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10:30am - 02:30pm Santa Clara/Historic Fort Bayard Visitors Center :: Social Events
Winter schedule, open Mondays and Fridays.
Location Santa Clara Armory
12:00pm - 01:00pm Rotary Club to Hear About Trauma and Substance Abuse Therapy :: Social Events
Teresa Dahlin, owner of the Trauma and Recovery Center, will talk to the Silver City Rotary Club about how people who haveexperienced trauma or substance abuse or have been in jail can be helped by therapy programs. Members of the public ...
Location WNMU Sunset Room, 2nd Floor Cafeteria
07:00pm PFLAG Meeting :: Social Events
The public is invited, and refreshments will be served. Attendees will hear about ongoing efforts to improve medical care for LGBTQ persons in the Grant County area and about work with WNMU to pursue a Center for Inclusion and Social Justice. ...
Contact 575-590-8797 or www.pflagsilver.org
01:00pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Beginners welcome, experts challenged.
Location Tranquil Buzz Coffee House
Contact 575-534-9355
06:00pm CANCELLED First Wednesday Veterans Dinner :: Social Events
United Methodist Campus Ministry invites all Veterans, as well as Veterans who are attending WNMU, and their families and friends to a free dinner. The dinners will be held monthly on the first Wednesday of the month when school is ...
Location First United Methodist Church
Contact 575-538-2371
07:00pm Silver City Photo Club Meeting :: Social Events
Ned Haws will talk about creating Panorama images using HDR and stitching techniques. Everyone is invited.
07:00pm Southwest New Mexico Audubon Society Meeting :: Social Events
Eileen Henry, fisheries technician for the US Forest Service, will discuss the Native Fish of New Mexico. She will focus on the issues that native New Mexican fish face and the management efforts to conserve them. Join us for this free, informative ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
05:30pm Green Drinks with the SW New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce :: Social Events
Our guest speaker will be Patrick Hoskins, president of Silver City MainStreet. He will present an overview and update of all of the MainStreet projects. Come hungry and order no-host drinks and other foods of your choice. Bring your friends, ...
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 575-538-1337 or
10:30am - 02:30pm Santa Clara/Historic Fort Bayard Visitors Center :: Social Events
Winter schedule, open Mondays and Fridays.
Location Santa Clara Armory
10:30am - 02:30pm Fort Bayard Museum Winter Hours :: Social Events
The Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society has announced that effective November 2, the Museum, located in the historic Hospital Commander’s house at Fort Bayard National Historic Landmark, will be open Saturdays only, from 10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Special hours and tours of the ...
Location Fort Bayard Museum
11:00am - 04:00pm 2020 Chocolate Fantasia: Cupid Carnaval :: Social Events
Visitors will find more than 25 downtown merchants and galleries decorated in the spirit of this year’s theme, Cupid Carnaval, and distributing chocolates. Tasting tickets offering 20 tastes for $25 are on sale now. Proceeds from the event benefit arts ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact 575-538-2505 or
02:00pm - 07:00pm Open House at Future Forge Makerspace :: Social Events
Everyone is welcome.
Location Future Forge Maker Space
03:00pm Remembering Susan Clair :: Social Events
Gather at The Commons to share memories and say a fond farewell.
Location The Commons
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