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Grant County Board of Commissioners Regular Session

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Thursday, June 13, 2019, 09:00am


I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance & Salute to State Flag

III. Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda

IV. Presentations

a. Sergeant Mannaul Maldonado Commendation

V. Elected Officials’ Reports

VI. Public Input

• During this portion of our meeting, we welcome your suggestions and want to hear your concerns. This is not a question and answer period; speakers will be limited to five (5) minutes. Any individual who would like to discuss an item in more depth may request to be placed on a future agenda. Request forms are available in the County Manager’s Office.

VII. Approval of Minutes

b. May 29, 2019, Special Meeting Minutes

c. May 16, 2019, Regular Meeting Minutes

VIII. New Business

d. Grant County Trail Priority Interest Expressed by Selected Community, Business Leaders and User Groups – Marcy DeMillion

e. Bataan Park Pavilion Project Quote

IX. Agreements

f. Consideration of Agreement No. A-19-18; Master Purchase, License and Services Agreement with Colossus, Inc. (dba Jail Tracker) for Jail Management System Services at the Grant County Detention Center

g. Consideration of Agreement No. A-19-24; between the State of New Mexico, Department of Finance and Administration, Regarding the DWI Grant Agreement Program No. 20-D-G-10

h. Consideration of Agreement No. A-19-25; between the State of New Mexico Tourism Department (NMTD) and Grant County Commissioners Lodgers Tax Committee for Marketing and Advertising Grant, Fiscal Year 2019-2020

X. Resolutions

i. Consideration of Amendment to Resolution No. R-17-40; Correcting Designation of the Polling Places for the 2018-2019 Primary and General Elections

j. Consideration of Resolution R-19-36; Authorizing and Acknowledging the Terms and Conditions of a Grant Agreement by and between Grant County, NM and New Mexico Counties for the 2019-2020 Community Wildfire Protection Plan Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant Program

k. Consideration of Resolution No. R-19-37; Establishing New Precincts in Grant County

l. Consideration of Resolution No. R-19-38; Designating the Location of Election Day Polling Places for all Statewide Elections Conducted in 2020 and 2021; Appointing the Board of Registration Members for the County

m. Consideration of Resolution No. R-19-39; A Resolution to Enter Into a Cooperative Agreement Between the County of Grant and the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Project CAP, Year 2019-2020, to Patch Roadways, Overlay, and Lay Single Penetration Chip Seal with Drainage, Shoulder Improvements, and Striping of Roads Within Grant County

n. Consideration of Resolution No. R-19-40; A Resolution to Enter Into a Cooperative Agreement Between the County of Grant and the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Project SP, Year 2019-2020, to Install an 80 foot Prefabricated Bridge

o. Consideration of Resolution No. R-19-41; A Resolution to Enter Into a Cooperative Agreement Between the County of Grant and the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Project SB, Project 2019-2020, to Patch Roadways, Lay Single Penetration Chip Seal, with Drainage, Shoulder Improvements, and Striping of Roads Within Grant County

p. Consideration of Resolution No. R-19-42; A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Grant County, New Mexico, Authorizing the Submission of a New Mexico Community Development Block Grant Program Application to the Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division; and Authorizing the Commission Chair to Act as the County's Chief Executive Officer and Authorized Representative in all Matters Pertaining to the County's Participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program

q. Consideration of Resolution No. R-19-43; Declaring an Emergency and Requesting Emergency Funding for the Hanover Mutual Domestic Water Consumer Association

XI. Bids and Requests for Proposals (RFP)

r. Award/Reject RFP 19-05; Airport Engineering Services

XII. Commissioners Reports

XIII. Executive Session in Accordance with NMSA 1978 10-15-1 H

s. Disposal of Real Property – NMSA 1978 10-15-1 H (8)

XIV. Any Action Necessary as a Result of Closed Executive Session

XV. Adjournment

Note: In accordance with County Resolution 19-01, Work Session and Regular Meeting agendas may be altered up to thirty-six (36) hours prior to the meeting. Special Meeting agendas may be altered up to seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting. Copies can be obtained from the Office of the county Manager.

Location Grant County Administration Center
1400 Hwy. 180 East
Silver City

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