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10:00am "Pride Not Prejudice” - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship :: Public Meetings
What is the history of Pride celebrations? What is the current climate and legal status of rightsfor LGBTQIA+ persons in the United States?Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/80061-pride-not-prejudice-unitarian-universalist-fellowship
Location 3845 N Swan Street
10:00am - 05:00pm GCAG Creatures of the Gila art show :: Arts & Music
Grant County Art Guild - Creatures of the Gila art show. Grant County Art Guild Studio, 200 W Market, Silver City. Each piece of art in the “Creatures” show is paired with a description of the actual creature (mammal, fish, ...
10:00am - 11:00am Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Welcomes Children :: Kids' Activity
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City received a Chalice Lighters grant from the Mountain Desert District last spring to grow the Fellowship’s biweekly children’s program. UUFSC was awarded a matching grant of $4,125 to offset costs associated with compensation ...
Location 3845 N Swan Street
01:00pm - 04:00pm Little Toad Creek - Jason Dea West :: Arts & Music
Jason Dea West An American troubadour who sings what he lives and lives what he sings. Wests' poignant lyrics are brilliantly blended with vinatge country, folk, and blues, and timely sensibilities. From epic guitar and harmonica instrumentals, to humorous song ...
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
02:30pm - 03:30pm Silver City Scenius (community writing group) :: Arts & Music
Collaborative community writing group hosted by Francesca Regina. Beginners and all ages welcome (young children must be chaperoned).This is an open group that meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 2:30-3:30pm and then is followed by the open mic at ...
Location SWAG Thrift Shp
04:00pm Silver City Scenius (open mic) :: Arts & Music
Open mic for all ages (young children must be chaperoned). Writers, musicians, orators, actors, and other performance artists welcome. No microphone or electric plug-ins. Artists are responsible for their own instruments and setup within time allowed. Groups and bands are ...
Location SWAG Thrift Shp
09:00am Upper Gila Valley Arroyos Watershed District Meeting :: Public Meetings
The regular board meeting of the Upper Gila Valley Arroyos Watershed District will be held Monday, September 11, 2023; 9:00 a.m. at the Fire Station in Cliff, New Mexico. The meeting will also be available via Zoom.See full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/80020-board-meeting-of-the-upper-gila-valley-arroyos-watershed-district-september-11-2023
Location Gila/Cliff Fire Department
10:30am Widows Community Meeting :: Public Meetings
Widows Community welcomes friends and neighbors to our regular meeting.Cross Point Church, 11600 Hwy 180. Speaker Nancy Stephens, Imagination Library of Grant County.followed by lunch which is $14.00. Everyone welcome. Info: ileen@signalpeak.net
Location Cross Point Assembly of God Church
11:30am Republican Women to meet September 11, 2023 :: Public Meetings
The Republican Women are meeting at Republican Headquarters. Come join like-minded men and women for a brown-bag lunch. Monday is Patriot Day so it’s a good time to get off the couch and get involved.We’ll be discussing the slate of candidates for ...
Location Republican Party Headquarters
05:30pm Bayard City Council work session and regular meeting :: Legal Notices
The Bayard City Council will conduct a work session at 5:30 p.m. and a Regular Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Monday September 11, 2023 at the Bayard City Hall. Attendance of City Council members will be in ...
Location Bayard City Hall
09:00am GC Board of Commissioners Work Session Meeting :: Legal Notices
Grant County Board of Commissioners will convene in a Work Session Meeting. The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center located at 1400 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM 88061.Full legal notice:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/community/legals/80139-gc-board-of-commissioners-work-session-meeting-september-12-2023
Location Grant County Administration Center
10:00am Silver City Public Library - Babytime :: Kids' Activity
Stories, songs, rhymes and movement for infants 0-24 months and their caregivers. Made possible by Imagination Library.https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/79744-awesome-teen-and-children-programs-at-the-silver-city-public-library
Location Silver City Public Library
12:00pm - 01:00pm Rotary - Luis Terrazas, NM House of Representatives :: Public Meetings
Luis Terrazas will be speaking to the Rotary club on September 12, 2023. Terrazas is a member of the NM Representatives District 39. He owns Terrazas Funeral Chapel in Silver City. His topic will be: “The Evolution of the Funeral ...
