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June, 2024
  • Grant County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting   ::  Legal Notices

    The Grant County Board of Commissioners will convene in a Regular Meeting. The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM 88061.  The agenda for the ...   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center

  • Lotus Center hosting a weekly Caregivers Support Group  ::  Public Meetings

    As the Baby Boomer generation continues to age, the number of caregivers experiencing these challenges will continue to rise. Most of these caregivers are daughters or sons who live near their parents; these adult children provide, on average, 24 hours ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • Silver Consolidated School Board of Education Finance Committee Meeting   ::  Legal Notices

    Will be held in the Conference Room of SCS Admin Building 2810 N. Swan St., Silver City, NM 88061, for the transaction of the following business: approval of agenda; information/presentations/reports.Full legal notice:   

    Location  Silver Consolidated Schools Administration Building

  • Grant County ICIP Public Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    The Board of County Commissioners is requesting public input on projects for inclusion in the localInfrastructure Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2026-2030Pdf flyer with all times and locations:   

    Location  Grant County Fair Grounds

  • TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensible)  ::  Public Meetings

    Meets on Thursdays  -  Weigh in: 5:15 to 5:30 PM  -  Meeting: 5:30 to 6:25 PMTOPS is a support group for your journey to a healthier life style. Meets at the American Legion on College Ave.  Enter through the rear ...   

    Location  American Legion Post 18

    Contact  Judith Stanfield at 505 934-1339

  • Village of Santa Clara Regualar Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    See pdf   

    Location  Santa Clara Village Administration Building

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Era Snow & Cuerdas   ::  Arts & Music

    Era Snow is a singer-songwriter originally from Ruidoso, New Mexico. Her music has been described as sultry, soothing, and hypnotic. Ranging between various genres, she translates covers into her lullaby, trance-like style and performs her collection of original music.Full new release:   

    Location  Whiskey Creek Z+?calo

  • Hospitality Industry Training  ::  Education

    Hospitality Industry Training: (Session 1) February 22 – March 21 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m. -noon (Session 2) June 5 – July 3 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m.-noon.Hospitality Industry Training includes a free 5-part training series that provides ...   

  • San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District  ::  Public Meetings

    Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.  -  You can also dial in using your phone. Access Code: 854-913-581 United States: +1 (224) 501-3412 Full news release and agenda:   

    Location  Fire Training Center, Reserve, NM

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Kara Granger – Full Band  ::  Arts & Music

    Kara Grainger is an Australian soul blues and roots rock singer-songwriter, based out of Nashville, Tennessee. She played with the Papa Lips band starting in 1994. In 1998, they were awarded the "Best New Band" award at the Australian Blues ...   

    Location  Whiskey Creek Z+?calo

  • Hospitality Industry Training  ::  Education

    Hospitality Industry Training: (Session 1) February 22 – March 21 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m. -noon (Session 2) June 5 – July 3 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m.-noon.Hospitality Industry Training includes a free 5-part training series that provides ...   

  • Pick It Up – Toss No Mas Community Clean  ::  Public Meetings

    Calling all volunteers! You’re invited to join Silver City's Pick It Up–Toss No Mas for our June Community Cleanup. Gather your friends and family and help us work to keep Silver City cleanFull news release:   

    Location  Grant County Community Foundation

  • Hospitality Industry Training  ::  Education

    Hospitality Industry Training: (Session 1) February 22 – March 21 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m. -noon (Session 2) June 5 – July 3 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m.-noon.Hospitality Industry Training includes a free 5-part training series that provides ...   

  • Mastery Mindset - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship  ::  Public Meetings

    Cari Lemon will explain how to understand the patterns that create our current life results and will detail the first steps we can take to create the results we would love to have in our lives. “We experience feelings of ...   

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Larry & Joe Appalachian Folk and Traditional Venezuelan Fusion  ::  Arts & Music

    Larry & Joe were destined to make music together. As a duo they perform a fusion of Venezuelan and Appalachian folk music on harp, banjo, cuatro, fiddle, maracas, guitar, upright bass, and whatever else they decide to throw in the ...   

    Location  Whiskey Creek Z+?calo

  • Hospitality Industry Training  ::  Education

    Hospitality Industry Training: (Session 1) February 22 – March 21 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m. -noon (Session 2) June 5 – July 3 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m.-noon.Hospitality Industry Training includes a free 5-part training series that provides ...   

  • Silver City Public Library Fall and Winter Garden Planning presentation  ::  Education

    Sponsored by the Southwest New Mexico Seed Library. Learn when and how to plant seeds for cool weather crops and how to care for your fall garden, so you can harvest until it's time to plant again in the spring. ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • Grant Soil and Water Conservation District   ::  Public Meetings

    The meeting will be held at the NRCS Building; 3082 32nd Street Bypass; Suite C; Silver City, NM  88061.   The meeting is open to the public. To request a copy of the agenda or for more information, please call 575-388-1569 ...   

    Location  NRCS Building

  • Bill and Dalue Mize of Indian Springs Ranch speak to Rotary   ::  Public Meetings

    Indian Springs Ranch is located in the Mimbres Valley. Its mission is to provide first responders, veterans, and active-duty service members a quiet guest ranch experience utilizing equine therapy methods and scenic beauty to soothe the soul.Full new release:   

    Location  WNMU Student Memorial Building

  • Hospitality Industry Training  ::  Education

    Hospitality Industry Training: (Session 1) February 22 – March 21 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m. -noon (Session 2) June 5 – July 3 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m.-noon.Hospitality Industry Training includes a free 5-part training series that provides ...   

This calendar will feature events and happenings in SW New Mexico and SE Arizona. 

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