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March 08, 2015 - March 14, 2015
March 08, 2015 - March 14, 2015
  • 10:00am  "Investing Local" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    Lynda Aiman-Smith will talk about investing local. Investing means putting resources into something NOW in order to secure value LATER. Lynda will challenge our common thinking about investment.Please join us. There will be coffee and conversation, with light refreshments, after ...   

  • 01:00pm  Grant County Trail Hike  ::  Health & Wellness

    2nd Sundays.Hike the Dragonfly Trail, 3 miles round trip. Difficulty rating: Moderate.Please be prepared with sturdy hiking shoes, long sleeve shirts, pants, sunglasses, sunscreen and water. Children under the age of eighteen must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.   

    Contact  538-8573 (121)

  • 01:00pm - 02:00pm  Women's Day Celebration of Isabel Allende  ::  Education

    FREE.María Eugenia Trillo, a current Associate Professor of Spanish at Western New Mexico University, will present bilingual readings from the works of Isabel Allende, an internationally famous Chilean novelist and journalist, to celebrate International Woman's Day.Readings will include excerpts from ...   

    Location  Silver City Museum Annex

    Contact  538-5921

  • 02:00pm  Movies at Light Hall  ::  Arts & Music

    FREE for WNMU students; community students - $1; adults - $2.Fridays, 6 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.Concession items available for sale. Movie titles:   

    Location  WNMU Light Hall

    Contact  538-6336

  • 07:00am - 09:00am  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 10:30am  Widowed and Single Persons of Grant County  ::  Social Events

    2nd Mondays. Cost for lunch is $12. All singles are welcome.    

    Location  Glad Tidings Church

    Contact  575-537-3643

  • 03:30pm - 07:00pm  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 05:00pm - 08:00pm  Community Conversation re Gila Forest Plan Revision  ::  Public Meetings

    Quemado Ranger DistrictThe Gila National Forest is in the early stages of Forest Plan Revision and invites the public to participate in upcoming Community Conversations about the process. The end result will be a plan that describes the strategic direction for ...   

    Location  Quemado Consolidated School

    Contact  388-8201.

  • 05:30pm - 06:45pm  Gentle Yoga  ::  Health & Wellness

    Taught by Becky Glenn.   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • 07:00am - 09:00am  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 10:00am - 01:00pm  Community Conversation re Gila Forest Plan Revision  ::  Public Meetings

    Reserve Ranger DistrictThe Gila National Forest is in the early stages of Forest Plan Revision and invites the public to participate in upcoming Community Conversations about the process. The end result will be a plan that describes the strategic direction for ...   

    Location  Fair Building

    Contact  388-8201.

  • 11:30am - 12:45pm  Slow Flow Yoga  ::  Health & Wellness

    Taught by Becky Glenn.   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  Community Forum: "New Mexico Organic Farming Conference Round-up"  ::  Health & Wellness

    FREE and open to all.Carolyn Smith, long-time Outreach Coordinator for the Silver City Food Co-op, and Charmeine Wait will share what they learned at this year's conference, which will be beneficial to both commercial growers and backyard gardeners.Light refreshments are ...   

    Location  Silver City Food Co-op Satellite Space

    Contact  388-2343

  • 05:00pm - 08:00pm  Community Conversation re Gila Forest Plan Revision  ::  Public Meetings

    Glenwood Ranger DistrictThe Gila National Forest is in the early stages of Forest Plan Revision and invites the public to participate in upcoming Community Conversations about the process. The end result will be a plan that describes the strategic direction for ...   

    Location  Glenwood Community Park

    Contact  388-8201.

  • 06:00pm  Silver City Town Council  ::  Legal Notices

    http://w 2nd & 4th Tuesdays. Agenda available from Town Clerk.     

    Location  Grant County Administration Center

    Contact  575-534-6346

  • 06:00pm  TEA Party Quarterly Meeting  ::  Political

    Silver City/Grant County TEA Party Patriots will host Laura Schneberger, President of The Gila Livestock Growers Association, on the Wolf Reintroduction Program.All are invited to learn more about this controversial issue.   

    Location  Silver City Woman's Club

  • 07:00am - 09:00am  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 11:30am  Grant County Republican Women's Luncheon  ::  Political

    A guest from the Silver City Police Department (Captain Ed Reynolds or a representative from his office) will speak at the meeting.Open to the public. Cost is $10.   

    Location  WNMU Sunset Room, 2nd Floor Cafeteria

    Contact  313-7997

  • 03:30pm - 07:00pm  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 04:00pm - 06:00pm  Gila Family Medicine Open House  ::  Social Events

    Gila Regional Medical Center proudly announces the opening of Gila Family Medicine.Come meet board-certified family medicine physician John Stanley, MD, and Cynthia Moreno, CNP,who  offer care for the whole family.   

    Location  La Montano Plaza

    Contact  538-4842

  • 05:00pm - 08:00pm  Community Conversation re Gila Forest Plan Revision  ::  Public Meetings

    Silver City Ranger DistrictThe Gila National Forest is in the early stages of Forest Plan Revision and invites the public to participate in upcoming Community Conversations about the process. The end result will be a plan that describes the strategic direction ...   

    Location  Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center

    Contact  388-8201.

  • 06:00pm - 07:00pm  Gila Back Country Horseperson's Association Meeting  ::  Social Events

    2nd Wednesdays.Guests and interested parties welcome! Presentations on subjects related to horseback trail riding and packing in the Gila.    