Location Silver Bowling Center
04:00pm Silver City Public Library - The Secret of Nimh :: Kids' Activity
The movie is about a mouse who has to go on a great adventure to save her kid. This movie is about the power of family and good vs evil. There will be popcorn.Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/79744-awesome-teen-and-children-programs-at-the-silver-city-public-library
Location Silver City Public Library
06:00pm - 08:00pm Active Hope - “Thomas Berry and Climate Crisis” :: Education
Active Hope Continues211 W. Broadway“Thomas Berry and Climate Crisis”Everyone invitedFacilitated by Shirley Pevarnik 575-590-5561
Location Lotus Center
06:00pm Chino AOC Community Work Group Meeting :: Public Meetings
The Community Work Group (CWG) is a panel of community members interested in providing informed recommendations to decisions made under the Chino Administrative Order on Consent (AOC). The AOC is a voluntary, yet binding agreement between the New Mexico Environment ...
Location Bayard Community Center
06:00pm Town of Silver City Council Regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
Town of Silver City Council will hold their Regular Council Meeting at the Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Hwy. 180 East, Silver City, New Mexico. The public is invited to attend.Full legal notice:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/community/legals/80138-town-of-silver-city-regular-council-meeting-september-12-2023
Location Grant County Administration Center
10:00am Silver City Public Library - Storytime :: Kids' Activity
Stories, songs, and rhymes for children up to five years of age and their caregivers.https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/79744-awesome-teen-and-children-programs-at-the-silver-city-public-library
Location Silver City Public Library
11:30am - 12:45pm Trauma Informed Yoga for Everyone :: Health & Wellness
Trauma Informed Yoga for Everyone (a four-class series) with Diane Smith, LCSW, CYT Trauma has touched most of our lives in one way or another, either through our personal experiences or those of our loved ones. Its impact can be ...
Location Lotus Center
01:00pm - 02:30pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Gin RummyEvery Wednesday!:00 PM start - 2:30 PM or laterImprove your brain. Play Gin Rummy. We will be happy to teach you.
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 534-9355 for information.
02:30pm - 03:30pm Classic Gentle Yoga :: Health & Wellness
This class consists of yoga poses for posture improvement, flexibility and mental and physical relaxation. Suitable for all ages. Bring your mat and any props you use. Led by Colleen Stinar, a yoga instructorfor decades with training from many traditions.Cost: ...
Location Church of Harmony
Contact Colleen Stinar 575 574 5451
04:00pm - 06:00pm Mercado Farmers Market - Santa Clara :: Health & Wellness
The Mercado Farmers Market is happening for the summer on Wednesdays, in Santa Clara outside at the market booths on the corner of Ft Bayard St.and Oak St.The time is 4-6pm.It is free to sell your home grown produce or ...
Location The Mercado, Santa Clara, NM
04:00pm Patty Stevenson and Craig Siemsen will perform :: Arts & Music
CANCELLEDPatty Stevenson and Craig Siemsen will perform for the library at the Silco Theater. Gorgeous harmonies, impeccable musicianship, playful stage humor, and jewel-like original songs are the hallmark of this duo. Patty Stevenson is a classically trained pianist and finger ...
Location Silco Theater
05:30pm Entrepreneur Story Time: TGI Frybread :: Public Meetings
SILVER CITY, NM — Silver City MainStreet Project is excited to announce September's Kick-Ass Entrepreneurs — Silver City (KAE-SC) Story Time featuring TGI Frybread“I had the pleasure of eating their food for the Native American club fundraisers on campus,” said ...
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
09:00am GC Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
Grant County Board of Commissioners will convene in a Regular Meeting. The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center located at 1400 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM 88061.Full legal notice:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/community/legals/80140-gc-board-of-commissioners-regular-meeting-september-14-2023
Location Grant County Administration Center
01:00pm - 03:00pm Silver City Woodcarving Club :: Arts & Music
The Silver City Woodcarving Club will meet at the Grant County Extension office. Contact Keller at 575-313-1518 for more information. All interested in woodcarving or learning woodcarving are welcome.
Location Grant County Extension Office Conference Room
04:00pm SCS Board of Education Finance Committee Meeting :: Legal Notices
Silver Consolidated School Board of Education Finance Committee Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 14, 2023 beginning at 4:00 p.m. and will be followed by the Audit Committee Meeting (Closed Session) at 4:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of SCS ...
Location Silver Consolidated Schools Administration Building
04:00pm Silver City Public Library - Candy Sushi at Penny Park! :: Kids' Activity
Create a fake sushi roll with Rice Krispies, Swedish Fish, Tootsie Rolls and more! The Rice Krispy is your base but the rest is up to you!Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/79744-awesome-teen-and-children-programs-at-the-silver-city-public-library
Location Penny Park
05:00pm - 06:15pm TOPS NM #0288 - Take Off Pounds Sensible :: Health & Wellness
Starts with weigh in from 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM with Meeting and Program from 5:30 to 6:15 PM. It is a support group for individual on their weight lost journeyMeeting Place: American Legion Building, 409 West College Enter through ...
