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Chicano Music Fest & Bike Fest! :: Arts & Music
Friday - Aug. 29: Kickoff Dance at Flame Convention Center, featuring Joe Bravo and Sunny & the SunlinersSaturday - Aug. 3011:00 a.m. Gough Park: live music with Car and Bike Show; Q's Bistro - live music8:00 p.m. Dance at Flame ...
Location Gough Park
Contact 654-2583
09:00am - 03:00pm Gila Nation Forest 50th Anniversary Celebration! :: Social Events
FREE and open to the public.The Gila National Forest is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act at the Gila Visitor Center. To commemorate this milestone, the Wilderness Ranger District has planned a full day of activities and demonstrations for ...
Location Gila Cliff Dwellings
Contact 536-2250
10:00am - 05:00pm Art at the Hearst :: Arts & Music
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (Labor Day).Sunday's featured artists will be a couple of the Grant County Art Guild's very talented and creative members. John Catsis is a photographer known for the quality and originality in his work; and Connie Thibeau is ...
Location Pinos Altos Art Gallery
Contact 590-1587
10:00am - 05:00pm Rolling Stones Gem & Mineral Show :: Arts & Music
FREE.Gem and mineral vendors. Educational displays.
Location Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center
11:00am Unitarian Universalist Potluck Picnic :: Social Events
Members and friends of The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City will enjoy a pot-luck picnic at the Little Walnut Camp Ground picnic area.Drinks will be provided - bring a dish suitable for brunch. Join us!
Location Little Walnut Picnic Area
12:00pm - 01:30pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
Every Sunday.
Location LGBT Grant County Center
Contact 519-5562
12:00pm - 06:00pm Puppy Dog Ranch 5th Anniversary BBQ & Celebration! :: Fundraiser
FREE attendance.Live music by The Illusion Band. Dancing, delicious food, and the PDR Re-Tail Booths where there will be dog related items, gifts for dog lovers, a full line of dog greeting cards and our 'tastefully tasteless' t-shirts for sale. ...
Location Puppy Dog Ranch
Contact 313-7232
08:30am - 11:00am Labor Day Pancake Breakfast :: Social Events
Grant County Democratic Party is recognizing the contribution of workers to our community with a $5 pancake breakfast celebration.Senator Howie Morales will address the crowd. State and local elected officials and candidates, including Sheriff Raul Villanueva and District 38 candidate Terry ...
Location Gough Park
Contact 654-6060
10:00am - 05:00pm Art at the Hearst :: Arts & Music
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (Labor Day).On Labor Day, Monday, September 1, the featured artist will be Susan Rice. Susan is well-known in the area for her stained glass creations, as well as her affordable original jewelry pieces.
Location Pinos Altos Art Gallery
Contact 590-1587
10:00am - 04:00pm Rolling Stones Gem & Mineral Show :: Arts & Music
FREE.Gem and mineral vendors. Educational displays.
Location Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center
05:30pm - 07:00pm HIV/AIDS Support Group :: Health & Wellness
Every Monday.
Location LGBT Grant County Center
Contact 519-5562
05:30pm - 06:15pm Meditation Series "What is Your Life’s Purpose?” :: Health & Wellness
We will draw extensively from A New Earth; Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, by Eckhart Tolle. Each class will start w/ a 20-25 minute guided meditation, followed by 20-25 minutes of commentary. Each class is self-contained . . . attend one, some ...
Location Billy Casper Wellness Center
Contact 313-4087.
06:00pm - 07:30pm International Folk Dancing :: Arts & Music
FREE.No experience or partner required. Dancing each Tuesday at this location through August.
Location Knights of Columbus Hall
Contact 313-6985
06:00pm TEA Party Patriots Meeting :: Political
Doors open at 5:00 PM for those wishing a meal.
Location Red Barn Restaurant
09:00am - 12:00pm Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE.Join us in the second floor conference room for free consulting services to nonprofit organizations (or those considering becoming a nonprofit org).
Location The Center for Health Innovation
Contact 534-0101, ext 2108
09:00am - 11:00pm Medicare Assistance :: Health & Wellness
SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) Volunteers are available to answer questions about Medicare and help with applications for medication assistance.
Location Silver Health Care
Contact 538-2981
10:30am Storytime :: Kids' Activity
All Ages.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
01:00pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Every Wednesday. Everyone invited!
Location Yankie Creek Coffee House
02:00pm - 04:00pm Basic Computer Skills Series :: Education
FREE. Wednesdays & Fridays, August 27 through September 19.Presented by WNMU Adult Education Services.Covers computer hardware basics, computer operation basics, internet and emailing, and Microsoft Office basics.Register at the first class on 8/27 or call 574-5101. Limit 14 students.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
04:30pm - 05:30pm Lego Club :: Kids' Activity
Ages 4 to 10.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
05:30pm - 06:30pm Audacity Radio Software Class :: Education
Learn how to record and edit your own KOOT 88.1 FM radio show with Todd Dennehy!Reserve a spot (at least 24 hours in advance) at: 534-1030.