    Location  Gila Regional Medical Center

  • 06:00pm - 07:30pm  NM 90/Hudson Street Bridge Reconstruction Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) with Interstate Highway Construction will be holding a public involvement meeting to discuss the NM 90/Hudson Street Bridge Reconstruction Project for Silver City, NM.The NMDOT and the contractor will provide detailed information regarding ...   

    Location  Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center

    Contact  (575) 525-7340

  • 07:00am - 09:00am  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 09:00am - 12:00pm  Community Conversation re Gila Forest Plan Revision  ::  Public Meetings

    Wilderness Ranger DistrictThe Gila National Forest is in the early stages of Forest Plan Revision and invites the public to participate in upcoming Community Conversations about the process. The end result will be a plan that describes the strategic direction for ...   

    Location  Little Toad Creek Inn & Tavern

    Contact  388-8201.

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  Community Forum: "New Mexico Organic Farming Conference Round-up"  ::  Health & Wellness

    FREE and open to all.Carolyn Smith, long-time Outreach Coordinator for the Silver City Food Co-op, and Charmeine Wait will share what they learned at this year's conference, which will be beneficial to both commercial growers and backyard gardeners.Light refreshments are ...   

    Location  Silver City Food Co-op Satellite Space

    Contact  388-2343

  • 04:00pm - 06:00pm  WildWorks  ::  Kids' Activity

    FREE. For youth ages 10+.Hangout for exploring, experimenting, creating, gaming, and more. Including but not limited to Lego Mindstorms, chess, electronics, 3D drawing, game programming.No registration required.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  538-3672

  • 05:00pm - 08:00pm  Community Conversation re Gila Forest Plan Revision  ::  Public Meetings

    Black Range Ranger DistrictThe Gila National Forest is in the early stages of Forest Plan Revision and invites the public to participate in upcoming Community Conversations about the process. The end result will be a plan that describes the strategic direction ...   

    Location  Sierra County Fairgrounds

    Contact  388-8201.

  • 05:30pm - 07:00pm  Green Drinks  ::  Political


    Location  Little Toad Creek Brewery

    Contact  575-538-1337

  • 06:00pm  ACLU-NM Regular Meeting  ::  Political

    All ACLU members and members of the public are invited to join us for dinner at 5:00 pm, followed by the business meeting at 6:00 pm.    

    Location  Little Toad Creek Brewery

    Contact  536-3092

  • 10:00am - 12:00pm  Open Computer Lab  ::  Education

    FREE. Learn, practice computer skills, and ask questions. Bring your own laptop or mobile device for troubleshooting.No registration required.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  538-3672

  • 10:30am  Silver City Woman's Club Meeting  ::  Social Events

    2nd Fridays.   

    Location  Silver City Woman's Club

    Contact  575-538-3452

  • 06:00pm  Movies at Light Hall  ::  Arts & Music

    FREE for WNMU students; community students - $1; adults - $2.Fridays, 6 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.Concession items available for sale. Movie titles:   

    Location  WNMU Light Hall

    Contact  538-6336

  • 07:00pm  St. Patty's Day Party!  ::  Arts & Music


    Location  VFW Silver City Bayard Post 3347

  • 08:00pm  The Oversouls  ::  Arts & Music

    Live Music.   

    Location  Little Toad Creek Brewery

  • 09:30pm  Movies at Light Hall  ::  Arts & Music

    FREE for WNMU students; community students - $1; adults - $2.Fridays, 6 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.Concession items available for sale. Movie titles:   

    Location  WNMU Light Hall

    Contact  538-6336

  • 09:00am - 02:00pm  Friends of the Library Quarterly Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Members only - 9:00 to 10:00 amOpen to the Public - 10:00 am to 2:00 pmThis sale includes: Great Courses on CD and tape priced from $3-$10. These are college level courses presented by distinguished lecturers.Excellent assortment of classic history and ...   

    Location  Friends of the Library Warehouse

  • 09:30am - 12:00pm  Guided History and Walking Tour of Old Fort Bayard - March 14  ::  Tours

    This guided history tour by Rocky Hildebrand and Cecilia Bell, of the Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society, will focus on immigrant soldiers and the laundresses, especially the Irish immigrants.The museum will be open for visitors also. Donations to this 501c3 ...   

    Location  Old Fort Bayard

  • 01:00pm  Commons Commercial Greenhouse Ribbon Cutting  ::  Social Events

    Join members of the Rotary Club of Silver City, community youth volunteers, and the board and staff of The Volunteer Center to celebrate the opening of the new commercial greenhouse at the Commons.The greenhouse will provide starts for the production ...   

    Location  The Commons

    Contact  388-2988

  • 01:30pm  Blooming Lotus Meditation Community Meeting  ::  Spiritual

    Mindful Living in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. Arrive before 1:30 pm. Dhana-gratitude offering only. All are welcome.   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-313-7417

  • 06:00pm  Movies at Light Hall  ::  Arts & Music

    FREE for WNMU students; community students - $1; adults - $2.Fridays, 6 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.Concession items available for sale. Movie titles:   

    Location  WNMU Light Hall

    Contact  538-6336

  • 09:30pm  Movies at Light Hall  ::  Arts & Music

    FREE for WNMU students; community students - $1; adults - $2.Fridays, 6 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.Concession items available for sale. Movie titles:   

    Location  WNMU Light Hall

    Contact  538-6336

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