Location American Legion Post 18
Contact Judith Stanfield, 505-934-1339
05:00pm The Dementia Caregiver Support Group :: Public Meetings
The Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group is renaming itself The Dementia Caregiver Support Group. If you are caring for someone with one of the many types of dementia please join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at ...
Location Cross Point Assembly of God Church
Contact 575-590-1499
06:30pm Fort Bayard - Fall Film Series :: Arts & Music
Beginning August 31, the Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society resumes its traditional Thursday night free film series, with the showing of “The Naked Prey”, a 1965 adventure movie set in southern Africa. The fall series, which will run every week through ...
Location Santa Clara Armory
Contact 575-388-4862.
10:00am Creede Repertory Theater Young Audience Outreach Tour :: Kids' Activity
WNMUTEACHERS! To RSVP for your class please email cultural.affairs@wnmu.edu or call 575-538-6469The City Dog and the Prairie Dog is a bilingual musical for grades K-6, exploring themes of community and belonging. Expect to dance, laugh, and sing along, with lots ...
Location WNMU Fine Arts Theatre
10:00am WNMU Cultural Affairs - Creede Repertory Theater :: Arts & Music
Creede Repertory Theater Young Audience Outreach Tour: The City Dog and the Prairie DogFine Arts Center Theatre. FREETEACHERS! To RSVP for your class please email cultural.affairs@wnmu.edu or call 575-538-6469 The City Dog and the Prairie Dog is a bilingual musical for ...
Location WNMU Fine Arts Center
10:00am - 12:00pm San Francisco Soil & Water Conservation District :: Legal Notices
Here is a link for virtual attendance:San Francisco Soil & Water Conservation District Regular Meeting S ) Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://meet.goto.com/840623293 You can also dial in using your phone. Access Code: 840-623-293 United States: +1 (872) ...
03:00pm Book Signing Bayard Public Library - Quantum Pulse :: Arts & Music
In celebration of her upcoming book Quantum Pulse, Ria Bonneamie will read from her work at the Bayard Public Library. A book signing will follow.In her new release Quantum Pulse, Bonneamie relates seven arcane tales of the subconscious mind ranging ...
Location Bayard Public Library
07:00pm - 09:00pm Dance Workshop - Lotus Center :: Arts & Music
www.LotusCenterSC.org/Events/ - Dance Workshop Join Susanna Thaler Drogsvold of Boulder, Colorado for a Friday-Saturday Contact Improv Workshop!When: Introductory Session on Friday, September 15 from 7:00 to 9:00 PMDeeper Immersion on Saturday, September 16 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM, and 7:00 to ...
Location Lotus Center
07:00pm - 09:00pm Susanna Thaler Drogsvold - Contact Improv Workshop :: Arts & Music
Join Susanna Thaler Drogsvold of Boulder, Colorado for a Friday-Saturday Contact Improv Workshop! Introductory Session on Friday, September 15 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM Deeper Immersion on Saturday, September 16 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM, and 7:00 to 9:00 PMCost: Friday ...
Location Lotus Center
08:00pm - 11:00pm Little Toad Creek - Lottie and the Ohm Wreckers :: Arts & Music
Lottie and the Ohm WreckersSilver City's own Kas Nelson, Michele Parlee, and Billy Jack Dominguez team up with Nashville fiddle player, Jesse Stockman to provide a night of dance music in a variety of styles, including Motown, Blues, Country, and Swing.Full ...
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
08:00am - 11:00am Grant County Cloud Busters weekly meeting :: Social Events
Grant County Cloud Busters meets weekly at Fort Bayard Radio Control Airfield each Saturday, weather permitting at 8:30am. Radio Control Aircraft, Heli and Quads welcome. Academy of Model Aeronautics sanctioned club.
Contact John Capshaw at
09:00am - 12:00pm Pick It Up – Toss No Mas World Cleanup Day :: Health & Wellness
Pick It Up–Toss No Mas invites you to join us in celebrating World Cleanup Day with a community-wide cleanup at the Grant County Community Foundation parking lot. This year, join over 15 million people from all around the world who ...
Location Grant County Community Foundation
Contact Emily Cox at 575-538-8078
10:00am - 03:00pm CPC will host a Color Run fundraiser :: Fundraiser
CPC (Community Partnership for Children) will host a Color Run fundraiser. The event will be called the CPC’s September Spectac-Color Fun Run and its proceeds will ensure that all children in our community have access to quality and affordable early education ...
