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October 28, 2012 - November 03, 2012
October 28, 2012 - November 03, 2012
  • 12:00pm - 02:00pm  David Nelson on the Piano  ::  Arts & Music


  • 12:00pm  LGBT Brunch  ::  Social Events


  • 02:30pm  "History Comes Alive" at SC Museum  ::  Arts & Music

    Five of New Mexico’s most historically influential women will come alive when internationally acclaimed actress Van Ann Moore brings her Chautauqua performance “Centennial” to the Silver City Museum Society’s annual meeting.    

    Contact  538-5921

  • 04:00pm  Healing Al-Anon Group  ::  Health & Wellness

    Every Sunday.   

    Contact  313-9400

  • 01:00pm  Tai Chi for Better Balance  ::  Health & Wellness

    This tai Chi form has been refined by the Oregon Research Institute and improves balance and prevents falls.  No special equipment, clothing or footwear required. Call to register at 534-9159.    

    Contact  534-9159

  • 06:00pm  Learn to Square Dance!  ::  Arts & Music

    Every Monday.  Ages 10 and up.   

    Contact  574-2032

  • 11:00am - 01:00pm  SOUPER Tuesday  ::  Fundraiser

    Every Tuesday. Fundraiser for Faith Community, planned senior living community for southwest New Mexico. Each week features a meat-based soup and a vegetarian soup, all homemade, with bread and beverage for $6.   

    Contact  574-2724

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  Tai Chi & Qi Gong Class  ::  Health & Wellness

    Every Tuesday & Thursday.The form is simple and is done sitting or standing.  Benefits: reduced stress and tension; improved balance; higher energy levels!   

  • 12:30pm - 03:30pm  Autism Spectrum Disorders Training  ::  Education

    The University of New Mexico is offering a training in Silver City on "Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders."All classes require pre-registration at:   

    Contact  (505) 272-5866

  • 01:00pm  Town & Country Garden Club Meeting  ::  Social Events

    Last Tuesday of the month.  This month's meeting will be presented by Silver Leaf Florist.  There will be a short garden "tip" appropriate to the season at each monthly meeting, and there are always refreshments after the presentation.  All are ...   

    Contact  534-4750

  • 03:00pm - 06:30pm  Gila Farmers' Market  ::  Health & Wellness

    Every Tuesday.   

    Contact  Call Teleah Dabbs 575-535-2729

  • 07:00pm - 09:00pm  Scott at the Parlor  ::  Arts & Music

    Every Tuesday.   

    Contact  538-8722

  • 05:30pm  CATS Board Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    Monthly meeting, open to the public, last Wednesdays.   

    Contact  534-0130

  • "Reflect & Renew" - Women's Retreat  ::  Spiritual

    This residential retreat for women only, with facilitators Beatriz Giraldo and Mariam Weidner, offers the opportunity to take a break from the business of everyday life and to connect to one's inner wisdom and the profound serenity of nature.Registration required: 519-4509.   

    Contact  519-4509

  • 03:30pm - 05:45pm  WILL Art Show -- Opening Reception  ::  Arts & Music

    Two art classes from the WILL (Western Institute for Lifelong Learning) program, Art Outdoors and Experience Art Through Art History, will show their artwork at the MRAC Gallery during the month of November.   

    Contact  538-2505

  • 04:30pm - 06:00pm  Dia de los Muertos Craft Class  ::  Kids' Activity

    Children's craft class.   

    Contact  538-5921

  • 06:00pm - 09:00pm  First Friday: Dia de los Mertos Celebration!  ::  Arts & Music

    FREE Dia de los Muertos Celebration in Historic Downtown includes fire barrels, live music, giant puppets, public altars costumes.6:00 - 9:00 pm: Street Dance featuring the Illusion Band -- danceable rock and roll in English & Spanish -- Yankie Street ...   

    Contact  534-1700

  • 07:00pm  Southwest New Mexico Audubon Meeting  ::  Education

    Valer Austin, founder of Cuenca Los Ojos, will discuss the efforts to restore ecological resiliency to a 4,000 square mile area along both sides of the U.S.- Mexico border. The goals are to empower local citizens to restore ecosystem services in their own communities ...   

    Contact  388-2386

  • 07:30pm  GC Community Concert: 42Five  ::  Arts & Music

    This ensemble of 5 young men performing acapella will entertain with tunes from the 1960s to the present.   

    Contact  538-5862

  • 08:00pm - 11:59pm  Entertainment! at the Silver/Bayard VFW Post 3347  ::  Social Events

    Every Friday.  "Entertainment, Entertainment, Entertainment!" The entertainment always starts at 8:00 pm and goes until Midnight.  Pop, Light Rock, Country Western and Spanish, all to your liking.  Come listen and dance to great music.  Open to all members and their guests. Enjoy Great Music, ...   

    Contact  574-8109

  • "Reflect & Renew" - Women's Retreat  ::  Spiritual

    This residential retreat for women only, with facilitators Beatriz Giraldo and Mariam Weidner, offers the opportunity to take a break from the business of everyday life and to connect to one's inner wisdom and the profound serenity of nature.Registration required: 519-4509.   

    Contact  519-4509

  • Mimbres Valley Artisans Festival  ::  Arts & Music

    Artisans of the Mimbres Valley host arts, crafts, demos and music at 3 venues:*9:00 am to 3:00 pm -- Roundup Lodge features "edible art"*9:00 am to 4:00 pm -- Living Art Studio features demos by Pueblo weaver Louie Garcia; and ...   

    Contact  536-2211

  • 08:00am  Audubon Field Trip  ::  Social Events

    This Southwest New Mexico Audubon field trip will be to Bill Evans Lake and the Gila Bird Area.Bring lunch, water, and sunscreen. There will be limited walking but some of it may be rough or off trail.   

  • 08:00am  First Saturday Garage Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Furniture, books, household items.  Clothes are $1/bag after 11:00 am.   

  • 10:00am - 12:00pm  Native American Cornhusk Doll Craft Class  ::  Kids' Activity

    Pre-register at 538-5921.   

    Contact  538-5921

  • 12:00pm - 02:00pm  Prayer Flag Project Dedication & Potluck  ::  Social Events

    Help dedicate scores of prayer flags made by members of the community to hang above Yankie Street.Bring a side dish to share; main course available for purchase from Vicki's Eatery.   

    Contact  534-1700

  • 02:00pm  "Invocations: The Poetry of Raven Drake"  ::  Arts & Music


    Contact  537-6244

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