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Wednesday, January 11, 2023, 04:00pm |
Southwest Word Fiesta in partnership with Western New Mexico University will kick off the year with a hybrid presentation by WNMU Museum Director Danielle Romero on January 11, titled "Hidden Word of the Mimbres: Glimpses of Daily Life Through Pottery" starting at 4PM MST.
The description of Romero’s talk is as follows: “Archaeological remnants of the Mimbres and their early pit house villages date back to circa A.D. 200. The Classic period (A.D. 1000-1300), with above ground cobble masonry pueblos and high diversity in artifacts, marks the height of the culture before the area is largely depopulated. Although they did not leave behind a written record, they left a plethora of cultural material including their black-on-white pottery that is known the world over. Most notably, are those that portray naturalistic images. This talk looks at both whole vessels and ceramic sherds that display these images and how archaeologists use these pieces to inform on the daily lives of the Mimbres people. This information can then be further explored through other items made, used, and left by the Mimbres.”
To register for this event visit: https://wnmu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIoc-uqqjMiEtLl2oWlSYUMrCSfN8Cc5DCh
Romero is a native of southern California and was named director of the WNMU Museum in March of 2022. She has spent the previous eleven years managing collections for the State Historic Preservation Office in Nevada and is a PhD candidate at the University of Nevada with a focus on Mimbres pottery. Her studies have led to nine consecutive summers working on a variety offield projects in the Mimbres Valley and Silver City. Since 2015, she has co-authored several journal articles relating to her work. She is currently at work on two more publications: Ceramics in La Gila Encantada and Children in Mimbres Society.
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