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August, 2024
  • Gin Rummy  ::  Social Events

    Improve your brain. Play Gin Rummy. We will be happy to teach you.   

    Location  Little Toad Creek Brewery

  • Community Partnership for Children Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    The meeting of the Community Partnership for Children Watts Hall, 500 E 18th St, Silver City, New Mexico. You may attend in-person or VIA Zoom.Full legal notice     

    Location  WNMU Watts Hall

  • Computer Class-Basics Silver City Public Library  ::  Education

    The Silver City Public Library will hold a computer class covering the most essential parts of computer usage for beginners such as mouse usage, keyboard usage, and file and folder structure. Class size is limited, so sign up in person ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • F!ght L!ght A G!rl, Trauma Informed Class   ::  Health & Wellness

    Learning to Understand What Trauma is and How It Impacts Mental, Physical and Social Wellness – Ashton Justice, Instructor   

  • F!ght L!ght A G!rl, Trauma-informed Healing Yoga  ::  Health & Wellness

    Yoga L!ke a G!rl – Trauma-informed Healing Yoga - Wednesday – 6:00/7:00 PmYoga L!ke a G!rl – Trauma-informed Healing Yoga – Thursday – 6:00 Pm/7:00 PmAshton Justice, Instructor   

  • Auditions for "Eleemosynary"  ::  Arts & Music

    Auditions will take place by self-tape and Zoom.Characters are: Dorothea a woman of means in her 50s. - Artie her daughter, 30s, and Echo the granddaughter, late teens. August 18-22 Full press release     

    Contact  Jim at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303-349-8727.

  • Tai Chi (Modified) class  ::  Health & Wellness

    Liz Mikols teaches a simplified form of Tai Chi, as modified by Dr. Fuzhong Li. This evidence-based exercise improves balance, flexibility, strength and resistance to falls. Chairs provided for those who need to rest during class. Some exercises done seated. All welcome; no ...   

    Location  WNMU Alumni Garden

  • Lotus Center hosting a weekly Caregivers Support Group  ::  Public Meetings

    As the Baby Boomer generation continues to age, the number of caregivers experiencing these challenges will continue to rise. Most of these caregivers are daughters or sons who live near their parents; these adult children provide, on average, 24 hours ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • Silver City Public Library Come Imagine, Design  ::  Kids' Activity

    Come Imagine, Design, Make with us. Learn about putting plans in motion See full press release and list of events   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregivers' Support Group   ::  Public Meetings

    The August meeting of the Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregivers' Support Group will be on Thursday, August 22 at 5pm at Cross Point Church. Questions? Call Linda Brake 575-590-1499.   

    Location  Cross Point Assembly of God Church

  • F!ght L!ght A G!rl, Trauma-informed Healing Yoga  ::  Health & Wellness

    Yoga L!ke a G!rl – Trauma-informed Healing Yoga - Wednesday – 6:00/7:00 PMYoga L!ke a G!rl – Trauma-informed Healing Yoga – Thursday – 6:00 PM/7:00 PMAshton Justice, Instructor   

  • Village of Santa Clara Council Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    See full agenda     

    Location  Santa Clara Village Administration Building

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo Nikki Diamonds / Marley Hale 2 full bands  ::  Arts & Music

    Nicky Diamonds is an accomplished musician who specializes in the Country, Americana, and Alt Country genres. Diamonds has grabbed audiences with his passionate lyrics, evocative melodies, and honest emotion thanks to his soulful and genuine style.Full press release and schedule   

    Location  Whiskey Creek Z+?calo

  • Chiricahua Apache National Foundation live radio conversations slated  ::  Education

    Chiricahua Apache National Foundation to participate in live radio conversations on the powwow and current issues.See pdf flyer:   

  • Rosedale MDWCA Board of Directors Board Meeting   ::  Legal Notices

    The Rosedale MDWCA Board of Directors will hold a Board Meeting at theSilver City Library. They will discuss items on the Agenda, The Board of Directors may elect to gointo Executive Session pursuant to 10-51-1, H1 through 9 NMSA 1978. ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • Pick It Up – Toss No Mas August Community Cleanup  ::  Health & Wellness, Public Meetings

    Calling all community volunteers! Join Silver City's Pick It Up–Toss No Mas for our August Community Cleanup, Saturday, August 24th, 2024. Together we can keep Silver City clean and beautiful! Volunteers should meet at the Grant County Community Foundation parking ...   

    Location  Grant County Community Foundation

  • Mimbres Farmers Market  ::  Arts & Music

    new 4-acre Mimbres Marketplace, 2743 Hwy 35, to also include a small grocery store. See Flyer for market:         

    Location  Mimbres Marketplace, 2743 Hwy 35

  • Silver City Public Library family movie   ::  Kids' Activity

    Come watch a family movie with us. This one is about friendship and adventure.See full press release and list of events   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • WNMU Welcome Back Bash The Mango Cakes and DJ Dirty Verbs  ::  Arts & Music

    FREE- no tickets required The Mango Cakes hail from the vibrant streets of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Their Music is a delectable fusion of pop and soul with a sprinkle of funk. With years of success and experience, they have ...   

    Location  WNMU - Regents Square

  • Hike L!ke A G!rl  ::  Health & Wellness

    Hike L!ke a G!rl – Meet at Flag Headquarters at 7:00 AM Hike Will Be at the Back Side of Signal Peak, Approximately 8 to 11 Miles Long, Hike Leader Esperanza Quintero – Bring Your Hiking Gear and Water – ...   

This calendar will feature events and happenings in SW New Mexico and SE Arizona. 

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