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February 05, 2012 - February 11, 2012
February 05, 2012 - February 11, 2012
  • 10:00am  "Bravo Road: An American Odyssey"  ::  Spiritual

    WNMU Professor Dr. Felipe de Ortego speaks about attacks on public education in the current New Mexico legislature.  Coffe and conversation after the service.   

  • 12:00pm - 05:00pm  Auditions: "Alice in Wonderland, Jr."  ::  Arts & Music

    Also February 4th.  Theatre Group New Mexico is casting its spring musical "Alice in Wonderland, Jr." for about 40 roles for children ages 6 to 18.  Bring a short song to sing!   

    Contact  313-2373

  • 12:00pm  LGBT Brunch  ::  Social Events


  • 05:00pm  Full Moon Drumming Performance  ::  Arts & Music

    Fire and Open Drum Circle.  Families and kids welcome, as are costumes.   

    Contact  519-9232

  • 01:00pm  Community Assessment Focus Group: Hachita  ::  Health & Wellness

    Grant County Community Health Council wants to learn the health and wellness needs of Grant County Residents.  Reserve a spot:  388-1198.   

    Contact  388-1198

  • 01:00pm - 02:00pm  Grant County Senior Programs Public Hearing: Hurley  ::  Public Meetings

    Also February 7.  Open meeting to provide seniors with an opportunity to participate in planning.   

  • 02:00pm  Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Round  ::  Arts & Music

    In honor of Black History Month, WNMU presents a musical account of the Civil Rights movement.   

    Contact  538-6611

  • 05:30pm  ACLU of New Mexico Meeting  ::  Political

    Business meeting follows public discussion.   

  • 06:00pm  Learn to Square Dance!  ::  Arts & Music

    Every Monday.  Ages 10 and up.   

    Contact  574-2032

  • 06:00pm  Voices from WNMU  ::  Arts & Music

    In honor of Black History Month, WNMU presents a student/staff panel discussion.   

    Contact  538-6611

  • 09:00am  Grant County Commission Work Session  ::  Public Meetings

    The work session is in preparation for the regular Thursday Grant County Board of Commissioners regular meeting.  No action will be taken.   

    Contact  574-0006

  • 11:00am - 01:00pm  SOUPER Tuesday  ::  Fundraiser

    Every Tuesday. Fundraiser for Faith Community, planned senior living community for southwest New Mexico. Each week features a meat-based soup and a vegetarian soup, all homemade, with bread and beverage for $6.   

    Contact  574-2724

  • 01:00pm - 02:00pm  Grant County Senior Programs Public Hearing: Silver City  ::  Public Meetings

    Also February 6.  Open meeting to provide seniors with an opportunity to participate in planning.   

  • 05:30pm - 07:00pm  WNMU Family Expo  ::  Education

    WNMU hosts Grant County area parents interested in learning about enrollment options at the University.  High school students and parents will have the opportunity to interact and ask questions of WNMU students, faculty, and staff to learn about the admissions ...   

    Contact  538-6339

  • 06:00pm  Community Assessment Focus Group: Hurley  ::  Health & Wellness

    Grant County Community Health Council wants to learn the health and wellness needs of Grant County Residents.  Reserve a spot:  388-1198.   

    Contact  388-1198

  • 07:00pm  Silver City Planning & Zoning Commission  ::  Public Meetings


    Contact  534-6348

  • Author's Writing Workshop  ::  Education

    "Fruitful Questions: Generating Writing" is the title of this half-day workshop with author Sharman Apt Russell, sponsored by WILL and the Southwest Festival of the Written Word.  Register at   

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  WILL Lunch & Learn  ::  Education

    Ann Hedlund presents "Navajo Weaving: Then, Now, and in the Future."  Bring a bag lunch and your enthusiasm!   

    Contact  538-6835

  • 01:00pm - 02:00pm  Grant County Senior Programs Public Hearing: Gila  ::  Public Meetings

    Open meeting to provide seniors with an opportunity to participate in planning.   

  • 06:00pm  Community Assessment Focus Group: Mimbres  ::  Health & Wellness

    Grant County Community Health Council wants to learn the health and wellness needs of Grant County Residents.  Reserve a spot:  388-1198.   

    Contact  388-1198

  • 06:00pm - 08:00pm  Dane Dexter  ::  Arts & Music


  • 07:30pm  Run on Sentence  ::  Arts & Music


    Contact  538-9911

  • 10:30am - 02:30pm  Silver City Blood Drive  ::  Health & Wellness

    Also Feb. 10 & 11.  This Community of Silver City Blood Drive will help those hospitalized and needing blood in Southwestern New Mexico. Donating 1 pint can save up to 3 lives.   

    Contact  (575) 527-1322

  • 01:00pm - 02:00pm  Grant County Senior Programs Public Hearing: Mimbres  ::  Public Meetings

    Open meeting to provide seniors with an opportunity to participate in planning.   

  • 05:00pm  Community Assessment Focus Group: Silver City  ::  Health & Wellness

    Spanish at 5:00 pm; English at 6:00 pm.  Grant County Community Health Council wants to learn the health and wellness needs of Grant County Residents.  Reserve a spot:  388-1198.   

