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December 30, 2012 - January 05, 2013
December 30, 2012 - January 05, 2013
  • 10:00am  Gila Friends Meeting  ::  Spiritual

    Join us in the unity of group meditation to satisfy the spirit.  This manner of worship is open to all.Dec. 30 at 11:30 am - Bring a dish and share with Friends in a social gathering.   

    Location  First Church of Harmony

  • 04:00pm  Healing Al-Anon Group  ::  Health & Wellness

    Every Sunday.   

    Contact  313-9400

  • 01:00pm  Tai Chi for Better Balance  ::  Health & Wellness

    This tai Chi form has been refined by the Oregon Research Institute and improves balance and prevents falls.  No special equipment, clothing or footwear required. Call to register at 534-9159.    

    Contact  534-9159

  • 06:00pm  Learn to Square Dance!  ::  Arts & Music

    Every Monday.  Ages 10 and up.   

    Contact  574-2032

  • 06:00pm - 01:00am  VFW Post 3347 New Year's Eve Celebration!  ::  Fundraiser

    Welcome the New Year with the VFW!Party Favors, Hors d'ouvres, Snacks, Desserts, and a Midnight "Champagne Toast". Reservation and Tickets Required!  This will be a private party with a maximum of 100.  Ticket Cost:  $3.00 per person or $5.00 per couple! Call for ...   

    Contact  574-8109

  • 08:00pm  2013 New Year's Musical Convergence!  ::  Arts & Music

    New Year's Eve Celebration of Musical Convergence with:* Rodney Henderson & The Roadrunners* Melanie Zipin & The Sugar Leafs   

    Contact  538-9911

  • 06:00pm - 01:00am  VFW Post 3347 New Year's Eve Celebration!  ::  Fundraiser

    Welcome the New Year with the VFW!Party Favors, Hors d'ouvres, Snacks, Desserts, and a Midnight "Champagne Toast". Reservation and Tickets Required!  This will be a private party with a maximum of 100.  Ticket Cost:  $3.00 per person or $5.00 per couple! Call for ...   

    Contact  574-8109

  • 09:00am - 12:00pm  "Curbside Consulting" for Non-Profits  ::  Education

    FREE consulting services to nonprofit organizations or to those considering becoming a nonprofit organization.   

    Contact  534-0665, ext. 232

  • 11:30am  Grant County Retired Educators Assoc. Meeting  ::  Social Events

    All retired educators from any state are welcome.   

    Contact  388-1108

  • 03:30pm - 04:30pm  "Celebrate Silver" Gallery Opening  ::  Arts & Music

    Mimbres Region Arts Council is hosting a reception for its new exhibit featuring the photography of local FeVa Fotos photographers Sandy Feutz and Tom Vaughan.  “Celebrate Silver” is the theme for this show and features many never-seen-before photos of local ...   

    Contact  538-2505

  • 05:00pm - 07:00pm  Wood Block Printing Demonstration  ::  Arts & Music

    Silver City native and local historian Phillip Parotti will demonstrate wood block printing.   

    Contact  388-5725

  • 06:00pm - 09:00pm  First Fridays Mid-Winter Frolic!  ::  Arts & Music

    AmBank's First Friday Mid-Winter Frolic is a fiddle-themed dance event, featuring contra dance caller Marge Mullany from Albuquerque.The fiddlin' bands participating in the evening's festivities include:* Bayou Seco* The Fiddle Club* The Silver Toes String Band* The Irish Seisiun Group ...   

    Contact  534-1700

  • 06:30pm  Kas Nelson Trio  ::  Arts & Music

    Cool Jazz, Hot Blues, and Foot-Tapping Music!   

  • 07:30pm  Trevor Reichman  ::  Arts & Music

    Singer/Songwriter from Big Bend, TX.   

    Contact  538-9911

  • 08:00am - 02:00pm  SWNM Audubon Field Trip  ::  Social Events

    Lake Roberts/Mimbres Valley: Carpool up Hwy 15 to Lake Roberts where we can expect to see a good variety of wintering duck and other waterfowl, plus hopefully Bald Eagles.There will be some level walking along the lakeside– level ground, probably ...   

    Contact  388-4210

  • 09:00am - 06:00pm  Alternatives to Violence Workshop  ::  Education

    Also Jan. 6.AVP is a nationwide and worldwide association of volunteer groups offering experiential workshops in conflict resolution, personal growth and responses to violence. For more information see   

    Contact  Vickie: 505-541-9093

  • 10:00am - 12:00pm  Children's Craft Class: Basket Making  ::  Kids' Activity

    FREE.  For children 8 years old and older.To pre-register, call 538-5921.   

    Contact  538-5921

  • 02:00pm  Dances of Universal Peace  ::  Spiritual

    Joyous circle dances celebrating the Sacred which unites all beings.  Live music with Potluck following. No experience or partners necessary.   

    Contact  534-1441

  • 03:00pm  Poetry Reading  ::  Arts & Music

    Poetry by Bonnie Maldonado and Elise Stewart.   

    Contact  537-6244

  • 06:30pm  Don Beams  ::  Arts & Music


  • 07:30pm  Trevor Reichman  ::  Arts & Music

    Singer/Songwriter from Big Bend, TX.   

    Contact  538-9911

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