Location CATS/KOOTS Studio
Contact 534-0130
12:00pm - 01:00pm Brown Bag Series: "Botanist, Linguist, & Physician - Dr. Bushnell" :: Education
Dr. John Bell will present the story of Dr. Bushnell, assigned to Fort Bayard in 1903, became Commander of Fort Bayard U. S. Army Hospital in 1904 and remained until 1917.Although his first concern was the treatment of tuberculosis, Bushnell was ...
Location Silver City Museum Annex
Contact 538-5921
12:00pm Gluten Freedom Group :: Health & Wellness
FREE. Every other Thursday.Group supports those actively seeking to better their health. We discuss health issues, life style changes, detoxification, nutrition and more.
Location Grant County Public Health Office
Contact 534-2686
05:30pm - 06:15pm Meditation for Everyone :: Health & Wellness
Guided group meditation every Thursday.
Location Billy Casper Wellness Center
Contact 313-4087.
05:30pm WILL Fall Sign-Up Social :: Social Events
You are invited to Western Institute for Lifelong Learning's (WILL) Fall Semester Sign-up Social event.5:30 pm - Meeting6:00 pm - Registration BeginsMeet course facilitators and find out about courses. Bring a dish to share, bring a friend, and join us ...
Location WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center
Contact 538-6835
09:00am - 11:00am Domestic Violence Court Watch Training :: Education
FREE.The Grant County Court Watch group will host this training session for people interested in volunteering for the Domestic Violence Court Watch Program.Participants will learn about the domestic violence court process, the benefits of a court watch program, and the ...
Contact (312) 498 9449
11:30am Retired Educators Association Meeting :: Social Events
All retired educators from any state are welcome.
Location WNMU Sunset Room, 2nd Floor Cafeteria
Contact 534-3782
02:00pm - 04:00pm Basic Computer Skills Series :: Education
FREE. Wednesdays & Fridays, August 27 through September 19.Presented by WNMU Adult Education Services.Covers computer hardware basics, computer operation basics, internet and emailing, and Microsoft Office basics.Register at the first class on 8/27 or call 574-5101. Limit 14 students.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
04:00pm Audubon Society Annual Meeting & Pot Luck :: Social Events
Kick off the 2014-15 season with the Annual Meeting and Pot Luck.We will meet at Little Walnut West, located 1/4 mile north of the first Gomez Peak Group area. Drive past the Gomez Peak Group area a short distance and ...
Location Little Walnut Picnic Area
Contact 388-2386
08:00pm CW Ayon :: Arts & Music
One Man Blues Band!
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 956-6144
08:00am - 12:00pm Silver City Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Every Saturday during growing season.Enjoy fresh produce, meats, and fixin's from local farmers, as well as accompaniment by local musicians!
Location Silver City Farmers' Market
Contact 388-2343
08:00am Small Farm Conference :: Education
The conference will cover various topics including, Good Agriculture Practices training, small farm economics, marketing your small farm product, small business planning, and rural development and food nutrition. Tours of the Silver City Volunteer Center JPO garden, commercial kitchen and ...
Location Grant County Extension Complex
Contact 388-1559
08:30am - 02:00pm Silver City Art Market :: Arts & Music
Local artists & artisans.
Location 7th & Bullard Parking Lot
09:30am - 11:30am Ft. Bayard Walking Tour :: Tours
Tour the Old Fort Bayard, meeting at the Commanding Officer's Quarters #26.
Location Old Fort Bayard
Contact 388-4477
11:00am - 02:00pm Taste of Downtown at the Museum :: Arts & Music
The Silver City Museum is participating in the Taste of Downtown with traditional foods from the southwest. Learn about the foods the Apache gathered in the Gila Wilderness and southwest. What kind of food did they find here to eat? How ...
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 538-5921
11:00am - 02:00pm Taste of Downtown! :: Arts & Music
A Benefit for Silver City MainStreet. Tickets available at the Silver City Visitor Center and Alotta Gelato and at the MainStreet Ticket Booth (on Sept. 6).Start on Broadway, between Texas and Bullard Streets.
Location Murray Ryan Visitor Center
Contact 575-534-1700
02:00pm - 04:00pm Craft Class: "Papermaking for Adults" :: Education
In collaboration with the Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective, this adult class taught by fiber artist Veronique De Jaegher will cover the basics of paper making.For adult crafters. Preregistration is required: 538-5921.
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 538-5921
08:30pm Hell to Pay :: Arts & Music
Rock, Blues, & Classic Country
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 956-6144
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