Location Bataan Memorial Park
10:00am - 02:00pm Makers Market at Main Street Plaza - Every Saturday :: Arts & Music
Makers Market at Main Street Plaza runs every Saturday in beautiful downtown Silver City from 10am to 2pm! Join us for incredible handcrafted, homemade, and homegrown products, local crafters and creators demonstrating their talents, live local musicians, food, and the ...
Location Main Street Plaza
10:00am - 12:00pm Mimbres Valley Farmers' Market Open for Business :: Health & Wellness
The 2023 Mimbres Valley Farmers' Market , at a temporary location, the Roundup Lodge in Mimbres, 91 Acklin Hill Rd, just west of the San Lorenzo Elementary School. The market charges no vendor fees, so growers, bakers, and preservers are ...
Location Round Up Lodge
10:00am Silver City Public Library - Color Run in Bayard :: Kids' Activity
This involves different distances for ages to run while playing with color paint powder. The Silver City Public Library will have a quiet corner where we will be doing a story time and a craft. The run is a fundraiser ...
Location Bayard Community Center
10:00am - 12:00pm Writing Workshop: Capturing Great Descriptions :: Education
Kris Neri will present the next workshop in The Write Stuff writing series, a 2-hour talk: Capturing Great Descriptions: Make Your Setting and Character Description Sparkle. It will be offered at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City, 3845 N ...
Location 3845 N Swan Street
11:00am Silver City MainStreet Project and the Youth Mural :: Arts & Music
The first mural to be dedicated on Saturday is located on the outside walls of the Main Street Plaza bathrooms. The second mural project, located on the back of the Oasis building, also highlights our rich riparian areas. The final ...
Location Main Street Plaza
01:00pm - 04:00pm Dance Workshop - Lotus Center :: Arts & Music
www.LotusCenterSC.org/Events/ - Dance Workshop Join Susanna Thaler Drogsvold of Boulder, Colorado for a Friday-Saturday Contact Improv Workshop!When: Introductory Session on Friday, September 15 from 7:00 to 9:00 PMDeeper Immersion on Saturday, September 16 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM, and 7:00 ...
Location Lotus Center
01:00pm - 04:00pm Susanna Thaler Drogsvold - Contact Improv Workshop :: Arts & Music
Introductory Session on Friday, September 15 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM Deeper Immersion on Saturday, September 16 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM, and 7:00 to 9:00 PMCost: Friday Session: Sliding scale off $10 to $20 The two Saturday Sessions: Sliding scale of ...
Location Lotus Center
07:00pm - 09:00pm Dance Workshop - Lotus Center :: Arts & Music
www.LotusCenterSC.org/Events/ - Dance Workshop Join Susanna Thaler Drogsvold of Boulder, Colorado for a Friday-Saturday Contact Improv Workshop!When: Introductory Session on Friday, September 15 from 7:00 to 9:00 PMDeeper Immersion on Saturday, September 16 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM, and 7:00 to ...
Location Lotus Center
07:00pm - 10:00pm Diamonds and Denim Ball :: Arts & Music
Fundraiser for the Silver City Museum at the Murray Hotel - Horizon Band & bar by Little Toad Creek. Tickets available at the Silver City Museum.See press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/events-calendars/local-events/80120-diamonds-and-denim-ball-september-16-2023
Location Murray Hotel
07:00pm - 09:00pm Susanna Thaler Drogsvold - Contact Improv Workshop :: Arts & Music
Introductory Session on Friday, September 15 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM Deeper Immersion on Saturday, September 16 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM, and 7:00 to 9:00 PMCost: Friday Session: Sliding scale off $10 to $20 The two Saturday Sessions: Sliding scale of ...
Location Lotus Center
07:00pm Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Jono Manson :: Arts & Music
Doors: 7:00pm / Music: 7:30pm Limited SeatingAn accomplished singer-songwriter, Manson has collaborated and played alongside Blues Traveler’s, Amanda Palmer, T Bone Burnett, Ray Wylie Hubbard, Bruce Springsteen, Taj Mahal, Emmylou Harris, and Joan Baez (to name a few). In Stars ...
Location Whiskey Creek Z+?calo
08:00pm - 11:00pm Little Toad Creek - Mineral Hill :: Arts & Music
Mineral Hill Mineral Hill was formed in 2017 in Albuquerque New Mexico. They bring salty Americana, funk, honky-tonk bossa nova, psychedelia, polk, New Mexico gothic, disco......Enthusiastic fans have described Mineral Hill as "surprisingly tolerable", "dork core", and the "house band ...
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
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