    Contact  388-1198

  • 06:00pm - 08:00pm  Farhad  ::  Arts & Music


  • 06:00pm  Rolling Stones Gem and Mineral Society Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    2nd Thursdays. The monthly meeting includes potluck at 6:00 pm; then meeting, rock draw, and program at 6:45 pm.   

    Contact  535-1393

  • 06:30pm  Artist Lecture Series  ::  Arts & Music

    MRAC & WILL present Suk Jun Kim, WNMU Professor of Sound.   

    Contact  538-2505

  • 09:30am - 04:00pm  Silver City Blood Drive  ::  Health & Wellness

    Also Feb. 9 & 11.  This Community of Silver City Blood Drive will help those hospitalized and needing blood in Southwestern New Mexico. Donating 1 pint can save up to 3 lives.   

    Contact  (575) 527-1322

  • 11:00am - 07:00pm  Enchilada Dinner  ::  Fundraiser

    Fundraiser to help with medical expenses.   

    Contact  536-9333

  • 01:00pm - 02:00pm  Grant County Senior Programs Public Hearing: Santa Clara  ::  Public Meetings

    Open meeting to provide seniors with an opportunity to participate in planning.   

  • 03:00pm - 04:30pm  WNMU Founders Day Celebration  ::  Social Events

    The community is invited to celebrate with birthday cake and a pinata, as well as the burial of a time capsule.   

  • 04:30pm  Aspiration, Politics and Willpower  ::  Education

    Opening reception for the Museum's historical presentation of people behind the formation of the Territorial Normal School at Silver City.   

    Contact  538-6386

  • 05:00pm - 07:00pm  Dane Dexter on the Baby Grand  ::  Arts & Music


  • 05:00pm - 08:00pm  The Sweetheart Show  ::  Arts & Music

    Also February 11.  Opening reception will feature paintings by Gay Marks and sculpture by Jim Palmer.   

  • 05:30pm  TAIZE Worship Service  ::  Spiritual

    2nd Fridays. Sung prayer, alternating with spoken scripture readings, spoken prayer, silence, and prayers for healing.  A non-denominational service, free and open to all.    

    Contact  538-2015

  • 05:30pm - 08:00pm  Xicano Valentine's Day  ::  Arts & Music

    Art reception and poetry reading.   

  • 06:00pm - 08:00pm  Tom Naples  ::  Arts & Music


  • 06:30pm - 08:30pm  Music at the Coffee House  ::  Arts & Music

    "Rainger" performs:  Paul and Sue Wise Smith present their delightful folk and Americana music.   

  • 07:30pm  Bob Einwick  ::  Arts & Music


    Contact  538-9911

  • Chocolate Fantasia at the Museum!  ::  Social Events


    Contact  538-5921

  • 09:00am - 02:00pm  Friends of the Library Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Members may purchase books starting at 9:00 am; non-members at 10:00 am.   

  • 09:00am - 12:00pm  Love Your Library Day  ::  Education

    The Magic of Reading will be a carnival of activities focused on the power of reading and on the importance of families reading together.   

  • 09:30am  Historic Fort Bayard Tour  ::  Tours

    2nd & 4th Saturdays. See the 100 year old buildings and re-live some of the history of our important fort and hospital.    

    Contact  956-3294

  • 10:00am - 04:00pm  Green Smothered Burritos  ::  Fundraiser

    Fundraiser for Veterans of Foreign Wars Women's Auxiliary.   

    Contact  388 5217

  • 10:00am - 01:00pm  Silver City Blood Drive  ::  Health & Wellness

    Also Feb. 9 & 10.  This Community of Silver City Blood Drive will help those hospitalized and needing blood in Southwestern New Mexico. Donating 1 pint can save up to 3 lives.   

    Contact  (575) 527-1322

  • 11:00am - 05:00pm  The Sweetheart Show  ::  Arts & Music

    Also February 10. The show will feature paintings by Gay Marks and sculpture by Jim Palmer during the Chocolate Fantasia event.   

  • 12:00pm - 02:00pm  Baxtelo Beng with AlmaZazz!  ::  Arts & Music


  • 12:00pm - 04:00pm  Chocolate Fantasia  ::  Social Events

    Join the fun as Silver City celebrates Chocolate Fantasia! Stroll galleries, shops, and greet old friends while sampling delicious, gourmet chocolate chocolate confections.   

    Contact  538-2505

  • 12:15pm - 01:00pm  Fiddling Friends  ::  Arts & Music


  • 01:00pm  Film: "Seeing in the Dark"  ::  Arts & Music

    Silver City Astronomical Society presents the film Seeing in the Dark by Timothy Ferris, emeritus Professor at the University of California Berkeley.  The film is about our universe, seen through three historical contexts.   

  • 01:30pm - 03:00pm  Desert Larks Early Music Ensemble  ::  Arts & Music


  • 06:00pm - 08:00pm  Martyn Solo  ::  Arts & Music


  • 07:00pm  Andy Sauer on the Baby Grand  ::  Arts & Music


  • 07:00pm  Dances of Universal Peace  ::  Spiritual

    Circle dances, chanting, and live music celebrating the sacred which unites all beings.   

    Contact  534-1441

  • 07:30pm  Bob Einwick  ::  Arts & Music


    Contact  538-9911

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