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11:00am - 03:00pm Mimbres Culture Heritage Site - Winter Hours :: Tours
Location Mimbres Culture Heritage Site
Contact 575-536-3161
04:00pm Holiday Pot Luck at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City :: Spiritual
06:30pm Open Mic With Amos Torres :: Arts & Music
Location Diane's Parlor
08:00am - 09:00am Wonder Walkers :: Health & Wellness
Join a group of active seniors for an hour’s walk downtown.
Location Murray Ryan Visitor Center
09:00am - 01:30pm Alcohol Server Training Class :: Education
Location Border Area Mental Health Services
Contact Steve May 575-388-4497
12:05pm - 01:00pm New Hope Al-Anon Family Group :: Public Meetings
Location First Presbyterian Church
Contact Jerry 575-534-4866 or Matt 575-313-0330 or Diana 575-574-2311
12:15pm - 12:45pm Laughter Club :: Health & Wellness
Location Silver City Food Co-op
Contact Mary Ann Finn 575-388-0243.
12:15pm - 12:45pm Laughter Club :: Health & Wellness
Use the physical act of laughter to enhance your health. No jokes are used but lots of breathing, laughing and clapping.
Location Market Cafe Community Room
Contact 575-388-0243
05:30pm - 06:45pm Gentle Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location Lotus Center
11:30am - 12:45pm Slow Flow Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location Lotus Center
02:00pm - 04:00pm Gilawriters Expressive Writing Group :: Social Events
FREE All levels of writers welcome. Sponsored by the Southwest Festival of the Written Word at www.swwordfiesta.org and the Silver City Public Library.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-534-0207
04:00pm David Remley Book Talk and Signing :: Arts & Music
Location Silver City Public Library
06:30pm Scott van Linge :: Arts & Music
Location Diane's Parlor
08:00am - 09:00am Wonder Walkers :: Health & Wellness
Join a group of active seniors for an hour’s walk downtown.
Location Murray Ryan Visitor Center
10:30am Storytime For All Ages :: Kids' Activity
Location Silver City Public Library
01:00pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Beginners welcome, experts challenged.
Location Yankie Creek Coffee House
Contact 575-534-9355
04:00pm Lego Club :: Kids' Activity
Ages 4 - 10. Free, no registration needed.
Location Silver City Public Library
06:00pm Las Posadas Procession and Celebration :: Spiritual
Route will be on Bullard with stops to sing the traditional Posadas song, ending at the Murray Hotel for light refreshments. The public is invited.
Location Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
06:00pm - 07:00pm Wednesday Evening Al-Anon Family Group :: Public Meetings
Location Arenas Valley Church of Christ
Contact Tom 575-956-8731 or Karen 575-313-7094 or Dot 575-654-1643
06:30pm - 09:30pm Rick and Toni Perform Your Favorites :: Arts & Music
Hear some of your favorite tunes from the 50s, 60s and 70s.
Location Diane's Parlor
07:00pm - 08:30pm Acro Yoga with Kelsi Skee :: Health & Wellness
Wednesday evenings. $5 per session.
Location Lotus Center
Contact www.lotuscentersc.com/events.html
Grant County Administrative Offices Closed Dec. 24 and 25 :: Legal Notices
Regular business hours will resume Monday, Dec. 28. Contact the Grant County Dispatch Authority with questions pertaining to roads or law enforcement.
Contact 575-388-8840
11:30am - 12:45pm Vinyasa Flow Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location Lotus Center
07:00pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service :: Spiritual
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Carols and Scriptures Join us and bring your friends for this special service. Afterwards, move to Fellowship Hall to view a unique display of nativity sets and visit with friends over hot chocolate and cookies.
Location First Presbyterian Church
Grant County Administrative Offices Closed Dec. 24 and 25 :: Legal Notices
Regular business hours will resume Monday, Dec. 28. Contact the Grant County Dispatch Authority with questions pertaining to roads or law enforcement.
Contact 575-388-8840
08:00am - 09:00am Wonder Walkers :: Health & Wellness
Location Silver City Senior Center
05:30pm - 06:30pm Women's Al-Anon Meeting: Women Embracing Recovery :: Public Meetings
A Women's Feelings Meeting
Location La Clinica Health & Birth Center
Contact Karen 575-313-7094 or Hosana 575-313-1032
10:00am - 11:30am Vinyasa Flow Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location Lotus Center
01:30pm Blooming Lotus Meditation Community Meeting :: Spiritual
Mindful Living in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. Arrive before 1:30 pm. Dhana-gratitude offering only. All are welcome.
Location Lotus Center
Contact 575-313-7417
07:30pm - 11:00pm Roadrunners :: Arts & Music
Americana, County and Blues. Possible special guests.
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
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