories Event  ::  Spiritual

    January 27, 28, & 29.  Open to All.  A time of coming together and hearing real life stories of faith, led by Tom Riley.  Lunch at the Church, songs, and sharing.   

    Contact  538-3404

  • 09:30am  Historic Fort Bayard Tour  ::  Tours

    2nd & 4th Saturdays. See the 100 year old buildings and re-live some of the history of our important fort and hospital.    

    Contact  956-3294

  • 11:00am  Book Discussion & Signing with Steven Havill  ::  Education

    This accomplished mystery writer discusses his newest book One Perfect Shot and some of his older ones, including four western novels and 18 contemporary mysteries set in New Mexico.   

    Contact  538-3672

  • 02:00pm  Book Signing: "Twelve Hundred Miles by Horse & Burro"  ::  Education

    Authors Harley Shaw and Mara Weisenberger present their chronicle of a young man from West Texas.   

    Contact  538-5921

  • 02:00pm  Meet & Greet the Candidate  ::  Political

    Meet George Zsoka, Candidate for District Attorney of Grant, Luna, and Hidalgo Counties.   

  • 02:00pm  Wild & Scenic Film Festival  ::  Arts & Music

    Kids’ Program – Willem & the Whale and Darkened Horizons at 2:00 pmAdults’ Program – WildWater, Incident at Tower 37, and People Restoring Rivers at 6:30 pm   

    Contact  538-8078

  • 07:00pm  Dances of Universal Peace  ::  Spiritual

    Circle dances celebrating the Sacred which unites all beings.  Chanting and live music.  No experience or partners needed.   

    Contact  534-1441

  • 07:30pm  Baxtalo Beng with Alma Zazz!  ::  Arts & Music


    Contact  538-9911

  • 07:30pm  Loose Blues Band  ::  Arts & Music


  • 08:00pm  Kevin Pakulis & Amy Langley  ::  Arts & Music

    American Folk, Blues, Country.   

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